Peter W. Cohausz - Deutsche Flugzeugcockpits und Instrumentenbretter Teil 3. Dreißiger Jahre - Heinkel - Siebel
Flugzeug Publikations GmbH | 1998 | ISBN: N/A | Deutsch | 52 pages | PDF | 66.3 MB
Cockpit Profile 3
Flugzeug Publikations GmbH | 1998 | ISBN: N/A | Deutsch | 52 pages | PDF | 66.3 MB
Cockpit Profile 3
A highly-illustrated, German-language publication pictorially shows the cockpit layouts and instrumentation of German aircraft types. 75 black/white and colour photos, plus some drawings show interiors of many Heinkel and Siebel types; Klemm L25; Messerschmitt Bf108. German text; English summary of technical terms.