«T.H.I.N.K. More» by Jan O'Neil
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English | EPUB | 0.4 MB
The must-have business book. Underneath your polished exterior is a challenged caveperson fending off the mammoth beast of technology every day. Defend yourself by fueling your mind with smart communication concepts, many of which are powered by research in neuroscience and psychology. You'll discover T.H.I.N.K. isn't a stiff ho-hum rules book—it’s the Elements of Style guide for communication success. You’ll learn:
Why we are drawn to technology and how to manage itHow to reduce your screen time and be more productive Think, create, and brainstorm wisely and often Experience positive communication Get the messages you want, send the messages they want Write to capture your reader’s attention and keep itT.H.I.N.K. is a must-have business book for every busy, business professional.
Good news! You don’t have to T.H.I.N.K. alone! Use this resourceful guide to create a communications plan with your team and experience the benefits of partying working like it’s 1999!