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«Guide To Preparation to Meat, Poultry And Seafood (Speedy Study Guides)» by Speedy Publishing

Posted By: Gelsomino
«Guide To Preparation to Meat, Poultry And Seafood (Speedy Study Guides)» by Speedy Publishing

«Guide To Preparation to Meat, Poultry And Seafood (Speedy Study Guides)» by Speedy Publishing
English | EPUB | 1.2 MB

To retain the good quality of your chosen meat, you need to properly prepare it step-by-step. This guide provides essential culinary techniques that preserve the freshness of your meat, poultry and seafood to achieve optimum taste. Listed are guidelines on cooking techniques like dry-heat and moist-heat cooking. Never again waste your money on good meat only to end up eating it badly prepared and cooked. Secure a copy today!