"Proton Therapy: Scientific Questions and Future Direction" ed. by Thomas J. FitzGerald
ITexLi | 2024 | ISBN: 0854663401 9780854663408 085466341X 9780854663415 0854663428 9780854663422 | 75 pages | PDF | 7 MB
ITexLi | 2024 | ISBN: 0854663401 9780854663408 085466341X 9780854663415 0854663428 9780854663422 | 75 pages | PDF | 7 MB
This volume is dedicated to proton therapy - rapidly expanding in patient care throughout the world. The trajectory of proton care is significant; however, there remains much to be learned about proton care as we review and compare outcomes. This addresses several key issues that will help us further refine proton care in the future.
Once limited to a few centers of care, continued process improvements in the scope and design of proton facilities have now permitted proton centers to develop at an enterprise level in multiple geographic centers. This is important for all aspects of patient care in both adult and pediatric patients. Although initially felt to be limited to a selected number of disease sites, proton therapy, such as stereotactic radiosurgery, can be easily applied to all disease sites. Intensity-modulated proton therapy is now delivered on a routine basis, as proton centers now have tools used by photon systems to deliver care. Coupled with the integration of image guidance, proton centers now can deliver therapy with the ease of photon centers with the distinct advantage of additional sparing of normal tissue.
1. Proton Therapy – The Promise is Moving to an Enterprise Function
2. The Proton’s Theoretical Description, Based on Wigner-Segal Approach to Elementary Particles
3. Radiobiology of Proton Therapy and Its Clinical Implications
4. Single Ionization of Methane Molecule by Directive Proton Impact: High Energies Domain
5. Interaction of Proton Beam with Human Tissues in Proton Therapy
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