Battle of the Atlantic: How The Allies Won The War By Dhirubhai Patel
2021 | 154 Pages | ISBN: 8709560475 | EPUB | 2 MB
2021 | 154 Pages | ISBN: 8709560475 | EPUB | 2 MB
The Battle of the Atlantic, the longest continuous military campaign in World War II, ran from 1939 to the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945, covering a major part of the Naval history of World War II.Battle of the AtlanticChapter 1: Short Story of Battle 1.1 Early skirmishes (September 1939 - May 1940)1.2 Submarine warfare1.3 British situation1.4 'The Happy Time' (June 1940 - February 1941)1.5 Italian submarines in the Atlantic1.6 ASDIC1.7 Great surface raiders1.8 Escort groups (March - May 1941)Chapter 2: The field of battle widens 2.1 Catapult Aircraft MerchantmenChapter 3: High-frequency direction finding3.1 Watson-Watt3.2 Battle of Britain 3.3 Battle of the AtlanticChapter 4: Description4.1 Enigma cipher4.2 U-boat captured by an aircraft4.3 Mediterranean diversionChapter 5: Second Happy Time5.1 Opening moves5.2 Allied response5.3 Operation Drumbeat5.4 Operation Neuland5.5 U.S. propagandaChapter 6: Battle returns to the mid-Atlantic6.1 Ahead-throwing weapons6.2 HedgehogChapter 7: Leigh Light7.1 Operation7.2 Training7.3 Germans break Admiralty codes7.4 Enigma in 19427.5 German Command centreChapter 8: Climax of the campaign8.1 Convergence of technologiesChapter 9: South Atlantic 9.1 Final years (June 1943 - May 1945)9.2 German tactical and technical changes9.3 Last actions (May 1945)9.4 OutcomesChapter 10: Merchant NavyChapter 11: Shipping and U-boat sinkings each monthChapter 12: RAF Coastal Command during World War II12.1 Official requirements12.2 Anti-Submarine Bomb12.3 Depth Charges12.4 Machine guns and cannon12.5 Torpedoes12.6 Rockets12.7 Bombsights12.8 SensorsChapter 13: TrainingChapter 14: Western EuropeChapter 15: Offensive operations, 1940-1945Chapter 16: Non-combat operations