Microcontroller Embedded C Programming: Absolute Beginners
Last updated 6/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 4.80 GB | Duration: 16h 37m
Last updated 6/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 4.80 GB | Duration: 16h 37m
Foundation course on Embedded C programming using STM32 Microcontroller.
What you'll learn
'C' programming from scratch
Data types,variables, declarations,
Importance of Bit-Wise operators in "Embedded" programming
Bit manipulation techniques using bit-wise operators and examples
Bit extraction and working with memory mapped peripheral registers
Other operators of 'C' (arithmatic, logical, relation, assignment )
Functions in 'C'
Implicit and explicit casting and its importance
Pointers and casting
Pointers arithmetic and importance of pointer datatypes
Accessing memory mapped peripheral registers using pointers
Structures and unions
Importance of structures in peripheral register access
Structure and bit fields
Configuring peripheral register addresses using bit fields
Structures and pointers
interfacing LEDs, Keypad
Const and volatile type qualifiers
importance of volatile during compiler optimization
const data, const pointer, cont volatile explanation with examples
Importance of const
Loops : for, while, do while
Basic understanding of number systems , logic gates , bits and bytes.
STM32F407 discovery board is required if you want to try out code on the target
==> This should be your very first course to dive into the exciting world of "Embedded Systems." <==This is our new course mainly targeted for absolute beginners to learn microcontroller programming using the 'C ' programming language. Please note that "Embedded C" is NOT a separate programming language. 'Embedded C' is rather embedded target aware programming using traditional 'C' programming language.Some of the critical microcontroller-related 'C' concepts such as Importance of bitwise operatorsUsage of bit manipulation techniques to program MCU peripheral registersaccessing memory-mapped registers using pointers pointers and casting structures, bitfields, unions, and bit extraction techniques representing hardware registers details and configuring them using 'C' structure definitions Usage of const and volatile type qualifiersInterpret complex variable definitions involving the combination of const and volatile The precise usage of const pointers, const data, volatile const, with pointer and non-pointer variables The behavior of the code during compiler optimization and solution using volatileFunctions and friends Data types, variables definitions, storage class specifiers and much moreLoops: while, for, do. while MCU internal architecture and programming peripherals Interfacing projectsAll these concepts are discussed with clear examples and writing code for the target embedded board. According to 2017 embedded dot com survey still 'C' is one of the most widely used programming languages for embedded code developmentThis course gives particular emphasis to learn 'C' programming concepts practically for microcontroller use cases. Hardware:1. You need ARM Cortex M4 based STM32F407 DISCOVERY board from ST if you want to try out code on the target. 2. Additional interfacing components may be required for interfacing projects 3. You can also be able to follow this course if you have any other boards from ST such as Nucleo or evaluation. Software:1. In this course, Eclipse-based STM32CubeIDE is used as the IDE ( works on Windows/Linux/Mac) (FREE)Learning order of FastBit Embedded Brain Academy Courses,If you are a beginner in the field of embedded systems, then you can take our courses in the below-mentioned order. This is just a recommendation from the instructor for beginners. 1) Microcontroller Embedded C Programming: absolute beginners(Embedded C)2) Embedded Systems Programming on ARM Cortex-M3/M4 Processor(ARM Cortex M4 Processor specific)3) Mastering Microcontroller with Embedded Driver Development(MCU1)4) Mastering Microcontroller: TIMERS, PWM, CAN, RTC,LOW POWER(MCU2)5) Embedded System Design using UML State Machines(State machine)6) Mastering RTOS: Hands-on FreeRTOS and STM32Fx with Debugging(RTOS)7) ARM Cortex M Microcontroller DMA Programming Demystified(DMA)8) STM32Fx Microcontroller Custom Bootloader Development(Bootloader)9) Embedded Linux Step by Step using Beaglebone Black(Linux)10) Linux device driver programming using Beaglebone Black(LDD1)
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1 About the instructor
Lecture 2 Programming languages for Embedded Systems
Lecture 3 History of 'C' and standardization
Lecture 4 Course repository
Lecture 5 Important Note
Section 2: IDE installation
Lecture 6 Downloading IDE
Lecture 7 Downloading IDE
Lecture 8 Key features of the STM32CubeIDE
Lecture 9 Installing STM32CubeIDE
Lecture 10 Installing STM32CubeIDE on Linux
Lecture 11 Installing compiler (GCC) for host
Lecture 12 Installing compiler (GCC) for host (WINDOWS)
Lecture 13 Installing compiler (GCC) for host (LINUX)
Lecture 14 Installing compiler (GCC) for host (MAC)
Lecture 15 Importing course projects in to workspace
Lecture 16 Creating a project for the HOST
Lecture 17 Creating a project for the Target
Lecture 18 FPU warning fix
Lecture 19 Hardware/Software Requirements
Lecture 20 Meet the embedded target of this course
Section 3: Your first 'C' program
Lecture 21 OnlineGDB web tool
Lecture 22 Printf and Hello World
Lecture 23 Printf exercise solution
Lecture 24 Escape sequences in 'C'
Lecture 25 Printf exercise solution
Lecture 26 Printf exercise solution
Lecture 27 Commenting in 'C'
Section 4: Data types and variables
Lecture 28 Data types in 'C'
Lecture 29 'C' Integer data types and value ranges
Lecture 30 Char data type and variable definition
Lecture 31 Variable definition exercise
Lecture 32 Range calculation for 'char' data type
Lecture 33 Integer data type 'short int' and value range
Lecture 34 Integer data type 'int' and 'long'
Lecture 35 Sizeof
Lecture 36 Variables naming rules and definition vs declaration
Lecture 37 Declaration vs definition : An illustration
Lecture 38 Variables scope and illustration
Lecture 39 Variables scope and illustration contd
Lecture 40 Summary of local and global variables
Section 5: Address of variable
Lecture 41 Address of variables
Lecture 42 Address of variables contd.
Section 6: Storage classes
Lecture 43 Storage class specifiers in 'C'
Lecture 44 Use cases of 'static' with variables
Lecture 45 Use cases of 'static' with functions
Lecture 46 'Extern' storage class specifier
Lecture 47 ASCII codes
Section 7: functions
Lecture 48 Introduction to functions in 'C'
Lecture 49 Function prototypes
Lecture 50 Returning data from a function
Lecture 51 Function exercise
Lecture 52 Typecasting in 'C'
Lecture 53 Typecasting in 'C' contd
Section 8: Microcontroller and Hello World
Lecture 54 Embedded - 'Hello World'
Lecture 55 Testing printf over ARM Cortex M4 ITM+SWO line
Lecture 56 Issues with IDE
Lecture 57 Testing printf over OpenOCD semihosting
Lecture 58 Run Sizeof on Embedded Target
Lecture 59 Sizeof testing
Lecture 60 Compiler settings on STM32CubeIDE
Section 9: Build process
Lecture 61 Embedded project build process
Section 10: Analyzing Embedded C code
Lecture 62 What is a Microcontroller ?
Lecture 63 Code memory of the microcontroller
Lecture 64 Code and Data of the program using memory browser
Lecture 65 Analyzing ELF file using GNU tools
Lecture 66 Disassembly
Lecture 67 IDE option for Instruction level debugging
Section 11: Data types to manipulate floating point data
Lecture 68 Manipulating decimal numbers in 'C'
Lecture 69 Single vs double precision
Lecture 70 Working with float and double variables
Section 12: Taking input from the user using scanf()
Lecture 71 Scanf introduction
Lecture 72 Scanf exercise implementation
Lecture 73 Scanf exercise implementation contd.
Lecture 74 Scanf exercise
Lecture 75 Scanf exercise implementation
Lecture 76 Scanf and float with scientific notation
Section 13: Pointers
Lecture 77 Pointers in 'C'
Lecture 78 Pointer variables and pointer data types
Lecture 79 Pointer variables and initialization
Lecture 80 Read and Write operation on pointers
Lecture 81 Pointer exercise implementation
Lecture 82 Significance of pointer data types
Lecture 83 Significance of pointer data types
Section 14: Importance of
Lecture 84 Importance of
Section 15: Operators
Lecture 85 Operators in 'C'
Lecture 86 Unary operator in 'C'
Lecture 87 Unary operators with pointers
Lecture 88 Relational operators in 'C'
Lecture 89 Logical operators in 'C'
Section 16: decision making
Lecture 90 'if' statement
Lecture 91 if statement exercise
Lecture 92 'if' statement exercise solution
Lecture 93 'if' and 'else'
Lecture 94 'if' and 'else' exercise implementation part-1
Lecture 95 'if' and 'else' exercise implementation part-2
Lecture 96 'if' and 'else' exercise implementation part-3
Lecture 97 'if -else-if' ladder statements
Lecture 98 'if-else-if' ladder exercise
Lecture 99 'if-else-if' ladder exercise solution
Lecture 100 Conditional operator
Lecture 101 switch case statement in 'C'
Lecture 102 switch case exercise
Lecture 103 switch case exercise solution
Lecture 104 switch case exercise solution contd.
Section 17: Bitwise operators
Lecture 105 Bitwise operators in 'C'
Lecture 106 Bitwise AND and bitwise OR
Lecture 107 Applicability of bitwise operators : Testing of bits
Lecture 108 Finding a number even or odd using testing of bits
Lecture 109 Applicability of bitwise operators : Setting of bits
Lecture 110 Applicability of bitwise operators : Clearing of bits
Lecture 111 Applicability of bitwise operators : xor
Section 18: Embedded C coding exercise for LED
Lecture 112 Coding to Turn on an LED
Lecture 113 Controlling IO pin using software
Lecture 114 Processor addressable memory regions
Lecture 115 STM32 memory map
Lecture 116 Memory mapped peripheral registers and IO access
Lecture 117 Procedure to turn ON the LED
Lecture 118 Enabling peripheral clock
Lecture 119 Calculating peripheral register addresses
Lecture 120 LED ON exercise coding
Section 19: Bitwise shift operators
Lecture 121 Bitwise right shift operator
Lecture 122 Bitwise left shift operator
Lecture 123 Applicability of bitwise shift operators
Lecture 124 Modifying LED on exercise using bitwise shift operators
Lecture 125 Bit Extraction
Section 20: Looping
Lecture 126 Looping in 'C'
Lecture 127 While loop
Lecture 128 while loop exercise
Lecture 129 while loop and semicolon
Lecture 130 while loop exercise
Lecture 131 'do while' loop
Lecture 132 'for' loop
Lecture 133 'for' loop exercise
Lecture 134 'for' loop number pyramid exercise
Lecture 135 'for' loop exercise solution
Lecture 136 modifying LED on with software delay
Lecture 137 LED toggle using software delay
Section 21: Type qualifier 'const'
Lecture 138 'const' type qualifier
Lecture 139 placements of 'const' variables in memory
Lecture 140 'const' usage and different case studies
Lecture 141 'const' usage and different case studies contd
Section 22: Pin-read
Lecture 142 IO pin read exercise
Lecture 143 IO pin read exercise implementation
Section 23: Optimization
Lecture 144 Compiler optimization and flags
Lecture 145 Different compiler optimization levels
Lecture 146 Analyzing pin read exercise disassembly with O0 and O2
Section 24: 'volatile' type qualifier
Lecture 147 volatile and effect of optimization
Lecture 148 When to use volatile qualifier ?
Lecture 149 Using volatile to fix issues with the pin-read exercise
Lecture 150 Using 'volatile' with ISR Part-1
Lecture 151 Using 'volatile' with ISR Part-2
Lecture 152 Usage of const and volatile together
Section 25: Structures and Bit fields
Lecture 153 Introduction to structures
Lecture 154 Accessing structure member elements
Lecture 155 Sizeof of a structure
Lecture 156 Aligned and un-aligned data storage
Lecture 157 Structure padding
Lecture 158 Calculating structure size manually with and without padding
Lecture 159 Assembly code analysis of packed and non packed structure
Lecture 160 Typedef and structure
Lecture 161 Structures and pointers
Lecture 162 Structure exercise
Lecture 163 Structure exercise implementation
Lecture 164 Structure and bit fields
Lecture 165 Structure and bit fields contd.
Section 26: Unions
Lecture 166 Unions
Lecture 167 Applicability of unions
Section 27: Usage of bit-fields in embedded code
Lecture 168 Bit-field exercise : Creating bit-field structure for peripheral registers
Lecture 169 Bit-field structure for RCC_AHB1ENR
Lecture 170 Bit-field structure for GPIOx_ODR
Lecture 171 Modifying led toggle exercise with structures and bit fields
Lecture 172 Testing
Section 28: Keypad interfacing
Lecture 173 Keypad interfacing
Lecture 174 Why pull-up resistors?
Lecture 175 Detecting key press event
Lecture 176 Flow chart for implementation
Lecture 177 Keypad key read code implementation
Lecture 178 Delay analysis
Section 29: Arrays
Lecture 179 Arrays in 'C'
Lecture 180 Read-Write operation on an array
Lecture 181 Passing array to a function
Lecture 182 Swapping of arrays
Lecture 183 Swapping of arrays contd.
Section 30: Strings
Lecture 184 Strings in 'C'
Lecture 185 String literal
Lecture 186 String variable Vs string literal
Lecture 187 Inputting a string
Lecture 188 Scanf and scanset
Lecture 189 Exercise
Section 31: Pre-Processor directives in 'C'
Lecture 190 Pre-Processor directives in 'C'
Lecture 191 Conditional compilation directives
Lecture 192 'defined' operator
Lecture 193 Modifying led toggle exercise with macros
Beginners curious about embedded systems and microcontroller programming