Neutrosophic Precalculus and Neutrosophic Calculus, Second Enlarged Edition by Florentin Smarandache
English | PDF | 2018 | 177 Pages | ISBN : N/A | 2.48 MB
Neutrosophic Analysis is a generalization of Set Analysis, which in its turn is a generalization of Interval Analysis. Neutrosophic Precalculus is referred to indeterminate staticity, while Neutrosophic Calculus is the mathematics of indeterminate change.
The Neutrosophic Precalculus and Neutrosophic Calculus can be developed in many ways, depending on the types of indeterminacy one has and on the methods used to deal with such indeterminacy.
In this book, the authors present a few examples of indeterminacies and several methods to deal with these specific indeterminacies, but many other indeterminacies there exist in our everyday life, and they have to be studied and resolved using similar of different methods. Therefore, more research should to be done in the field of neutrosophic.
The authors introduce for the first time the notions of neutrosophic mereo-limit, neutrosophic mereo-continuity (in a different way from the classical semi-continuity), neutrosophic mereo-derivative and neutrosophic mereo- integral (both in different ways from the fractional calculus), besides the classical definitions of limit, continuity, derivative and integral respectively, a new version of binomial factorial theorem and their refrains, ten forms of indeterminate form. Future research may be done in the neutrosophic fractional calculus.
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