Java Made Easy For Beginners, Testers, Selenium And Appium
Last updated 11/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 29.58 GB | Duration: 77h 34m
Last updated 11/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 29.58 GB | Duration: 77h 34m
Beginners to Advanced Java Course for Beginners (Check course contents for more details)
What you'll learn
Core Java from Basics to Advanced
No prerequisites required as everything is explained from scratch
All installation required for learning Java are also included in this course
This JAVA Made Easy for Beginners, Testers, Selenium and Appium course covers the below topics:Introduction to JavaDownloading, Installing and Configuring JavaDownloading, Installing and Launching Eclipse IDEPrint StatementsCommentsVariablesData TypesLiteralsOperatorsFlow Control StatementsClassesObjectsMethodsArraysString Class and its methodsStringBuffer Class and its methodsWrapper ClassesMath Class and its methodsPackagesInheritance and its typesConstructorsOverloading Overridingthis keywordsuper keywordModifiersException HandlingInterfacesAbstract ClassesCollections FrameworkReflection APIGenericsFile HandlingGetter and Setter MethodsOOPS ConceptsJDBCenumVarargsInbuilt Annotations
Section 1: Introduction to Java
Lecture 1 About this Tutorial
Lecture 2 What is Java?
Lecture 3 Downloading, Installing and Configuring Java
Lecture 4 Downloading, Installing and Launching Eclipse IDE
Lecture 5 Creating a Java Project
Lecture 6 Understanding Java Programs
Lecture 7 Compiler Errors
Lecture 8 Print Statements
Lecture 9 Shortcut for writing System.out.println() statement
Lecture 10 Comments
Section 2: Variables
Lecture 11 Variables
Section 3: Data Types
Lecture 12 Data Types
Lecture 13 int Data Type
Lecture 14 double Data Type
Lecture 15 char Data Type
Lecture 16 boolean Data Type
Lecture 17 String non-primitive Data Type
Lecture 18 byte Data Type
Lecture 19 short Data Type
Lecture 20 long Data Type
Lecture 21 float Data Type
Lecture 22 Passing decimal values to the int data type declared variables
Lecture 23 Passing character values to the int data type declared variables
Lecture 24 Assigning byte, short, long, float, boolean and String values to the int declare
Lecture 25 Assigning out of range values integer value to byte, short, int and long type va
Section 4: Literals
Lecture 26 Different Types of Literals
Lecture 27 Escape Characters
Lecture 28 Using _ in Numeric Literals
Lecture 29 Difference between Integer Literals and Long Literals
Lecture 30 Assigning different Literals to byte data type variable
Lecture 31 Assigning different Literals to short data type variable
Lecture 32 Assigning different Literals to long data type variable
Lecture 33 Assigning different Literals to float data type variable
Lecture 34 Assigning different Literals to double data type variable
Lecture 35 Assigning different Literals to boolean data type variable
Lecture 36 Assigning different Literals to String data type variable
Lecture 37 Assigning different Literals to char data type variable
Lecture 38 Expressing Floating Point Literals in scientific way
Lecture 39 Type Casting
Lecture 40 Types of Type Casting
Section 5: Operators
Lecture 41 Types of Operators
Lecture 42 Addition Operator
Lecture 43 Subtraction Operator
Lecture 44 Multiplication Operator
Lecture 45 Division Operator
Lecture 46 Modulus Operator
Lecture 47 Increment Operator
Lecture 48 Decrement Operator
Lecture 49 Relational Operators
Lecture 50 Logical Operators
Lecture 51 Simple Assignment Operator
Lecture 52 Compound Assignment Operators
Lecture 53 Conditional Operator
Lecture 54 Operator Precedence
Section 6: Flow Control Statements
Lecture 55 Flow Control Statements
Lecture 56 if Selection Statements
Lecture 57 if .. else Selection Statements
Lecture 58 if .. else if .. else Selection Statements
Lecture 59 switch Selection Statements
Lecture 60 Iterative Statements
Lecture 61 while Iterative Statement
Lecture 62 do-while Iterative Statement
Lecture 63 for Iterative Statement
Lecture 64 Transfer Statements
Lecture 65 break Transfer Statement
Lecture 66 continue Transfer Statement
Section 7: Methods, Classes and Objects
Lecture 67 Methods, Method Calling and Naming
Lecture 68 Method Parameterization
Lecture 69 Method Returning Values
Lecture 70 Classes enclose Variables and Methods
Lecture 71 What are Classes and Objects
Section 8: Arrays
Lecture 72 Arrays and their Types
Lecture 73 Single Dimensional Arrays
Lecture 74 Shortcut Representation of Single Dimensional Arrays
Lecture 75 Length of a single dimensional Array
Lecture 76 Using for loop with single dimensional arrays
Lecture 77 Using for-each loop with single dimensional arrays
Lecture 78 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Lecture 79 Two Dimensional Arrays
Lecture 80 Shortcut Representation of Two Dimensional Arrays
Lecture 81 Length of a Two Dimensional Arrays
Lecture 82 Using for loop with a Two Dimensional Array
Lecture 83 Three Dimensional Array
Lecture 84 Shortcut Representation of Three Dimensional Arrays
Lecture 85 Length of Three Dimensional Arrays
Lecture 86 Using for loop with a Three Dimensional Array
Lecture 87 Using for-each loop with a Two Dimensional Array
Lecture 88 Using for-each loop with a Three Dimensional Array
Lecture 89 Arrays and Data Types
Lecture 90 Object Class Arrays
Lecture 91 Disadvantages of Arrays
Section 9: String Class and its methods
Lecture 92 String Class
Lecture 93 String objects are immutable
Lecture 94 equals() String method
Lecture 95 Difference between == and equals() method
Lecture 96 equalsIgnoreCase() String method
Lecture 97 length() String method
Lecture 98 Difference between length and length()
Lecture 99 trim() String method
Lecture 100 substring() String method
Lecture 101 indexOf() String method
Lecture 102 lastIndexOf() String method
Lecture 103 split() String Class method
Lecture 104 concat() String method
Lecture 105 Using + Operator for Concatenation
Lecture 106 isEmpty() String Method
Lecture 107 startsWith() String Method
Lecture 108 endsWith() String Method
Lecture 109 toCharArray() String Method
Lecture 110 toUpperCase() String Method
Lecture 111 toLowerCase() String Method
Lecture 112 toString() String Class Method
Lecture 113 valueOf() String Class Method
Lecture 114 chatAt() String Class Method
Lecture 115 replace() String Class Method
Section 10: StringBuffer Class and its methods
Lecture 116 StringBuffer Class
Lecture 117 append() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 118 charAt() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 119 delete() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 120 deleteCharAt() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 121 insert() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 122 length() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 123 indexOf() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 124 lastIndexOf() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 125 replace() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 126 reverse() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 127 setCharAt() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 128 setLength() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 129 substring() StringBuffer Class Method
Lecture 130 toString() StringBuffer Class Method
Section 11: Wrapper Classes
Lecture 131 Wrapper Classes
Lecture 132 Working with different Wrapper Classes
Lecture 133 Wrapping
Lecture 134 Unwrapping
Lecture 135 Boxing
Lecture 136 Unboxing
Lecture 137 Autoboxing
Lecture 138 Auto-unboxing
Section 12: Math Class and its methods
Lecture 139 Math Class
Lecture 140 max() Math Class Method
Lecture 141 min() Math Class Method
Lecture 142 random() Math Class Method
Section 13: Packages
Lecture 143 Packages
Lecture 144 Package handling in Eclipse IDE
Lecture 145 Types of Packages
Lecture 146 Parent and Child Packages
Lecture 147 Packages and their Workspace Representation
Lecture 148 Packages Naming Conventions
Lecture 149 Importing User-defined Packages
Lecture 150 Importing In-built Packages
Lecture 151 java.lang default package
Section 14: Inheritance and its types
Lecture 152 Inheritance
Lecture 153 Types of Inheritance
Lecture 154 Single Inheritance Demonstration
Lecture 155 Multiple Inheritance Demonstration
Lecture 156 Multilevel Inheritance Demonstration
Lecture 157 Hierarchical Inheritance Demonstration
Lecture 158 Hybrid Inheritance Demonstration
Section 15: Constructors
Lecture 159 Constructors
Lecture 160 Purpose of Constructors
Lecture 161 Empty Hidden Constructor
Lecture 162 this keyword and Constructors
Lecture 163 Not initializing variables using Constructors results in default values
Lecture 164 Types of Constructors
Lecture 165 Constructor Overloading
Lecture 166 this() and Constructor Overloading
Lecture 167 Constructor Overriding is not possible
Lecture 168 Constructor Chaining
Lecture 169 super() Constructor Calling Statement
Section 16: Method Overloading and Overriding
Lecture 170 Method Overloading
Lecture 171 Method Overriding
Section 17: this and super keywords
Lecture 172 this keyword for differentiating Instance Variables
Lecture 173 this keyword for invoking current Class Methods
Lecture 174 this keyword for returning the Current Class Instance
Lecture 175 this keyword for passing the current class instance as method argument
Lecture 176 super keyword
Section 18: Modifiers
Lecture 177 Modifiers
Lecture 178 public Access Modifier
Lecture 179 private Access Modifier
Lecture 180 default Access Modifier
Lecture 181 protected Access Modifier
Lecture 182 static Non-Access Modifier
Lecture 183 final Non-Access Modifier
Lecture 184 abstract Non-Access Modifier
Section 19: Exception Handling
Lecture 185 Exception
Lecture 186 Exception Handling using try catch blocks
Lecture 187 try catch blocks and variables scope
Lecture 188 ArithmeticException
Lecture 189 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Lecture 190 Exception Hierarchy
Lecture 191 Multiple Catch Blocks
Lecture 192 Printing Exception details in different ways
Lecture 193 throw
Lecture 194 Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
Lecture 195 Handling and Ignoring Checked Exceptions
Lecture 196 throws
Lecture 197 throw versus throws
Lecture 198 finally
Lecture 199 final versus finally
Lecture 200 Statements execution in try block
Section 20: Interfaces
Lecture 201 Interfaces
Lecture 202 Interfaces and Naming Convention
Lecture 203 Interfaces and Constructors
Lecture 204 Interfaces and Variables
Lecture 205 Interfaces and Methods
Lecture 206 Implementing Interfaces
Lecture 207 Interfaces and Object Creation
Lecture 208 Implementing Multiple Interfaces
Lecture 209 Interface extending Interface
Lecture 210 Extending Classes and Implementing Interfaces together
Section 21: Abstract Classes
Lecture 211 abstract Classes
Lecture 212 abstract Classes and abstract methods
Lecture 213 abstract Classes and their child Classes
Lecture 214 abstract Classes and their method access modifiers
Lecture 215 abstract Classes and object creation
Lecture 216 abstract Classes and fields
Lecture 217 abstract Classes and Constructors
Lecture 218 Interfaces and method body
Section 22: Collections Framework
Lecture 219 Collections Framework
Lecture 220 Collection Interface
Lecture 221 List Interface
Lecture 222 ArrayList in Detail
Lecture 223 LinkedList
Lecture 224 Vector
Lecture 225 Stack
Lecture 226 Set Interface
Lecture 227 HashSet
Lecture 228 LinkedHashSet
Lecture 229 SortedSet
Lecture 230 NavigableSet
Lecture 231 TreeSet
Lecture 232 Map interface
Lecture 233 HashMap
Lecture 234 LinkedHashMap
Lecture 235 Hashtable
Lecture 236 Properties Class
Lecture 237 Converting Arrays to List
Section 23: Other Advanced Topics
Lecture 238 Reflection API
Lecture 239 Generics
Lecture 240 File Handling
Lecture 241 Getter and Setter Methods
Lecture 242 OOPS Concepts
Lecture 243 Database Concepts for JDBC
Lecture 244 SQL for JDBC
Lecture 245 JDBC
Lecture 246 Enum
Lecture 247 Varargs
Lecture 248 Purpose of few Inbuilt Annotations
Lecture 249 Scanner Class
Lecture 250 Different ways to initialize final variables
Lecture 251 Different ways of accessing variables inside static methods
Lecture 252 Java Constants
Lecture 253 Using enum with switch statement
Lecture 254 Run Time Polymorphism (Dynamic Method Dispatch)
Lecture 255 Compile Time Polymorphism
Lecture 256 Can we override static methods in Java?
Lecture 257 Method Hiding
Lecture 258 default methods in Interface and their use
Lecture 259 static methods in Interface and their use
Lecture 260 try with resources
Lecture 261 User Defined Exceptions (Customized Exceptions)
Lecture 262 FileInputStream and FileOuputStream
Lecture 263 Creating Hierarchy of Directories and Usage of File.separator
Lecture 264 Using printf()
Lecture 265 Date and Time
Lecture 266 Constructors and initializing final instance variables
Lecture 267 static methods cannot be overriden
Lecture 268 Java Regex (Regular Expressions)
Lecture 269 Running Java Programs using Command Line Commands
Lecture 270 Java Identifiers
Lecture 271 Method Chaining
Lecture 272 String[] args in main method
Lecture 273 Folder having files under it cannot be directly deleted in Java
Lecture 274 Examples where while loop is used instead of for loop
Lecture 275 Converting ArrayList to HashSet to remove elements duplication
Lecture 276 System.getProperty("user.dir") - Java - Part 276
Section 24: Learn Core Java in 10 Hours
Lecture 277 Learn Core Java in 10 Hours in a single video
Section 25: Java Interview Questions
Lecture 278 Part 1 (25 Questions and Answers)
Lecture 279 Part 2 (25 Questions and Answers)
Lecture 280 Part 3 (25 Questions and Answers)
Lecture 281 Part 4 (25 Questions and Answers)
Lecture 282 Part 5 (25 Questions and Answers)
Java Beginners from any field,Java required for Software Testers,Java required for learning Selenium Automation Tool,Java required for learning Appium Automation Tool