"Cutting Edge Robotics" ed. by Vedran Kordic, Alex Lazinica, Munir Merdan
ITexLi | 2021 | ISBN: 3866110383 9783866110380 9535158007 9789535158004 | 758 pages | PDF | 80 MB
ITexLi | 2021 | ISBN: 3866110383 9783866110380 9535158007 9789535158004 | 758 pages | PDF | 80 MB
This book is the result of inspirations and contributions from many researchers worldwide. It presents a collection of wide range research results of robotics scientific community. Various aspects of current research in robotics area are explored and discussed. Different mechatronic systems oriented on robotics are explored in the book.
The book begins with researches in robot modelling & design, in which different approaches in kinematical, dynamical and other design issues of mobile robots are discussed. Next chapters deal with various sensor systems. The major part of the chapters devoted to robotic vision systems, robot navigation and presents different navigation architectures, to research on adaptive and learning systems in mobile robots area. The chapters speak about different application areas of multi-robot systems. Other emerging field is discussed the human-robot interaction, and give a great tutorial on legged robot systems and one research overview on design of a humanoid robot. The different examples of service robots are showed, and oriented to industrial robots, i.e. robot manipulators.
1. Dynamic Modelling and Adaptive Traction Control for Mobile Robots
2. Rapid Prototyping for Robotics
3. The Role of 3D Simulation in the Advanced Robotic Design, Test and Control
4. Mechatronics Design of a Mecanum Wheeled Mobile Robot
5. Tracking Skin-Colored Objects in Real-Time
6. Feature Extraction and Grouping for Robot Vision Tasks
7. Comparison of Demosaicking Methods for Color Information Extraction
8. Robot Motion Trajectory-Measurement with Linear Inertial Sensors
9. Supervisory Controller for Task Assignment and Resource Dispatching in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
10. Design of a Generic, Vectorised, Machine-Vision library
11. An Active Stereo Vision-Based Learning Approach for Robotic Tracking, Fixating and Grasping Control
12. Managing Limited Sensing Resources for Mobile Robots Obstacle Avoidance
13. Behaviour Based Mobile Robot Navigation with Dynamic Weighted Voting Technique
14. Stochastic State Estimation for Simultaneous Localization and Map Building in Mobile Robotics
15. Neural Networks in Mobile Robot Motion
16. Generating Timed Trajectories for Autonomous Robotic Platforms: A Non-Linear Dynamical Systems Approach
17. Coevolution Based Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization
18. Autonomous Navigation of Unmanned Vehicles: A Fuzzy Logic Perspective
19. Integrating Behaviors for Mobile Robots: an Ethological Approach
20. Stabilization of Fuzzy Takagi - Sugeno Descriptor Models; Application to a Double Inverted Pendulum
21. Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Dynamics Systems Based on RBF Network
22. Multi-Layered Learning System for Real Robot Behavior Acquisition
23. The Design of a Pair of Identical Mobile Robots to Investigate Cooperative Behaviours
24. Cooperative Hunting by Multiple Mobile Robots Based on Local Interaction
25. Market-Driven Multi-Agent Collaboration in Robot Soccer Domain
26. The SocRob Project: Soccer Robots or Society of Robots
27. RoboCup is a Stage which Impulse the Research of Basic Technology in Robot
28. A Multi-Robot System Architecture for Trajectory Control of Groups of People
29. Sharing and Trading in a Human-Robot System
30. A Robotic System for Volcano Exploration
31. A Simulator for Helping in Design of a New Active Catheter Dedicated to Coloscopy
32. Development of a Range of Robot and Automation Prototypes for Service Applications
33. Legged Robotic Systems
34. Humanoid Robot Motion in Unstructured Environment - Generation of Various Gait Patterns from a Single Nominal
35. Trajectory Planning of a Constrained Flexible Manipulator
36. Position / Force Hybrid Control of a Manipulator with a Flexible Tool Using Visual and Force Information
37. A Novel Parallel Engraving Machine Based on 6-PUS Mechanism and Related Technologies
38. Pose Estimating the Human Arm Using Kinematics and the Sequential Monte Carlo Framework
39. Cartesian Impedance Control of Flexible Joint Robots: A Decoupling Approach
40. Collision-Free Path Planning in Robot Cells Using Virtual 3D Collision Sensors
41. Exploring Open-Ended Design Space of Mechatronic Systems
42. Online Identification for the Automated Threaded Fastening Using GUI Format
43. Multilevel Intelligent Control of Mechatronical Technological Systems
44. A Robot System for High Quality Belt Grinding and Polishing Processes
45. Reconfigurable Mechatronic Robotic Plug-and-Play Controller
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