«Fix Your Partner In 10 Easy Steps or Less» by Marlon Familton
English | EPUB | 0.2 MB
English | EPUB | 0.2 MB
We are supposed to feel secure in our relationships and believe our partner has our back. Unfortunately the way we communicate with and respond to each other often leaves us feeling alone, angry, and ready to fight.
In Fix Your Partner in 10 Easy Steps or Less! you’ll get: What you are really fighting about, why arguments get emotional and what to do, how to stop hurting each other and fueling arguments, how to motivate your partner to work on the relationship, steps to stop violating the basic rules of relationships, and steps to create the secure love connection you desire.
Fix Your Partner in 10 Easy Steps or Less! offers you ten concrete steps you can start taking today, to improve your communication and help put you on track to feeling more secure and connected with your partner.