Harry Cooper, "U-Boat War in Photos "
English | ISBN: 1798097850 | 2019 | 268 pages | AZW3 | 11 MB
English | ISBN: 1798097850 | 2019 | 268 pages | AZW3 | 11 MB
The information contained in the many volumes of “The U-Boat War in Photos” isunmatched in the accuracy and depth of information – not only dates, places and otherdata but also personal input from the men who rode the U-Boats. In these volumes youwill read the compete history of each U-Boat. We post what Type the boat was, whatyard built her, her launch date and her commissioning date, her FeldPost Number, whoattacked her and where she was lost including the lat. long. position. We also includewhich flotillas she was with and her Turmabzeichen (Conning Tower Emblem) - in manycases, they had more than one and we give the reason behind the choice of theemblem.You will also read about all her Skippers including their date and place of birth, whatwas their Naval Class, dates and places of all their training both in class and aboard,promotions, medals and awards they received and the dates and what was their finalfate.You will also see a great many photos of the boats, the Skippers, the ships theyattacked along with the statistics of the ships they attacked. There is also informationon any special operations they took on.PERSONAL INPUT: In many cases we post the many letters and personalconversations we had with the Skippers and others. In addition, there is personal inputfrom the ASW guys who attacked and in many cases, destroyed the U-Boats…..and insome cases, from the victims of the attacks and sinkings. In many cases, you will alsoread post-war input and in many cases, you will see post-war photos of this author withthe veteran.Now sit back and enjoy this library-quality research and reference book on the history ofthe Germany U-Bootwaffe that can be found nowhere else.