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Step By Step Api Automation Using Restassured & Java

Posted By: ELK1nG
Step By Step Api Automation Using Restassured & Java

Step By Step Api Automation Using Restassured & Java
Last updated 7/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 4.06 GB | Duration: 14h 24m

Rest Assured with BDD Framework| Detailed Java Programming | Realtime Scenario | Interview Questions | Maven | CI/CD

What you'll learn
End to End REST API automation using REST ASSURED and JAVA Programming
Design REST API Testing automation framework from scratch
Practical knowledge of basic to advance level of Java Programming
Detailed understanding of Java Concepts, Programming and its implementation in RestAssured
Able to crack REST ASSURED interviews with Java Programming skills
Basics of any programming knowledge
Basics understanding of REST API, its implementation and Testing
Basic understanding of API Manual Testing
REST Assured API is one of the most popular library when it comes to automating the REST APIs. Most of the today's web applications are backed by the Micro services architecture and the REST APIs.REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. REST is web standards based architecture and uses HTTP Protocol for data communication.In REST architecture, a REST Server simply provides access to resources and REST client accesses and presents the resources.What topics are covered in this course?API Basics JSON & JSON PathEnd to End SetupJava Programming BasicsRest Assured - Setup, Write Test CaseRest Assured - Test Case in TestNG formatRest Assured - Assertion (On header, body and status code)Serialization & De-serialization: POJOsHashMap to JSON objectArrayList to JSON arrayComplex POJO ExampleFull JSON body matchingParameterization using TestNG Data providerRest Assured - Request SpecificationRest Assured - Response SpecificationRest Assured - Automate Post, Put, DelRest Assured - Multiple ways to send request payloadRest Assured - Complex JSON in request bodyRest Assured - Request ParametersRest Assured - JSON Schema ValidationRest Assured - Logging FiltersRest Assured - ConfigsFramework DesignCode ManagementJenkins IntegrationJava CoverageOOPS ConceptsExcel HandlingDatabase HandlingTestNG Basic to ExpertCollectionsSerialization & De-serialization: POJOsHashMap to JSON objectArrayList to JSON arrayComplex POJO ExampleFull JSON body matchingFramework Development->BDD Framework with FeaturesScalable Framework StructureConfigurationsReportingAutomate positive and negative scenariosData driven using TestNG Data ProviderCucumber ImplementationBest PracticesProperty and ConfigurationIntegration with GitIntegration with JenkinsTool, Library & TechnologyEclipseRest AssuredTestNGCucumberReportingJavaAllure ReportsOutcome of this course1. Expertise in Java Programming2. Expertise in API Concepts3. Able to design End to End API Automation Framework4.  Ready to face Automation interviews


Section 1: Course Introduction

Lecture 1 Agenda of this Course

Section 2: ***** STEP 1 ***** WebService/API Basics | Advantage

Lecture 2 What is WebService

Lecture 3 WebService Example

Lecture 4 Advantage of WebService over WebBased Application

Lecture 5 Difference between API and WebService

Lecture 6 Different type of Services : Soap and Rest

Lecture 7 Micro Service Introduction

Lecture 8 Understand UDDI

Section 3: ****STEP 2 ****Java Environment Setup {Skip this Section if comfortable in Java}

Lecture 9 Java(JDK) Installation on Windows Machine

Lecture 10 Eclipse Installation : Setup environment for Code Writing

Lecture 11 Environment Setup- Rest Assured

Lecture 12 Setup Sample Applications for Practice

Section 4: Eclipse & Java Introduction | Lets Start basic programming

Lecture 13 Introduction to Eclipse | Walkthrough to Eclipse Environment

Lecture 14 Start Java programming - Project & Package

Lecture 15 How to Define Variables & Constants in Java

Lecture 16 What is Class ? & How to access class members by using Object

Lecture 17 Methods(Functions) in Detail : Different types of Methods

Lecture 18 Constructor | What is Constructor and How to Write Constructor

Lecture 19 Where to use Constructors (Practical Usecase)

Lecture 20 Read data from user at runtime : Take User Input

Section 5: Step by Step Condition Handling | How and Where to use Condition Handling

Lecture 21 Simple Condition Handling - IF - Else (Handle 2 conditions)

Lecture 22 Multiple Condition Handling (If - Else if - else) with practice exercise

Lecture 23 Condition handling with Logical OR / AND

Lecture 24 Nested Condition Handling (Condition inside Condition)

Section 6: Step by Step Looping | For - While - Do While - For Each

Lecture 25 For Loop : Run Loop with increment and Decrement Order

Lecture 26 While Loop

Lecture 27 Do While Loop

Lecture 28 For Each loop : Advance For Loop for Group of Data

Lecture 29 Nested Loop : Loop inside Loop

Section 7: String Handling : What is String, Use different functions available in String

Lecture 30 String Handling - Part1 : What is String -String Functions(Length, Upper, Lower)

Lecture 31 String Handling - Part2 : String Functions- Replace, SubString, Split, Concat

Lecture 32 String Handling - Part3 : String Comparison

Lecture 33 Array In Java

Lecture 34 Multi dimension Array

Section 8: File Handling : Read and Write File Data

Lecture 35 File Reader - File Reader (Read data character by character)

Lecture 36 File Read - Buffered Reader (Read data line by line)

Lecture 37 File Write - File Writer : Write data character by character

Lecture 38 File Write - BufferedWriter : Write data line by line

Section 9: OOPS in Detail (Object Oriented Programming)

Lecture 39 Encapsulation : Wrapping up data & functions in single unit

Lecture 40 Inheritance : Transfer Property of a class to another class

Lecture 41 Types of Inheritance - Single Inheritance

Lecture 42 Types of Inheritance - Multilevel Inheritance

Lecture 43 Types of Inheritance - Hierarchical Inheritance

Lecture 44 Polymorphism : Data Overriding (Override Parent Class Methods)

Lecture 45 Overloading (Compile Time Polymorphism)

Lecture 46 Overriding (Runtime Polymorphism)

Lecture 47 Abstraction with Interview Questions

Lecture 48 Interface : To Achieve 100% abstraction

Lecture 49 Multiple Inheritance using Interface

Lecture 50 Hybrid Inheritance using Interface

Section 10: Access Modifiers : Access Class members at different places

Lecture 51 public modifier : Access members throughout package

Lecture 52 private modifier : Access members within class

Lecture 53 default modifier : Access members within package

Lecture 54 protected modifier : Access members within package and child class

Lecture 55 Access Modifiers on class level

Section 11: Type Casting

Lecture 56 Implicit & Explicit Type Casting

Lecture 57 Explicit Type Casting - By Classes

Section 12: Exception Handling in Java

Lecture 58 What is Exception & Exception Handling

Lecture 59 Throws keyword in exception handing

Lecture 60 Exception Handling using Try-Catch

Lecture 61 Exception Handling: Multi Catch block

Lecture 62 Finally keyword

Lecture 63 Throw keyword

Section 13: Important Keywords in Java{You Can Skip this Section if comfortable in Java}

Lecture 64 This Keyword

Lecture 65 Final Keyword

Lecture 66 Super Keyword

Lecture 67 Static Keyword

Section 14: Debugging

Lecture 68 What is Debugging

Lecture 69 Difference between Step Into | Step Over | Step Return

Lecture 70 Exception Breakpoint

Section 15: Learn Basics of MAVEN

Lecture 71 What is Maven | Why as Tester we use MAVEN

Lecture 72 How to setup maven project

Lecture 73 Understand POM.xml | Add Project Dependencies |Check Maven Repository Workflow

Section 16: Working with Excel (Apache POI )

Lecture 74 Setup Apache POI

Lecture 75 Read Data from Excel file

Lecture 76 Find number of rows and columns

Lecture 77 Read complete data from excel sheet

Lecture 78 Read Different formatted data

Lecture 79 Write data to File

Section 17: Property File

Lecture 80 Read content from Property file

Section 18: TestNG Concepts Basic-Advance

Lecture 81 TestNG Introduction and Setup on Eclipse

Lecture 82 Write First Test Case using TestNG with Basic Annotations

Lecture 83 Multiple Test cases in file | Enable - Disable Test Case | Priority

Lecture 84 TestNG.xml | Default Reporting

Lecture 85 Assertions | Dependent Test Cases | Execute Failed Test Case

Lecture 86 Annotations in TestNG

Lecture 87 Grouping TestCases in TestNG

Section 19: Database connectivity in JAVA

Lecture 88 Introduction to DB Connection with Java

Lecture 89 Create Project Structure with DB Connection

Lecture 90 Connect and Fetch data From Database

Section 20: ****** STEP 3 ************ Prerequisite of REST API Automation

Lecture 91 What is JSON Path | Calculate JSON Path

Lecture 92 JSON Path Advance Options

Section 21: Application Testing : Project 2

Lecture 93 Create first POST Test Case

Lecture 94 Create POST Test Case with JSON object

Lecture 95 Create PUT Test Case with JSON Object | Update Resource

Lecture 96 Create PATCH Test Case with JSON Object | Update Resource

Lecture 97 Create DELETE Test Case with JSON Object | DELETE Resource

Section 22: Understand JSON Path and Apply JSON Path Assertions

Lecture 98 Validate JSON using JsonPath

Lecture 99 Validate Multple JSON data using JsonPath

Section 23: End to End All API Automation

Lecture 100 End to End API Automation - Part-1

Lecture 101 End to End API Automation - Part-2

Lecture 102 End to End API Automation - Part-3

Lecture 103 End to End API Automation - Part-4

Section 24: Generate Reports

Lecture 104 Generate default reports using TestNG | Advance report using ReportNG

Lecture 105 Generate report in excel format

Lecture 106 Extent Report

Software Testers/ QA looking to test/automate REST API testing,Manual Testers looking to switch in to Automation / REST API Automation,Freshers looking opportunity in Software Testing