"Natural Resources Management and Biological Sciences" ed. by Edward R Rhodes, Humood Naser
ITexLi | 2021 | ISBN: 183880465X 9781838804657 1838804641 9781838804640 1839686006 9781839686009 | 352 pages | PDF | 42 MB
ITexLi | 2021 | ISBN: 183880465X 9781838804657 1838804641 9781838804640 1839686006 9781839686009 | 352 pages | PDF | 42 MB
This book brings together reviews of literature and the results of research studies on the status and management of soil, water, plant, and wildlife resources, especially as they relate to the biological sciences, in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America.
The natural resources of the Earth are indispensable for the survival of humans, plants, and animals and for the state of biodiversity. The way they are managed determines the extent to which they will be preserved for future generations. Climate change underscores the need for the proper use of natural resources.
The book covers work on classification and inventories, impacts of anthropogenic activities, and exploitation and conservation. The book will be of interest to scientists and practitioners of natural resource management worldwide.
1. Taxonomical Keys for Morphological Identification of Coral-Associated Polychaetes from Great Nicobar Islands
2. Ground Forest Inventory and Assessment of Carbon Stocks in Sierra Leone, West Africa
3. Physical Vulnerabilities from Wildfires: Flames, Floods, and Debris Flows
4. Succession after Fire in a Coastal Pine Forest in Norway
5. Human Impacts on Coral Reef Ecosystem
6. Human Factors: The Impact on Industry and the Environment
7. Soil Carbon Restoration through Conservation Agriculture
8. Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Plant Adaptation to Arid Ecosystem of Bou-Hedma National Park in Tunisia
9. Use of Geoinformatics Techniques for the Assessment and Mapping of Soil Salinity: Concepts and Applications
10. Water Management Strategies and Cultural Practices for Strawberry Establishment in Florida
11. Managing and Sustaining the Coupled Water-Land-Food Systems in the Context of Global Change: How Qualitative System Dynamic Modelling Can Assist in Understanding and Designing High-Leverage Interventions
12. Need for a Collaborative Natural Resource Management Strategy for the Marine Environment—The Case of Plastics in the Mediterranean
13. Treatment of Solid Waste Containing Metals by Biological Methods
14. Protected Areas in Cameroon at the Mercy of the 2035 Emergent Project
15. Sustainable Management of Tropical Dry Forests: An Overview from Cameroonian Context and the Special Case of Mozogo-Gokoro National Park
16. Challenges of Conservation and Sustainable Management of African Rosewood (Pterocarpuserinaceus) in West Africa
17. The Utilization and Conservation of Indigenous Wild Plant Resources in the Limpopo Province, South Africa
18. Brazilian Amazon Plants: An Overview of Chemical Composition and Biological Activity
19. The Contribution of Research in Combating Wildlife Poaching in Tanzania: Review of Existing Literature
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