Anna Heilman, Sheldon Schwartz - Never Far Away: The Auschwitz Chronicles of Anna Heilman
Published: 2001-11-30 | ISBN: 1552380408 | PDF | 184 pages | 2.57 MB
From the memories of Anna Heilman, comes a wrenching and raw memoir of a young girls fight for survival in Auschwitz during the Holocaust. Born into the comfort and security of an assimilated Jewish family in prewar Warsaw, Annas once simple life quickly turned into a life of tragic loss, infinite resilience, and enduring love. Descriptions of Annas Jewish-Polish life before war along with remembered stories of her sister, who was hanged by the SS for her role in the Gunpowder Plot to destroy Auschwitz crematoriums, and her struggle to go on in the face of ineffable Nazi dehumanization culminate in an unforgettable story of the triumph of the human spirit. With gripping immediacy, Never Far Away immortalizes one womans love for her sister and the painful search for closure to a nightmare that has haunted her for over fifty years.