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Trondheim Jazz Orchestra - Trondheim Jazz Orchestra with Sofia Jernberg & Olav Luksengård Mjelva (2019)

Posted By: varrock
Trondheim Jazz Orchestra - Trondheim Jazz Orchestra with Sofia Jernberg & Olav Luksengård Mjelva (2019)

Trondheim Jazz Orchestra - Trondheim Jazz Orchestra with Sofia Jernberg & Olav Luksengård Mjelva (2019)
WEB FLAC (tracks) - 285 MB | Tracks: 6 | 50:03 min
Style: Jazz | Label: Heilo

With the team they have the renowned and versatile Trondheim Jazz Orchestra. The project is based on enlarging the detail richness of the solo hardening flaw game - which has traditionally been the most common way to use hardening flaws. The large ensemble acts as a magnifying glass where they look for the details, then mix, throw it around and evaluate. With Olav and the hardening fella in the center.
In addition to the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, they have Alexander Zethson and Lene Grenager on the team, where the latter have arranged several songs. The remaining songs are arranged by Explosive jazz music centered around the HardingfelaSofia itself.
The album was recorded in 2014, the ensemble has played several concerts together, the project premiered at Vossajazz in 2012, Riksscenen and Umeå Jazz Festival in 2013, and later played at Stockholm Jazz festival, 2014.


01. Den lunefulle / Den eldste / Langaakeren
02. Pols etter Marta-Johannes
03. Den som rulla etter golvet
04. Skøren
05. Fuggelen
06. Københavneren

FILE: 01. Den lunefulle _ Den eldste _ Langaakeren.flac
Size: 75786994 Hash: 07F132FC9D19517336831D257CAD5BFA Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: F058435068B6E2CEBA3B8BD6DC6351E0EF40E958
FILE: 02. Pols etter Marta-Johannes.flac
Size: 37072851 Hash: EEAD29492DE0B03F3C19EFA4F20B789C Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 6682FF3CE4922F455703C801FA78D03495B17173
FILE: 03. Den som rulla etter golvet.flac
Size: 58555936 Hash: 55AC0BFE7BAAF20475E4D42DEB7318EC Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 99EB06B6014F38B5EC3ADA7B8BD1931571E4E335
FILE: 04. Skøren.flac
Size: 48745636 Hash: 0704262C52B5837E786B55F0ADD23F68 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 99%
Signature: 13FE23AF9EDBF5CA430FBEC9418E595DBAE30C57
FILE: 05. Fuggelen.flac
Size: 49896072 Hash: 1B375C0342D8FBF8AD437AAA127725AD Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: E1390553ED162A00C921EC8584872078DEA04C27
FILE: 06. Københavneren.flac
Size: 29201255 Hash: 277AD47BE4E92DA3A530CDD031A9525C Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: 7B2FD907220DB05E95148B85361A8A4884345AA0