Persian and Caucasus Myths: A Captivating Guide to Persian Mythology and Tales from Circassia, Armenia, and Georgia by Refora Publications
English | March 17, 2021 | ISBN: 1953934242 | 198 pages | EPUB | 0.67 Mb
English | March 17, 2021 | ISBN: 1953934242 | 198 pages | EPUB | 0.67 Mb
Explore Captivating Persian and Caucasus Myths
Two captivating manuscripts in one book:
- Persian Mythology: Captivating Myths of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Legendary Creatures
- Tales from the Caucasus: Captivating Myths and Legends from Circassia, Armenia, and Georgia
However, Persian myth is more than just sacred writings about divine beings. There are also fantastic tales of kings and queens, of foundling princes who gain their rightful place against all odds, of magical beasts, and the daring adventures of bold heroes who ride out to conquer demons and dragons alike-and who always come home victorious.
Some of the topics and myths covered in manuscript 1 of this book include:
- The struggle between the good creator, Ahura Mazda, and the evil destroyer, Angra Mainyu
- The story of Ahura Mazda's creation of the world and the Blessed Immortals who guard it and keep it in existence
- How Yima the good shepherd enlarged the world to make room for all its creatures and then saved it from an apocalyptic winter
- The victory of the prophet Zarathustra over the demons sent to kill him
- The story of Kuyamars, the very first Persian king, and his grandson Hushang, who discovered fire
- The downfall of King Jamshid the Magnificent, who thought he was as powerful as God
- The evil Prince Zahhak, who had serpents growing out of his shoulders
- The fearsome but kindly Simorgh, a mythical giant bird with a lion's head
- The great hero Rostam and his faithful stallion, Rakhsh
- And more!
- Tales about the Circassian hero Sosruko and his friend, the blacksmith god Tlepsh
- How Tlepsh went looking for knowledge at the end of the world and met Lady Tree
- Just-so tales about the origins of earthquakes, thunder, and the Milky Way
- Influences from Persian literature on stories from Armenia and Georgia
- A fairy tale about a merciful exiled prince and his clever servant
- The adventures of the bold knights Avtandil and Tariel, both brave as lions and desperately in love with their fair ladies
- And so much more!
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