Top 50 Dynamic Programming Java Algorithms Coding Questions
Published 4/2023
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 6.42 GB | Duration: 18h 11m
Published 4/2023
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 6.42 GB | Duration: 18h 11m
Solve the top 50 Dynamic Programming Java Algorithms Questions to ace Coding Interview and Competitive Programming.
What you'll learn
Understand what is Dynamic Programming, Recursion, and back tracking
Learn the criteria to classify a dynamic programming question using optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems
Master the art of recursion and learn how to convert a recursion problem to dynamic programming
Solve top 50 handpicked dynamic programming Java algorithm questions asked in competitive programming and programming interviews
Solve each question in recursive, top-down (memoization) and bottom-up (tabulation) dynamic programming approaches
Get one step closer to competitive programming and acing coding interview
Understanding of any basic programming language (preferably Java)
Basics of programming language such as variables, loops, conditionals, arrays, and strings
Basic understanding of time and space complexities
Welcome to this course!Here, you will go through a "journey" of the Top 50 Dynamic Programming Java Algorithm questions that are asked in coding interviews as well as competitive programming. So let's start by answering the most fundamental question - What is Dynamic Programming?Dynamic programming is a powerful optimization technique for plain recursion problems. If you can break down a problem into simpler sub-problems (optimal substructure) and these sub-problems are repetitive in nature, then you can convert this problem into a Dynamic Programming Solution.In this course, we will start with a basic introduction to Dynamic Programming. We will understand what Dynamic Programming is and how to find out whether a recursive problem can be solved using Dynamic Programming. What will be our approach when you take this course?We will solve the 50 most popular Dynamic Programming coding interview questions. For each question, our approach will be - Understand the problem statement with a few examples.Check if it can be solved recursively.Build a recursion tree and determine the recursive pattern.Check for optimal substructure and overlapping subproblem properties using the recursive tree.Derive the recursive code for the solution.Using the recursive code, convert the problem to a Top-Down (Memoization) approach.Then solve the same problem with the Bottom-Up (Tabulation) approach.Come up with an optimized DP solution if possible (space or time).Discuss the time and space complexities of all the approaches.Don't worry, we won't bore you with slides and PPTs. We will understand each algorithm using a whiteboard explanation of approaches and the code in parallel. This will help you to be more expressive during your interviews.In any interview, the interviewer wants to know the thinking or the approach that you are going to take to solve a problem given by him. Thus, it becomes very necessary to keep reciting the approach out loud. The format of these videos will help you to think out loud and will promote discussions and you will be able to question back the interviewer.What are the top 50 Dynamic Programming Coding Interview Questions that we will discuss?Lecture 1: IntroductionLecture 2: Introduction to Dynamic Programming - Recursive, Memoization, TabulationLecture 3: Binomial Coefficient ProblemLecture 4: Maximize the Cut SegmentsLecture 5: Friends Pairing ProblemLecture 6: Rod Cutting ProblemLecture 7: Gold Mine ProblemLecture 8: Nth Catalan NumberLecture 9: Largest Sum Contiguous SubArray (Kadane's Algorithm)Lecture 10: Climbing StairsLecture 11: Maximum Sum Increasing SubsequenceLecture 12: House RobberLecture 13: Subset Sum ProblemLecture 14: Longest Common SubsequenceLecture 15: Longest Increasing SubsequenceLecture 16: Weighted Job SchedulingLecture 17: Maximum Length Chain of PairsLecture 18: Maximum Sum of Disjoint Pairs with Specific DifferencesLecture 19: Egg-Dropping ProblemLecture 20: Minimum Removals from Array to make Max - Min <= K (DP + Binary Search)Lecture 21: Maximum Size Square Sub-Matrix with all 1sLecture 22: Largest Area Rectangular Sub-Matrix with Equal 0's and 1'sLecture 23: Largest Rectangular Sub-Matrix whose Sum is 0Lecture 24: Maximum Sum Rectangle in a 2D MatrixLecture 25: Longest Palindromic SubsequenceLecture 26: Longest Palindromic SubstringLecture 27: Longest Alternating SubsequenceLecture 28: Count All Palindromic Subsequences in a Given StringLecture 29: Longest Common SubstringLecture 30: Longest Subsequence such that the Difference Between Adjacent is 1Lecture 31: Longest Repeated SubsequenceLecture 32: Word Break ProblemLecture 33: Permutation Coefficient ProblemLecture 34: Minimum Number of Jumps to Reach EndLecture 35: Partition ProblemLecture 36: Count DerangementsLecture 37: Count the Number of Ways to Reach a Given Score in a GameLecture 38: Palindromic PartitioningLecture 39: Matrix Chain MultiplicationLecture 40: Maximum Subsequence Sum such that no 3 Elements are ConsecutiveLecture 41: Painting the FenceLecture 42: Largest Independent Set of Nodes in a Binary TreeLecture 43: Count Balanced Binary Trees of Height HLecture 44: Coin Change ProblemLecture 45: Optimal Strategy for a GameLecture 46: Unique PathsLecture 47: Minimum Cost PathLecture 48: Coin Game Winner Where Every Player Has 3 ChoicesLecture 49: Edit DistanceLecture 50: 0/1 Knapsack ProblemLecture 51: Find if a String is Interleaved with 2 Other StringsLecture 52: Maximum Profit by Buying and Selling a Share at Most TwiceThese questions are taken from popular practice websites and hence, are asked in coding interviews of top tech companies like Google, Apple, IBM, Cisco, Atlassian, Microsoft, etc. In each of these questions, not only you will learn just about the algorithm to solve those questions, but you will also learn about other concepts like working with HashMaps, HashSets, sorting an array of objects using comparators, binary search algorithms, trees, etc. You will be able to understand the basics of Java programming language and other data structures as well.Having said this, let's meet in the first lecture on "Introduction to Dynamic Programming".
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 Introduction to Dynamic Programming - Recursive, Memoization, Tabulation
Section 2: Binomial Coefficient Problem
Lecture 3 Binomial Coefficient Problem
Section 3: Maximize the Cut Segments
Lecture 4 Maximize the Cut Segments
Section 4: Friends Pairing Problem
Lecture 5 Friends Pairing Problem
Section 5: Rod Cutting Problem
Lecture 6 Rod Cutting Problem
Section 6: Gold Mine Problem
Lecture 7 Gold Mine Problem
Section 7: Nth Catalan Number
Lecture 8 Nth Catalan Number
Section 8: Largest Sum Contiguous SubArray (Kadane's Algorithm)
Lecture 9 Largest Sum Contiguous SubArray (Kadane's Algorithm)
Section 9: Climbing Stairs
Lecture 10 Climbing Stairs
Section 10: Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence
Lecture 11 Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence
Section 11: House Robber
Lecture 12 House Robber
Section 12: Subset Sum Problem
Lecture 13 Subset Sum Problem
Section 13: Longest Common Subsequence
Lecture 14 Longest Common Subsequence
Section 14: Longest Increasing Subsequence
Lecture 15 Longest Increasing Subsequence
Section 15: Weighted Job Scheduling
Lecture 16 Weighted Job Scheduling
Section 16: Maximum Length Chain of Pairs
Lecture 17 Maximum Length Chain of Pairs
Section 17: Maximum Sum of Disjoint Pairs with Specific Difference
Lecture 18 Maximum Sum of Disjoint Pairs with Specific Difference
Section 18: Egg Dropping Problem
Lecture 19 Egg Dropping Problem
Section 19: Minimum Removals from Array to make Max - Min <= K (DP + Binary Search)
Lecture 20 Minimum Removals from Array to make Max - Min <= K (DP + Binary Search)
Section 20: Maximum Size Square Sub-Matrix with all 1s
Lecture 21 Maximum Size Square Sub-Matrix with all 1s
Section 21: Largest Area Rectangular Sub-Matrix with Equal 0's and 1's
Lecture 22 Largest Area Rectangular Sub-Matrix with Equal 0's and 1's
Section 22: Largest Rectangular Sub-Matrix whose Sum is 0
Lecture 23 Largest Rectangular Sub-Matrix whose Sum is 0
Section 23: Maximum Sum Rectangle in a 2D Matrix
Lecture 24 Maximum Sum Rectangle in a 2D Matrix
Section 24: Longest Palindromic Subsequence
Lecture 25 Longest Palindromic Subsequence
Section 25: Longest Palindromic Substring
Lecture 26 Longest Palindromic Substring
Section 26: Longest Alternating Subsequence
Lecture 27 Longest Alternating Subsequence
Section 27: Count All Palindromic Subsequence in a Given String
Lecture 28 Count All Palindromic Subsequence in a Given String
Section 28: Longest Common Substring
Lecture 29 Longest Common Substring
Section 29: Longest Subsequence such that Difference Between Adjacent is 1
Lecture 30 Longest Subsequence such that Difference Between Adjacent is 1
Section 30: Longest Repeated Subsequence
Lecture 31 Longest Repeated Subsequence
Section 31: Word Break Problem
Lecture 32 Word Break Problem
Section 32: Permutation Coefficient Problem
Lecture 33 Permutation Coefficient Problem
Section 33: Minimum Number of Jumps to Reach End
Lecture 34 Minimum Number of Jumps to Reach End
Section 34: Partition Problem
Lecture 35 Partition Problem
Section 35: Count Derangements
Lecture 36 Count Derangements
Section 36: Count Number of Ways to Reach a Given Score in a Game
Lecture 37 Count Number of Ways to Reach a Given Score in a Game
Section 37: Palindromic Partitioning
Lecture 38 Palindromic Partitioning
Section 38: Matrix Chain Multiplication
Lecture 39 Matrix Chain Multiplication
Section 39: Maximum Subsequence Sum such that no 3 Elements are Consecutive
Lecture 40 Maximum Subsequence Sum such that no 3 Elements are Consecutive
Section 40: Painting the Fence
Lecture 41 Painting the Fence
Section 41: Largest Independent Set of Nodes in a Binary Tree
Lecture 42 Largest Independent Set of Nodes in a Binary Tree
Section 42: Count Balanced Binary Trees of Height H
Lecture 43 Count Balanced Binary Trees of Height H
Section 43: Coin Change Problem
Lecture 44 Coin Change Problem
Section 44: Optimal Strategy for a Game
Lecture 45 Optimal Strategy for a Game
Section 45: Unique Paths
Lecture 46 Unique Paths
Section 46: Minimum Cost Path
Lecture 47 Minimum Cost Path
Section 47: Coin Game Winner Where Every Player has 3 Choices
Lecture 48 Coin Game Winner Where Every Player has 3 Choices
Section 48: Edit Distance
Lecture 49 Edit Distance
Section 49: 0/1 Knapsack Problem
Lecture 50 0/1 Knapsack Problem
Section 50: Find if a String is Interleaved of 2 Other Strings
Lecture 51 Find if a String is Interleaved of 2 Other Strings
Section 51: Maximum Profit by Buying and Selling a Share at most Twice
Lecture 52 Maximum Profit by Buying and Selling a Share at most Twice
Students or professionals who are preparing for software developer related coding interview,Programmers who want to get into competitive programming,Self-taught programmers who want to learn data structures and algorithms