"Trade and Global Market" ed. by Vito Bobek
ITExLi | 2019 | ISBN: 1789238447 9781789238440 1789238439 9781789238433 | 163 pages | PDF | 5 MB
ITExLi | 2019 | ISBN: 1789238447 9781789238440 1789238439 9781789238433 | 163 pages | PDF | 5 MB
International capital flows have become significantly important since the increasing trend in globalization of the early 1990s. The diversified global market has become one single market, the investment sector has strengthened itself and countries have started to allow investment inflows for economic growth.
Empirical studies have revealed that political instability, political regimes and the quality of existing institutions, in addition to the transition procedure of a nation itself, have a deterministic effect on the linkage of economic growth and corruption. Additionally, exchange rate volatility can determine the amount of exchange rate risk that firms can be opposed to; therefore, exchange rate volatility is a crucial issue that should be monitored by central banks to prevent contagion of negative microeconomic developments to macroeconomic activity and stability. The significant transformation of banking markets raises many questions regarding the motives of financial organisations to finance SMEs, for example what are the factors that have an impact on these organisations' choice and market strategies?
1.Introductory Chapter
2.Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Transition Economies
3.The Effect of Taxation, Specialization, and Entrepreneurial Activities on International Trading
4.Location Choice of Inward FDIs in Korea: The Case of Japanese FDIs with Unexpected Shock in Home
5.Corruption, Causes and Consequences
6.Analysis of the Role of Exchange Rate Volatility in Monetary Policy Conduction in OECD Countries: Empirical Evidence from Panel-VAR Models
7.Impacts of Exchange Rate Volatility on Macroeconomic and Financial Variables: Empirical Evidence from PVAR Modeling
8.Struggles of Rural Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises for Bank Finance: Role of District Industries Centres in India
9.On Simulation of Various Effects in Consolidated Order Book
10.Can Fundamental Analysis Provide Relevant Information for Understanding the Underlying Value of a Company?
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