Trump University Entrepreneurship 101: How to Turn Your Idea into a Money Machine, Second Edition By Michael E. Gordon(auth.)
2009 | 287 Pages | ISBN: 0470467185 | PDF | 5 MB
2009 | 287 Pages | ISBN: 0470467185 | PDF | 5 MB
An up-to-date and expanded edition of the Trump guide to starting a business Although he has ups and downs like every entrepreneur, Donald Trump is one of the world’s most famous entrepreneurs for good reason—he’s one of the best. In Trump University Entrepreneurship 101, Second Edition he teams up with business owner and professor Michael Gordon to show you how to take your dream and turn it into a big-time moneymaker. This new edition is completely updated with timely new material and three new chapters, teaching you how to build a technology venture, even without formal technical education; how to use social networking, Web 2.0, and "cloud computing" to achieve competitive advantages, and how to exploit opportunities during recessionary times. If you dream of starting your own business, this is the inspiring, comprehensive guide that shows you how to do it from planning to starting up to expansion. It shows you how to mobilize resources, develop a workable strategy, write an effective business plan, raise money, negotiate with investors, and launch your business. With a first chapter by Trump Author Michael Gordon is the founder of five successful companies and teaches entrepreneurship at a number of colleges, including the Harvard University Extension School, Babson College and The International School of Management in Paris Fully revised and updated including new chapters on hot topics in entrepreneurship Includes visual models, case studies, downloadable worksheets, pep talks, and stories from Trump himself If anyone knows how to succeed in business, it's Donald Trump and his team of experts from Trump University. If you are ready for your entrepreneurial adventure, here’s all the help you need.Content: Chapter 1 Trump on Entrepreneurship (pages 1–2): Chapter 2 Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Power (pages 3–13): Chapter 3 Feel the Fear — Do it Anyway (pages 15–26): Chapter 4 Start Right—Build on the Customer Model (pages 27–34): Chapter 5 Find Ideas in a Turbulent World (pages 35–46): Chapter 6 Select One (and Only One) Opportunity (pages 47–59): Chapter 7 Exploit Opportunities during Challenging Economic Times (pages 61–71): Chapter 8 Build Your Fortune as a Techno?preneur (pages 73–78): Chapter 9 Bootstrap (pages 79–87): Chapter 10 Plan for the War with Your Competitors (pages 89–100): Chapter 11 Design Your Money Machine (pages 101–112): Chapter 12 Virtualize and Globalize (pages 113–122): Chapter 13 Harness Web 2.0 for Competitive Advantage (pages 123–131): Chapter 14 Do Well and Do Good (pages 133–138): Chapter 15 Devise a Winning Strategy (pages 139–155): Chapter 16 Project Your Growth and Profitability (pages 157–171): Chapter 17 Mobilize Powerful Resources Quickly (pages 173–181): Chapter 18 Develop a Simple, Effective Business Plan (pages 183–198): Chapter 19 Become a Win?Win Negotiator (pages 199–207): Chapter 20 Raise Money (pages 209–223): Chapter 21 Fixate on the Customer (pages 225–233): Chapter 22 Launch Your Venture! (pages 235–243): Chapter 23 Suffer Growing Pains Joyfully (pages 245–256):