«The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe» by Howard Lovecraft
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English | EPUB | 2.5 MB
WHATS INCLUDED:THE COMPLETE FICTION OF H. P. LOVECRAFTThe Nameless City The Festival The Colour Out of Space The Call of Cthulhu The Dunwich Horror The Whisperer in Darkness The Dreams in the Witch House The Haunter of the Dark The Shadow Over Innsmouth The Shadow Out of Time At the Mountains of Madness The Case of Charles Dexter Ward Azathoth Beyond the Wall of Sleep Celephais Cool Air Dagon Ex Oblivione Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family From Beyond He Herbert West-Reanimator Hypnos In the Vault Memory Nyarlathotep Pickmana-s Model The Book The Cats of Ulthar The Descendant The Doom That Came to Sarnath The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath The Evil Clergyman The Horror at Red Hook The Hound The Lurking Fear The Moon-Bog The Music of Erich Zann The Other Gods The Outsider The Picture in the House The Quest of Iranon The Rats in the Walls The Shunned House The Silver Key The Statement of Randolph Carter The Strange High House in the Mist The Street The Temple The Terrible Old Man The Thing on the Doorstep The Tomb The Transition of Juan Romero The Tree The Unnamable The White Ship What' the Moon Brings Polaris The Very Old Folk Ibid Old Bugs Sweet Ermengarde, or, The Heart of a Country Girl A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson The History of the Necronomicon THE COMPLETE FICTION OF EDGAR ALLAN POETHE TALESMetzengersteinThe Duc De L'omeletteA Tale of JerusalemLoss of BreathBon-BonMs. Found in a BottleThe AssignationBereniceMorellaLionizingThe Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans PfaalKing PestShadow: A ParableFour Beasts In One: The Homo-cameleopardMystificationSilence — A FableLigeiaHow to Write a Blackwood ArticleA PredicamentThe Devil in the BelfryThe Man That Was Used UpThe Fall of the House of UsherWilliam WilsonThe Conversation of Eiros and CharmionWhy the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a SlingThe Business ManThe Man of the CrowdThe Murders in the Rue MorgueA Descent into the MaelströmThe Island of the FayThe Colloquy of Monos and UnaNever Bet the Devil Your HeadEleonoraThree Sundays in a WeekThe Oval PortraitThe Masque of the Red DeathThe Landscape GardenThe Mystery of Marie RogêtThe Pit and The PendulumThe Tell-Tale HeartThe Gold-BugThe Black CatDiddlingThe SpectaclesA Tale of the Ragged MountainsThe Premature BurialMesmeric RevelationThe Oblong BoxThe Angel of the OddThou Art the ManThe Literary Life of Thingum Bob, EsqThe Purloined LetterThe Thousand-and-Second Tale of ScheherazadeSome Words with a MummyThe Power of WordsThe Imp of the PerverseThe System of Doctor Tarr and Professor FetherThe Facts in the Case of M. ValdemarThe SphinxThe Cask of AmontilladoThe Domain of ArnheimMellonta TautaHop — FrogVon Kempelen and his DiscoveryX-ing a ParagraphLandor's CottageTHE NOVELSNarrative of A. Gordon PymThe Journal of Julius RodmanThis version has been optimized for readability and includes: BEAUTIFUL FORMATTING There is plenty of white-space which makes reading easy on the eyes. FULLY FEATURED TABLE OF CONTENTS The full Table of Contents appears at the beginning of the book and can be accessed through the MENU or GO TO button. EPUBCHECKThe book successfully passes EpubCheck, developed by the IDPF. The International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) is the global trade and standards organization dedicated to the development and promotion of electronic publishing and content consumption.