JavaScript Prototypes, Inheritance & Objects - 2025
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English (US) | Size: 5.83 GB | Duration: 9h 41m
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English (US) | Size: 5.83 GB | Duration: 9h 41m
Why was JavaScript created as a "prototype" based language? Learn prototypes | __proto__ | inheritance | instantiations
What you'll learn
Understand prototypes and become a true JavaScript grandmaster
Learn what a prototype is, and how to use prototypes to create complex objects
Master the differences between [[Prototype]], __proto__ and the .prototype objects
Learn how to use prototypes to implement inheritance in JavaScript
Learn how to use the power of prototypes in your own code
Learn how to get and set an object’s prototype
Learn how to create your own object constructors
Learn the 5 main ways to create objects in JavaScript
Learn the advantages and disadvantages of prototype-based languages vs classes
Become a PRO JavaScript developer, and earn more money
Learn how to extend existing objects
Learn how to create objects in the most optimal way in JavaScript
Learn the 5 most popular advanced instantiation patterns in JavaScript
Learn how to create object chains using prototypes
Learn why the [[Prototype]] property is hidden
Learn why JavaScript is a prototypal-based language
Learn about hidden properties vs internal slots in JavaScript
Practical examples comparing Java and JavaScript to help you grasp advanced prototype concepts
Learn how to create object chains using composition
Learn the difference between classical-based languages and JavaScript
Learn why __proto__ is partially deprecated by ECMAScript
Learn why __proto__ is referred to as “dunder”
Understand why the .prototype property is on almost every function
Learn why functions in JavaScript are considered to be objects
Understand the different approaches to creating objects in JavaScript
Practical – build objects with multiple levels of prototypes with me
I am here to support you, step-by-step
Have fun mastering web development
From intermediate to expert (advanced +)
You will emerge an expert
Gives you depth of knowledge to boost your ability and confidence
Basic JavaScript is recommended
Desire to master object-oriented programming languages
A computer is required as you need to code alongside me to learn effectively
Stop wasting time following so called “developers” that do not practice what they preach*** THE BEST COURSE ON JAVASCRIPT PROTOTYPES AND OBJECTS ***Start from the Ground Up: JavaScript was created in 1995 as a "prototypal-based" language - begin with the fundamentals of JavaScript prototypes, ensuring a solid foundation.Leverage Prototypal Inheritance: Learn how to create objects with multiple levels of inheritance, unlocking the full potential of JavaScript’s prototypal nature.Master Object Creation: Transition from basic object literals to complex pseudo-classical inheritance patterns with ease.Differentiate Between Paradigms: Understand the distinctions between class-based languages (like Java and C#) and prototypal-based languages like JavaScript.Explore Instantiation Patterns: Dive into various instantiation patterns, including functional instantiation, functional-shared, prototypal, pseudo-classical, and pure classical approaches.LET ME SHARE MY KNOWLEDGE WITH YOUI’ve been coding for a long time. At the age of 7, in the early 90’s, I got my first pc and a few days later I became an avid gamer. I have always surrounded myself with coders. I remember at 10 years old a family member managed to hack into a bank’s system. I still recall the days of floppy disks and playing “Doom”, “Duke Nukem” and of course one of my all-time favorites, “Red Alert”. I’ve always been around computers, and that’s what makes my teaching style direct, to-the-point, and powerful!Now, why did I create a course on prototypes?Prototypes are a fundamental concept of JavaScript. They are used to implement inheritance, object creation, and other important features. It is therefore crucial that you understand prototypes – what they are, why they are there, how to use them, how to create them, and when to use them!Understanding JavaScript is ongoing process. To give you a foot up, I’ve structured an all-encompassing, focused course on JavaScript prototypes, which I deliver to you in a way that will benefit you the most. My course teaches you "why" things work and not just "how" to do something mindlessly.What this course covers?It starts at the beginner level of what JavaScript prototypes areIt then goes more in-depth by teaching you how to leverage the power of prototypes to create objects with multiple levels of inheritanceYou’ll learn how to create objects, starting from the basics of object literals to more complex pseudo-classical inheritance patternsLearn the difference between class-based languages (like Java, C#, C++) and prototypal-based languages like JavaScriptLearn the different instantiation patterns, such as functional instantiation, functional-shared, prototypal, pseudo-classical and pure classical Master the differences between [[Prototype]] and __proto__ and the .prototype propertyLiterally this course everything you need to know about prototypes in JavaScript, all in one place :)All the strategies I teach follow timeless coding principles and tactics.WHAT ARE PROTOTYPES?JavaScript was created by a guy called Brendan Eich in the mid-1990s. Eich decided to make JavaScript a prototype-based language because he wanted to create a language that was easy to learn and use. He wanted to create a language that was powerful and flexible, and he believed that prototypes were the best way to achieve this.Prototypes are a powerful feature of JavaScript, because they allow you to reuse code, create complex object hierarchies, and implement inheritance in a simple and efficient way. However, prototypes can also be confusing, and they can make it difficult to understand how JavaScript works.Despite the challenges, the benefits of prototypes outweigh the drawbacks. Q: The million dollar question is "why does learning about prototypes matter?" A: It matters because EVERY object in JavaScript has a [[Prototype]] property. It is this [[Prototype]] property that is often referred to as the “prototype”. By mastering prototypes, you can create complex objects that are extremely memory efficient - improving your website's speed. The prototype itself is also an object … which means that it also has a [[Prototype]] property. Can you begin to see that there’s a prototype “chain” forming? You can think of the prototype chain as a linked list of objects, where each object in the list has a pointer to the next object in the chain.This is the reason why all objects you use and create have inbuilt properties and methods that you can access. This is why:strings have toUpperCase() and toLowerCase()arrays have sort(), map(), push() and filter()numbers have toFixed(), toPrecision(), parseFloat()…You get the idea.Why is learning about prototypes useful?By understanding how prototypes work, how they are created, and how to set them up yourself, you’ll be able to create objects that inherit properties and methods from other objects, without having to explicitly define them.This makes it possible to reuse code and create complex object hierarchies in a simple and efficient way.Can you begin to see how powerful prototypes are and how essential it is today?Knowing the power of how to use prototypes in JavaScript is crucial if you want to become a serious fullstack developer, as it will allow you to build complex data types and web apps.Creating objects can get tricky at times, and I don’t dispute this, but with correct training which includes explaining the fundamentals of prototypes and object creation in a simple way, you will, like me, learn to master and love JavaScript’s dynamic approach to object creation.If you want to become a full stack web developer, you need to know about prototype’s and that’s what this course is all about.WHY IS UNDERSTANDING PROTOTYPES IMPORTANT?JavaScript is built on prototypesTo master JavaScript, you need to master prototypesPrototypes is a way to implement object-oriented programmingPrototypes allow you to extend existing objectsPrototypes allow you to implement inheritance in JavaScriptPrototypes allow you to create custom object constructorsPrototypes allow you to understand the JavaScript engine betterUltimately, by understanding how prototypes work, you can write more efficient and reusable code.After completing this ultimate prototypes course, you will certainly be knowledgeable, confident and able to manage or help others create objects in the most optimal way.WHAT THIS COURSE COVERSThis course is comprehensive, covering the fundamentals of prototypes, composition and class-based languages.Simple enough.The only problem is that in order to truly understand JavaScript, you need to move beyond the basics. That’s why this course covers the basics, and more advanced concepts.First, this course teaches you basics:Learn what prototypes areLearn why everything in JavaScript is considered to be an objectLearn how to set and get an object’s prototypeLearn how to create custom prototypesLearn about the instantiation patterns in JavaScriptUnderstand class instantiation introduce by ECMAScriptMaster the prototype chainLearn about the __proto__ propertyLean about the function’s .prototype propertyUnderstand why everything in JavaScript is considered to be an objectand a whole bunch more!This course also teaches you the advanced concepts:Learn why it’s not good practice to amend the prototype during runtimeWhy you shouldn’t add everything to an object’s prototypeLearn the limitations of prototypesLean the modern ways to get and set an object’s prototypeLearn why __proto__ has been partly deprecate by ECMAScriptUnderstand why the [[Prototype]] is a hidden propertyLearn why the ".prototype" property only matters for constructor functionsPractical example of setting up a prototype chain by using the new keyword, using Object.create() versus setPrototypeOf(), and comparing this to the new class syntaxUnderstand the differences between prototypal languages vs classical languagesUnderstand composition vs prototypesAnd yes, we will code examples in a fun way, and look at how objects work under the hood.## The most comprehensive JavaScript Prototype course on Udemy ##Successful programmers know much more than memorizing a few lines of code. They also know the fundamentals of how a programming langauge works under the hood. Because the JavaScript creators decided to build JavaScript on prototypes, it becomes crucial to understand what prototypes are, how they work, when to use them and why they are so powerful. IS THIS COURSE FOR YOU?Yes. If you fit in any of these categories then this course is perfect for you:#1: BUSY PEOPLE who want to become certified in JavaScript in the shortest time possible.#2: PROGRAMMING DESIRE. You want to advance in the world of programming.#3: FREELANCERS who want to know how successful developers build complicated objects#4: EMPLOYEES who want to gain a solid understanding of why JavaScript is a prototypal-based language and how you can use prototypes in your own projects#5: CODERS who wants to be TOP OF THE GAME.WHY START NOW?Right this second, your competitors are learning how to become better developers.Web development is a blazing hot topic at the moment. But you have a distinct advantage. This course offers memorable learning topics, actionable tactics and real-world examples.Lets get started!MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEI don’t want you to be disappointed.If you don’t like this course for any reason, you can get a full refund in the first 30 days, which is backed by Udemy’s 30-day guarantee, with no questions asked!Invest in yourself today and never look back.Let's get crackin'
Who this course is for:
Anyone interested in learning the art and science behind JavaScript prototypes, BUSY PEOPLE who want to become certified and confident about what “prototypes” mean in the shortest time possible, Anyone who has completed my JavaScript Complete Grandmaster course, YES: This course is for intermediates. It’s aimed at people who have some knowledge of JavaScript, but want to dig deeper, NO: This course is NOT only for intermediate beginners. It is a complete course that goes from basics to advanced., YES: This course is for someone wanting to be a professional, to be expert and confident in knowing how to create objects and structure their code, Those who want to learn modern coding without third party libraries and frameworks, Those interested in building their own frameworks, or being better able to learn from the source code of other well-known frameworks and libraries, Those who have some knowledge of OOP-based languages and JavaScript, but little knowledge about how prototype inheritance works behind the scenes, and how to practically implement best practices in their websites