Rhino 6 beta v6.0.17354.05341

Posted By: Koshy

Rhino 6 beta v6.0.17354.05341 | 276 MB

Rhino can create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate, and translate NURBS* curves, surfaces, and solids, point clouds, and polygon meshes. There are no limits on complexity, degree, or size beyond those of your hardware.

About Rhinoceros (Rhino). Rhinoceros (Rhino) is a stand-alone, NURBS-based 3-D modeling software, developed by Robert McNeel & Associates. The software is commonly used for industrial design, architecture, marine design, jewelry design,automotive design, CAD / CAM, rapid prototyping, reverse engineering, product design as well as the multimedia and graphic design industries

Rhino specializes in free-form non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) modeling. Plug-ins developed by McNeel include Flamingo (raytrace rendering), Penguin (non-photorealistic rendering), Bongo, and Brazil (advanced rendering). Over 100 third-party plugins are also available. There are also rendering plug-ins for Maxwell Render, V-Ray, Thea and many other engines. Additional plugins for CAM and CNC milling are available as well, allowing for toolpathgeneration directly in Rhino.

Like many modeling applications, Rhino also features a scripting language, based on the Visual Basic language, and an SDK that allows reading and writing Rhino files directly. Rhinoceros 3d gained its popularity in architectural design in part because of the Grasshopper plug-in for computational design. Many new avant-garde architects are using parametric modeling tools, like Grasshopper.

Rhino's increasing popularity is based on its diversity, multi-disciplinary functions, low learning-curve, relatively low cost, and its ability to import and export over 30 file formats, which allows Rhino to act as a 'converter' tool between programs in a design workflow.

About Robert McNeel & Associates. Robert McNeel & Associates designs and develops AutoCAD solutions. The company offers Rhinoceros, a freeform modeling tool; iRhino 3D, a platform that allows users to view native Rhino 3DM files on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch; Bubble, a free information assistant for AutoCAD users; DOSLib, a free LISP library of Windows and DOS functions; and openNURBS, a free C++ and .NET library. Robert McNeel & Associates was founded in 1980 and is based in Seattle, Washington.

What's new

Performance Problem:

PrintPreview: Paper size selection may hang in TestPrintDialog (RH-42704)


Display: OpenGL 3.3: GPU Tessellation completely locks up entire computer (RH-42887)
OneView: Crash bug in OneView (RH-43071)
SDK: RhinoCommon: Rhino crashes if Rendered mode is active when making a material (RH-43033)


Annotation: DimRadial: The RichTextArea is almost hidden by default in the edit dialogs of the radius and diameter dimensions (RH-42965)
Annotation: Hatch:
Defective hatch pattern (RH-42994)
Hatch pattern rotation wrong with rotated cplane (RH-42983)
Bend: No preview for points (RH-42893)
Contour: Contour by Polar (RH-2990)
DPI Aware: Usage Statistics dialog too large (RH-42923)

Caching is producing bad results (RH-42645)
Glossy reflection environment should visually match corresponding Cycles output (RH-42901)
Selected point cloud depth problem (RH-40233)
Text shows artifacts (on VMWare) (RH-42711)
Turning off shadows turns off IBL (RH-43016)
Drag: Dragging unselected objects (RH-43078)
DupBorder: Leaves out a small edge segment (RH-42789)
EditPythonScript: On top of everything (RH-42962)
Dialog disappears (RH-42920)
Minimum dialog size (RH-42919)
Grasshopper: Patch component broken (RH-42596)
Grasshopper: Components: Point Polar in GH (RH-43143)
Help: The definition of the Property override set is missing in the Help (RH-42851)

Direct users to website on install failure (RH-42867)
WIP in Installer Title (RH-42922)
Layout: Need option for PDF when creating a layout (RH-42955)
Licensing and Validation:
License may be added to a wrong Rhino account (RH-42545)
Rebrand/name to “Cloud Zoo” (RH-42801)

“Use your license anywhere.” in validation client appears in English only. (RH-43075)
Insufficient text display in German Beta (RH-43153)
Snapshots Save/Restore partial/Edit dialog needs localization (RH-42858)
The example in SubCrv help topic can not be implemented (RH-42852)
Unlocalized string in German and Italian Beta (RH-42760)
Unlocalized strings in CPlane screen and Active display modes (Italian) (RH-42944)
Loft: Loft - Special case for converging curves (RH-42892)
Menu: “Download Plug-ins…” help menu point to Food4Rhino (RH-42928)

No Subsystem:
Assert when closing modal render window (RhinoRender) (RH-43013)
Clipping plane - Meshes and wires are clipped using a different bias (RH-42679)
Metal reflections are too sharp by default (RH-42836)
ViewCapture on Raytraced prints glitched “Generating preview” string. (RH-42233)
OpenNURBS: ON_DebugBreak() in openNURBS on startup (RH-43011)
“Error loading template” (RH-43182)
Create UpgradePlugins command (RH-42827)
Ignore neon when checking for Plug-in Updates (RH-43135)
Hide all non-core PDF printers (RH-42921)
Match line type definition ignored (RH-43019)
Rendering: Materials: Polished materials use 100% polish - which is too sharp (RH-42903)
Rendering: Realtime SDK: Raytraced degraded OpenGL crappy (RH-42784)
RhinoStart: Crash on startup when checking for updated plug-ins (RH-43146)
SDK: RhinoCommon: Flamingo materials are not allowing textures to be added (RH-42971)
Toolbar: Typo in ‘Remove naked micro edges’ macro (RH-43029)
UDT: default CP on for curve creates disconnected CageEdit box (RH-42727)
UseExtrusions: UseExtrusion Command Prompt Confusion (RH-42615)
ViewCaptureToClipboard: Raytraced transparency in ViewCapture* broken (RH-43043)
VolumeMoments: Principal Volume Moments (RH-42797)
Zebra: No stripe direction in Rendered (RH-42680)

UDT: Using Taper and Stretch on control points (RH-429541)

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer

Home Page : https://www.rhino3d.com