"Evolving BCI Therapy: Engaging Brain State Dynamics" ed. by Denis Larrivee
ITExLi | 2019 | ISBN: 1789840708 9781789840704 1789840694 9781789840698 | 148 pages | PDF | 8 MB
ITExLi | 2019 | ISBN: 1789840708 9781789840704 1789840694 9781789840698 | 148 pages | PDF | 8 MB
The book presented here documents this change, proposing a multi-faceted strategy in which BCI therapy can restore the loss of multi-tiered, brain based motor function.
As a strategic response to cognitive and CNS impairments, BCI is a theoretical outgrowth of several generations of endogenous devices for peripheral nerves, which have as a prime goal the direct replacement of lost neural function. In these earlier applications therapeutic intervention has been premised only on the restoration of signal generating capacity where nerve transmission is largely unidirectional and temporally sequenced. It is increasingly apparent, however, that the brain not only employs a very different type of syntax from that of peripheral nerves but also structures the semantic content of motor activity, fundamentally altering the conception of BCI as a therapeutic medium.
1.Introductory Chapter: Multilevel Representational Content in BCI Therapy - Extending Syntactic and Semantic Architectures
2.A Motor-Imagery BCI System Based on Deep Learning Networks and Its Applications
3.Rotation Invariant on Harris Interest Points for Exposing Image Region Duplication Forgery
4.The Application of Motor Imagery to Neurorehabilitation
5.Brain-Computer Interface and Motor Imagery Training: The Role of Visual Feedback and Embodiment
6.SSVEP-Based BCIs
7.Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface Systems: Approaches, Features, and Trends
8.Image-guided Placement of Magnetic Neuroparticles as a Potential High-Resolution Brain-Machine Interface
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