Dr. Tim Kimmel, Darcy Kimmel, "Grace Filled Marriage: The Missing Piece The Place to Start"
ISBN: 1617951226, 1617954837 | 2013 | EPUB | 272 pages | 679 KB
There are few places on the planet where grace is less often expressed than in marriage. We often show more grace to our competitors in sports, politics and business than we do to our husbands or wives. Think about it… What does grace have to do with marriage? Vital elements like forgiveness, security, significance, acceptance, approval, intimacy—all are words of grace for which we hunger. What does a grace-filled marriage look like? We hear grace in our tone of voice, we see grace in expressions on our faces, we feel grace in the warmth of a touch, we taste grace in acts of simple courtesy, we smell grace in the fragrance of shared prayers and desires. Dr. Kimmel shows you how to evaluate your own grace-aptitude, and then leads you step-bystep into grace intelligence that will transform first you, and then your marriage.