Blind 75 Practice Problems In Java
Published 3/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 8.17 GB | Duration: 14h 7m
Published 3/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 8.17 GB | Duration: 14h 7m
Practice Blind 75 practice problems in Java with detailed solutions
What you'll learn
Ace coding interviews conducted by leading tech companies, including MAANG
Explore a curated selection of the most common Blind 75 LeetCode questions
Improve problem-solving techniques and recognize recurring patterns
Learn, implement, and utilize various data structures & algorithms effectively
Feel more self-assured and ready to tackle your upcoming coding interviews
Basic knowledge of Java programming language
If you're aiming for a career at product-based companies or simply looking to sharpen your coding interview skills, this course can benefit you in multiple ways.So, what exactly are Blind 75 LeetCode Questions?Blind 75 LeetCode questions are a curated compilation of the most frequently asked data structures and algorithms-based coding interview problems at big tech companies, including MAANG.Trusted by countless engineers who have successfully aced interviews at tech giants like Google, Facebook/Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, and beyond, this list is a proven resource. With thousands of testimonials backing its efficacy on platforms like Quora, Teamblind, and Reddit, it's a tried-and-tested path to success.Following these 75 questions allows us to cover a broad spectrum of coding concepts effectively. Mastering them lays a solid foundation for handling various coding interview scenarios.How will you benefit from this course?In this course, we'll walk you through each of these Blind 75 LeetCode questions.So, you'll learn invaluable problem-solving strategies, optimize time and space complexity, and gain insights into the most efficient approaches.Course Highlights:You’ll learn systematic approaches to problem-solving. We’ll help you break them into manageable tasks and craft efficient algorithms so you can confidently tackle any challenge that comes your way.One standout feature of this course is the live code implementation. You'll see each problem solved in real-time, giving you a firsthand look at the coding process.Enhance your coding abilities through practical, hands-on learning, ensuring you're well-prepared for real-world scenarios.Discover efficient coding practices, optimization techniques, and common mistakes to avoid, equipping you with the skills to write clean, efficient code.You can access code sample files accompanying the video lectures, serving as valuable references and guides to support your learning journey and help you implement solutions effectively.Upon completing this course, you'll have built a solid foundation in algorithms and data structures. You'll feel ready to easily take on coding interviews, tackle challenging problems efficiently, and boost your chances of landing job offers from product-based companies like MAANG.See you inside the course!Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to get better at coding interviewsThose aiming to become a MAANG EngineerAnyone looking to enhance their problem-solving skills
Section 1: Problems Based On Arrays
Lecture 1 Leetcode # - Best Time To Buy And Sell A Stock
Lecture 2 Leetcode # - Product Of Array Except Self
Lecture 3 Leetcode # - Maximum Sum Subarray
Lecture 4 Leetcode # - Maximum Product Subarray
Section 2: Problems Based On Sliding Window Method
Lecture 5 Leetcode # -Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
Lecture 6 Leetcode # - Longest Repeating Character Replacement
Section 3: Problems Based On Two Pointer Method
Lecture 7 Leetcode # - Container With Most Water
Lecture 8 Leetcode # - Valid Palindrome
Section 4: Problems Based On Intervals
Lecture 9 Leetcode # - Insert Interval
Lecture 10 Leetcode # - Merge Intervals
Lecture 11 Leetcode # - Non Overlapping Intervals
Lecture 12 Leetcode # - Meeting Rooms
Lecture 13 Leetcode # - Meeting Rooms ii
Section 5: Problems Based On Hash Table
Lecture 14 Leetcode #1 - Two Sum - Easy
Lecture 15 Leetcode # - Contains Duplicate - Easy
Lecture 16 Leetcode # Three Sum - Medium
Lecture 17 Leetcode # - Longest Consecutive Sequence
Lecture 18 Leetcode # - Group Anagrams
Lecture 19 Leetcode # - Valid Anagram
Section 6: Problems Based On Stacks
Lecture 20 Leetcode # - Valid Paranthesis
Lecture 21 Leetcode # - Encode And Decode Strings
Lecture 22 Leetcode # - Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
Lecture 23 Leetcode # - Min Stack
Section 7: Problems Based On Math & Geometry
Lecture 24 Leetcode # - Set Matrix Zeroes
Lecture 25 Leetcode # - Spiral Matrix
Lecture 26 Leetcode # - Rotate Image
Section 8: Problems Based On Linked Lists
Lecture 27 Leetcode # - Merge Two Sorted Lists
Lecture 28 Leetcode # - Remove Nth Node From End Of List
Lecture 29 Leetcode # - Reorder List
Lecture 30 Leetcode # - Detect Cycle In A Linked List
Lecture 31 Leetcode # - Reverse A Linked List
Section 9: Problems Based On Recursion & Backtracking
Lecture 32 Leetcode # - Word Search
Lecture 33 Leetcode # - Combination Sum
Section 10: Problems Based On Binary Search
Lecture 34 Leetcode # - Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array
Lecture 35 Leetcode # - Search In Rotated Sorted Array
Section 11: Problems Based On Binary Search Tree
Lecture 36 Leetcode # - Validate Binary Search Tree
Lecture 37 Leetcode # - Kth Smallest Element In BST
Lecture 38 Leetcode # - Lowest Common Ancestor Of BST
Section 12: Problems Based On Binary Tree
Lecture 39 Leetcode # - Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree
Lecture 40 Leetcode # - Same Tree
Lecture 41 Leetcode # - Invert Tree
Lecture 42 Leetcode # - Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
Lecture 43 Leetcode # - Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
Lecture 44 Leetcode # - Serialize And Deserialize Binary Tree
Lecture 45 Leetcode # - Subtree Of Another Tree
Lecture 46 Leetcode # - Construct Binary Tree From PreOrder And InOrder Traversal
Lecture 47 Leetcode # - Implement Trie
Lecture 48 Leetcode # - Word Search II
Lecture 49 Leetcode # - Design Add and Search Words Data Structure
Section 13: Problems Based On Heaps
Lecture 50 Leetcode # - Merge K Sorted Lists
Lecture 51 Leetcode # - Top K Frequent Elements
Lecture 52 Leetcode # - Find Median From Data Stream
Section 14: Problems Based On Dynamic Programming
Lecture 53 Leetcode # - Climbing Stairs
Lecture 54 Leetcode # - Coin Change
Lecture 55 Leetcode # - Longest Increasing Subsequence
Lecture 56 Leetcode # - Longest Common Subsequence
Lecture 57 Leetcode # - Word Break
Lecture 58 Leetcode # - House Robber
Lecture 59 Leetcode # - House Robber ii
Lecture 60 Leetcode # - Decode Ways
Lecture 61 Leetcode # - Unique Paths
Lecture 62 Leetcode # - Jump Game
Lecture 63 Leetcode # - Longest Palindromic Substring
Lecture 64 Leetcode # - Palindromic Substrings
Section 15: Problems Based On Bit Manipulation
Lecture 65 Leetcode # - Sum Of Two Integer
Lecture 66 Leetcode # - Number Of 1 Bits
Lecture 67 Leetcode # - Counting Bits
Lecture 68 Leetcode # - Missing Number
Section 16: Problems Based On Graphs
Lecture 69 Leetcode # - Number Of Islands
Lecture 70 Leetcode # - Course Schedule
Lecture 71 Leetcode # - Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
Lecture 72 Leetcode # - Number Of Connected Components In Undirected Graph
Lecture 73 Leetcode # - Clone Graph
Lecture 74 Leetcode # - Graph Valid Tree
Lecture 75 Leetcode # - Alien Dictionary
This course is for people preparing for coding interviews at top companies,This course is for people preparing the Blind 75 interview questions