«Bible Cure for ADD and Hyperactivity» by Don Colbert
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English | EPUB | 0.3 MB
OVER 3 MILLION BIBLE CURE BOOKS SOLDNEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR OF DR. COLBERT’S KETO ZONE DIET, THE SEVEN PILLARS OF HEALTH, AND DR. COLBERT'S «I CAN DO THIS» DIET Poor grades and low self-esteem are not your child's destiny! In this concise, easy-to-read booklet, you'll discover a wealth of usable information to help you and your son or daughter overcome ADD and ADHD. Learn biblical secrets on health and the latest medical research on how confidently take natural and spiritual steps to overcome these disorders. This book contains findings that your doctor may never have shared with you! Natural nutritional approaches to ADD and ADHD The most effective learning methods for your gifted childFoods that sootheHow to build up your child in faith and loveRecognize symptomatic behaviors early and work with them You want your child to be healthy. God wants them to be healthy too! Now at last here's a source of information that will help you build health-body, mind and spirit.