Embodiment - Moving beyond mindfulness by Mark Walsh
November 24, 2019 | ISBN: 1916249221 | English | 192 pages | EPUB | 0.8 MB
November 24, 2019 | ISBN: 1916249221 | English | 192 pages | EPUB | 0.8 MB
In our frenzied world, it’s easy to lose touch with our bodies. Often rushing, feeling tense and off-balance, brutalised by overwork, lacking community, and hooked on technology; many of us find ourselves disconnected. But something can be done about the numbing of modern life. This is where embodiment comes in.
Beyond just being mindful, you can make friends with your body and feel at home again in your own skin. Your body can be an anchor of sanity in turbulent times, and give you Jedi-freakin powers beyond merely coping. This book offers you a no-nonsense toolkit, clearly explaining what the hell embodiment is, and providing practical tips to help you to reconnect. Illustrated with evocative poems and the author's own story of war, love and loss; this book is a deeply personal overview of the emerging field. It shows how yoga, meditation, dance and other embodied practices link together, and offers a clear map to cut the hippie c**p, and make sense of the complexity. Feeling human again is catching on. A gentle revolution of returning home to the body is happening. The movement movement has begun and every BODY is welcome.
Mark Walsh is the founder of The Embodied Facilitator Course, Embodied Yoga Principles, The Embodiment Podcast and The Embodiment Conference. With an honours degree in psychology, 20+ years of yoga experience and an aikido black belt, he has dedicated his life to embodied learning. He has taught everyone from street kids to the rich and famous, in over 50 countries. His hobbies include offending pirates with his swearing, impressing cats with his stroking, and embarrassing drunks with his dancing.
“A brilliant book, distilling decades of embodied exploration with a unique blend of wisdom, wit, irreverence, and humour.” - Joel & Michelle Levey, founders Wisdom at Work, authors of “Mindfulness, Meditation, and Mind Fitness”
“Fun, accessible, fresh, while still grounded and full of profound insight, Embodiment is a must-read for all humans." - Jessica Graham, Author of “Good Sex: Getting Off without Checking Out”