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Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software

Posted By: Jeembo
Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software

Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software by Rick Wicklin
English | 2010 | ISBN: 1607646633 | 460 Pages | PDF | 39.3 MB

SAS/IML software is a powerful tool for data analysts because it enables implementation of statistical algorithms that are not available in any SAS procedure. Rick Wicklin's Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software is the first book to provide a comprehensive description of the software and how to use it. He presents tips and techniques that enable you to use the IML procedure and the SAS/IML Studio application efficiently. In addition to providing a comprehensive introduction to the software, the book also shows how to create and modify statistical graphs, call SAS procedures and R functions from a SAS/IML program, and implement such modern statistical techniques as simulations and bootstrap methods in the SAS/IML language. Written for data analysts working in all industries, graduate students, and consultants, Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software includes numerous code snippets and more than 100 graphs.