The Shield and the Cloak: The Security of the Commons By Gary Hart
2006 | 194 Pages | ISBN: 0195306163 | PDF | 1 MB
2006 | 194 Pages | ISBN: 0195306163 | PDF | 1 MB
Gary Hart has long been one of the nation's foremost experts on national security, combining a deep knowledge of national security policy with first-hand experience of the political realities that influence how America safeguards itself and its interests. In his new book, Hart outlines, in clear, simple prose, the fundamental changes with which America must grapple when confronting a terrorist threat that has no state and no geographic homebase and thus offers no genuine target for the world's largest and most sophisticated military force. Hart argues for a security of the commons, emphasizing that the new security will require a shield for the homeland as well as a cloak of non-military security, including security of income, community, environment, and energy.