Black & Decker The Complete Guide to DIY Projects for Luxurious Living: Adding Style & Elegance with Showcase Features You Can Build by Jerri Farris
English | January 1, 2008 | ISBN: 1589233360 | 240 pages | PDF | 50 Mb
English | January 1, 2008 | ISBN: 1589233360 | 240 pages | PDF | 50 Mb
Luxury you can afford!
A custom wine cellar with bistro seating; an elegant den with built-in library walls; an electric steam-room in the master bath; a billiards room with a fun, retro wet bar; a custom closet as big as a bedroomàhomeowners dream of the special features that set a home apart and make it extraordinary. Much of the time, though, dreams of luxury go unfulfilled because the pocketbook is out of sync with aspirations. But in Black & Decker« The Complete Guide to DIY Projects for Luxurious Living, readers discover the bridge over the gap between dreams and reality – their own labor.
This book is a collection of high-end home improvement projects to give homeowners the satisfaction and pride of having features normally found only in luxury, designer homes. At a fraction of the cost, any homeowner can create the kind of features that friends and neighbors will envy, along with the satisfaction of achieving this through their own skills.
- Complete directions for more than 30 ôgotta haveö projects
- More than 600 color photos showing each process step-by-step
- Features unusual, designer projects not found in other DIY books
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