VectorWorks 2022 SP1.0 macOs

Posted By: scutter

VectorWorks 2022 SP1.0 macOs | 4.8 Gb

Global design and BIM software provider Vectorworks, Inc. releases Vectorworks 2022 emphasizing product quality improvements, superior performance and the user experience. This latest release includes Vectorworks Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Fundamentals, Braceworks, ConnectCAD and Vision.

What’s New in Vectorworks 2022

In addition, Vectorworks reveals its comprehensive solution for designers working within multiple industries has been renamed to accurately reflect its full range of design and BIM capabilities. Vectorworks Design Suite, formerly Vectorworks Designer, offers all the up-to-date features of Vectorworks Fundamentals, Architect, Landmark and Spotlight, providing the entire suite of technology in one interface.

The Vectorworks 2022 product line includes improvements focused on next-gen tech, 3D and BIM workflows, interoperability, landscapes and GIS and entertainment design workflows.

With Vectorworks 2022, the main areas of development in core technologies and interfaces make Vectorworks products faster and more intuitive, while also providing the stability and accuracy required for maximum efficiency. Vectorworks is the first major BIM application to run natively on Apple silicon processors. Testing of Vectorworks 2022 has shown speed increases of two to four times.

Additional improvements in this area include full use of Metal on Mac and DirectX on Windows in the Vectorworks Graphics Module, Maxon’s Redshift Render Mode and a new Direct Link to Twinmotion. Plus, a redesign of the attribute and snapping palettes and new per-face texture mapping support an intuitive process for creating and visualizing designs.

Vectorworks continues to provide design-focused tools for BIM workflows that work for all designers. Direct editing improvements to the stair tool help simplify the process of designing complex objects. Updates to the worksheet database and data manager provide a consistent interface, better visual cues, a new search mode and an improved formula bar with a new set of functions to help make generating targeted reports, schedules and material take offs easy. With a focus on re-engineering and the modernization of core architectural objects like wall components and data reporting to support the creation of accurate BIM models, Vectorworks 2022 offers improvements to your workflow for greater precision, control and accuracy for both the visual model and the corresponding data.

Vectorworks takes pride in being a design hub and continues to invest in optimizing the most-used file formats, supporting value-added partner products and ensuring that project teams and BIM collaboration remain unrivaled. Version 2022 includes improvements to the DWG file import to support Civil 3D, DWG and GIS georeferencing. Additionally, IFC import/export capabilities are enhanced for improved quantity takeoffs and GIS workflows.

As the BIM platform of choice for landscape architecture, Vectorworks Landmark 2022 delivers more options for accurate modeling reflective of real-life design considerations. Improvements to the site model make it easier to define and report on soil layers. Updates to the plant tool, hardscape objects, and integrations with Esri make it easier to produce landscape BIM models that leverage GIS workflows while meeting the demand to create sustainable sites.

Our commitment to users in the entertainment industry is to invest first and foremost in re-engineering for better file performance and to provide highly responsive tools. Version 2022 of Vectorworks Spotlight, Braceworks, ConnectCAD and Vision has greater consistency between tools and functionality focused on simplifying processes such as cable and power planning to make your overall workflow efficient. This latest release also delivers many usability enhancements such as better controls on the camera tool, a position name field for truss and context menus for shifting data around. Improved placement and direct editing of objects in Schematic Views makes day-to-day documentation work in Vectorworks Spotlight faster and more intuitive.

The following issues were addressed for Vectorworks 2022 Service Pack 1. This is a list of bugs that were fixed or wish list items that were fulfilled. The information comes directly from the bug database as entered by the users who filed the issues.

VB-166768 Worksheet: [Wrap Text] may not work depending on the procedure.
VB-173652 T02058 - Accessoreis and Multicell reverse translate issues with rigging objects and schematic views
VB-174532 Implement IFC_ExportWithoutUI
VB-176013 Marionette: wire at in-port not moving with port after renaming node
VB-176118 Localization_Landscpae Area style: Unable to keep the original Plant Record values in Perennial Gardens.vwx and Green Roof Landscape Areas.vwx files.
VB-177660 T02203: Value of Window Surface CW Window
VB-178168 DataVis - rename scheme ignores when I only change casing
VB-178185 If the image file that is the source of the texture imported by Import 3DS is other than JPG, Image Mask will be applied to Transparency unintentionally.
VB-179115 *Vectorworks Crash on Update of Hidden Line Section Viewport
VB-179203 T02121 - Using render bitmap tool in rotate plan, it switch to top view, with legacy off
VB-179316 Lighting Devices will duplicate when exported from Vectorworks 2021 to 2020
VB-179574 IFC issue - excavation pit for plants doesn't show up in IFC export
VB-179793 Importing a Rhino file .3dm, crashes vectorwors – Window Release build only
VB-180063 Unable to import .dwg file – Window Release build only
VB-180334 T02068 - Texture from site modifier is applied to all site model components underneath the site modifier
VB-180356 Vectorworks 2021 SP4 - Export Spotlight File to V2020 - Duplicates all lighting devices (in place)
VB-180378 Parasolid Throw Crash - Window Release build only
VB-180477 Importing .sat file extension crashes Vectorworks (Win 10 only)
VB-180479 VW2021 to VW2022 file conversion alters Data mapping formula and removes fields
VB-180512 T02184: Lighting device preview disappears when you hold Alt key
VB-180749 Shift and drag lighting devices rotates them
VB-180809 Hardscape: Hidden arc segment leads to empty border mesh
VB-180902 [UI Review][T02155][Mac Only] Fill resource pop-over button remains highlightable when settings can't be applied.
VB-180959 *Crash: Site Model Mesh Smoothing
VB-180998 graphic attribute of wall section in low detail level not working
VB-181007 Lines of adjacent wall components visible in section elevation of openings
VB-181063 Spotlight Using the power infomation dropdowns to connect objects issue
VB-181086 T02155 - Hatch and Tile settings button does not work
VB-181137 Space preferences dialog show variety of space numbers when accessing multiple times
VB-181152 Imported textures appears to have inverted transparency
VB-181172 T02210 Railing/Fence: Wrong decimals in IFC
VB-181174 T02216: Missing values / wrong decimals
VB-181275 T02201 - Find and Modify: Find 'Edit Cell' & 'Find Accessory'
VB-181313 T02208 Rigging Object Position Name - Light Devices do NOT update position with add or change of Truss Position Name - MacOS Only
VB-181316 Import mtextur should create Image Mask transparency, not Image transparency shaders
VB-181370 [T02195] Additional disable state and behavior for Remove Texture command
VB-181384 Attributes palette menu and help icons still outlined
VB-181387 Attributes palette title bar: icons still use old outline style
VB-181539 T02175: Data Manager formula convertions to 2022 fail to varying degrees
VB-181565 more leftover unified view and screen plane stuff (T02121)
VB-181594 T02153-Can't delete custom root ball sizes
VB-181618 Worksheet functions shown twice in Select Function dialog
VB-181626 Line Thickness: The changes from the Tools->Options->Line Thickness… don’t display in the Attribute palette on Windows
VB-181654 Worksheets - Formula field rendering issues for long cell texts (Mac only)
VB-181678 [Mac] Icons block resource names in Fill and Line Type resource popups of Attributes Palette
VB-181723 Hardscape Settings: Joint Angle field is not aligned correctly
VB-181746 [T02195] Face texture cannot be applied to a solid subtraction, file attached
VB-181749 Data Manager - Expert formula Autocompletion popup and Calltip appear behind the dialog
VB-181767 VW2022 Mac First Run Survey Opens on wrong monitor
VB-181768 Hardscape edit style dialog name help text could be changed to new text
VB-181790 Create data tag command uses the back end names for the hoist parameters
VB-181795 Line style LB cell does not handle default style correctly in Org Dialog
VB-181808 Lighting Device position Name does not update when position name is changed.
VB-181823 T02171 Wall: Window Sill cutting object
VB-181828 T02171 Wall: Clipping Wall Hole for Interior Trim of Window at wrong position when using Jamb Extensions
VB-181870 VW Freezes When Exporting File to Previous Versions
VB-181884 Space settings dialog, typo in help text for wall projections option
VB-181886 VW crashes when inserting a LD while holding Alt key
VB-181887 Fence - Toprail adjust post height
VB-181898 Attribute Mapping Tool on Hardscapes no longer working
VB-181921 Period missing at end of phrase in this dialog
VB-181957 Hardscape settings dialog, left pane name not displaying fully. Mac only
VB-181958 Radio buttons are too close to the push buttons in Edit plant style dialog
VB-181974 Some icelandic letters dont display in worksheets
VB-181980 Organization dialog Classes pane does not display/update fill column when class fill is hatch.
VB-181985 palette problems on win
VB-182012 T02171 - Wall: Window Wall Hole positions not taking Insert Location into account
VB-182013 Cable Tools DeviceConnection_Manager::ReadFile() is taking enormous time in this file
VB-182027 Lighting Device "Symbol name" parameter can be edited trough worksheets
VB-182032 Site Model receiving any changes loses its assigned texture
VB-182079 stories test needs updating
VB-182105 *Lighting Pipe Ladder - Crash when opened via the Quick Search -TInsertAtPointBase::InsertablePtr
VB-182109 Localization issue: Soft Goods
VB-182114 Content: Hyperlink tool is not working in template files
VB-182128 Z_78_VW add NNA#8_ prefix on material name
VB-182147 Spotlight - Remove from hanging position removes all lights from that point to the right
VB-182157 Detailer Plugin fails to create screen-plane objects
VB-182161 New VS function "GePartInstanceName" misspelled
VB-182163 Create Report Dialog Comes Up Blank When Accessed from Worksheet : JBC
VB-182167 Localization issue: Snapping toolbar
VB-182175 Space tool: The Apply Attribute Mode icon is the same as the Pick Up Attribute Mode icon
VB-182176 Key "AreaOrLinear" duplicated in ExtHedgify.vwstrings
VB-182177 Key "PlantSettings" duplicated in PlantDialog.vwstrings
VB-182179 [T02195] X icon for none is getting scaled in the Texture Browser
VB-182181 Stair unexpected rotation at creation
VB-182211 Typo in the Edit Cable Part dialog
VB-182218 T02155 - Space Opacity Can't be Changed Via the Attributes Palette in 2022
VB-182221 Spaces Lose By-Instance 3D Attributes When Style is Edited
VB-182235 Data Tag indicate that there is no error, but actually it is attached to incorrect object.
VB-182240 SketchUp Import Progress bar on M1 Mac
VB-182248 If you rotate stair in some angle while inserting in the drawing, preview will disappear
VB-182252 LAND - Replacing the landscape area style changes the site model surface texture
VB-182266 Batch Rename localization
VB-182270 Vectorworks fails to include lighting devices in the Data Exchange .xml file
VB-182280 Reporting issues with Hardscape Alignment
VB-182281 The positions of X offset and Y offset controls should be swapped in the gradient popover
VB-182301 Planes options in the View bar menu and on the View bar don't match
VB-182306 Local Web Preview broken in Mac Export Web View dialog
VB-182317 Paused snapping string is not being localized
VB-182321 applying a face texture results in rotating of original textures with 90 degrees
VB-182323 Tool sets' utility menu doesn't work
VB-182335 Create Data Tag style - ifc entity not localized
VB-182338 ConnectCAD: Circuit outside diameter not using localized units mark
VB-182356 View options for Basic and Tool Set are not working
VB-182360 Utility menu does not appear for palettes
VB-182361 Check spelling does not recognize any English words
VB-182369 Acc Test: List browser control not sized correctly in Criteria dialog with long localized strings.
VB-182378 ConnectCAD settings dialog, missing letter in tabs. Mac Only
VB-182379 Snapping Acceptance Test: Screen hint strings are not replaced with proper 'localized' strings
VB-182396 *Vectorworks crashes during Revit import
VB-182398 Worksheets - Autocompletion and function call tips don't appear anymore in 2022 SP1
VB-182401 Worksheet formula bar control not refreshed correctly after resize
VB-182403 Extrude object on Automatic wall plane remains as wall
VB-182407 Concatenated string in Find and Modify dialog
VB-182415 Landscape area tag: latin name and plant ID are not shown
VB-182440 Hardscape: localized joint pattern string is clipped
VB-182453 Localization issue: The structural member object has parameter that aren’t translated
VB-182471 IFC missing resource string for Pset_BuildingElementProxyCommon causes problems when exporting to IFC
VB-182472 Design express Wall styles do not show textures at openings
VB-182476 Localization Landscape Area Components
VB-182492 English title displayed in the localized dialog Site Model Components (PL version)
VB-182498 Localization issue: Site Model Components dialog
VB-182499 Localization issue: Landscape Components dialog
VB-182500 Localization issue: Hardscape Settings dialog
VB-182515 Datasmith direct link process not working as described in Vectorworks Help
VB-182519 Localization issue: Publish command
VB-182523 Plant Root Zones: The Size drop down displays different values on Windows and Mac when Shape is set to Balled and Burlapped
VB-182546 Worksheet on Callout Legend fails !
VB-182557 Space help text is wrong for all modes in the Tool bar
VB-182579 Lighting Devices duplicated when Export to v2019
VB-182580 Lighting Devices duplicated when Export to v2020
VB-182622 SketchUp Import Crash - random crash
VB-182623 *Smoothing site model 2D contours crashes Vectorworks
VB-182633 Multi-cell lighting devices are using the whole symbol when exported to VW2020 or previous version.
VB-182659 The new opacity slider produces unexpected results and the type-in text is unreadable
VB-182669 T02245: RenderMall Plant folder translation
VB-182673 SketchUp Plug-in said to be incompatible on launch of Spanish Vectorworks macOS 10.15
VB-182681 Specific SKP file import works in 2021 not in 2022 Mac M1 Pro
VB-182684 Rhino File Crashes VW 2022 on Windows
VB-182689 Spotlight Find and Modify is broken
VB-182695 Data tag: Define Tag Field dialog doesn’t display drop downs on Mac M1
VB-182700 WallBreak is broken
VB-182704 Lighting device preview when inserted with 3D snapping is broken.
VB-182757 Space Label is invisible
VB-182762 Palette preference button inactive when Palette anchored
VB-182785 File does not open
VB-182800 KLS: Criteria in Worksheet support not german umlaute
VB-182805 Attribute palette Fill and pen settings pop ups has some alignment issue
VB-182833 Data tag - worksheet functions no longer work after modification.
VB-182840 Wall components are not substracted by slabs
VB-182845 *Acceptance Failure: Macbook Pro M1 Hangs on Updating Section Viewports
VB-182940 *[Mac only] Removing more than one texture override can crash Mac texture browser

Vectorworks is a versatile, on-premise application that provides extensive 2D drafting, 3D modeling, BIM and rendering capabilities for your architectural and landscape design needs. Vectorworks is equipped with designer-focused tools and features, allowing your workflows to have great freedom, ease of use and flexibility.

The Vectorworks 2022 product line includes improvements focused on next-gen tech, 3D and BIM workflows, interoperability, landscapes and GIS and entertainment design workflows.

Vectorworks 2022: Top New Features Part I (4K)

Vectorworks 2022: Top New Features Part II (4K)

Vectorworks 2022: Top New Features Part III (4K)

Vectorworks, Inc. is an award-winning design and BIM software provider serving the architecture, landscape architecture and entertainment industries in 85 countries. Creating intuitive software since 1985, we’ve become the preeminent software built to manage the entire design process. Globally more than 685,000 users are creating, connecting and influencing the next generation of design with Vectorworks on Mac and Windows. Headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, with offices in Newbury and London, England and Vancouver, Canada, Vectorworks is a part of the Nemetschek Group.

Product: Vectorworks
Version: 2022 SP1 (619242)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: macOsx *
Size: 4.8 Gb

Vectorworks 2022 System Requirements
The following are real-world system requirements for running Vectorworks 2022. In some demanding cases, we would suggest a more capable machine than is described in these hardware profiles. Likewise, there are some less demanding situations where Vectorworks will perform well on older hardware.

Operating Systems
- macOS 11 (Big Sur)
- macOS 10.15 (Catalina)

Minimum Hardware Profile

Entry-level Profile:
For small projects, simple models/drawings with a low level of detail, simple renderings (such as, small residential projects, small theaters, small landscaping design)

Processor: Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5, or better / Apple M series
RAM: 8GB or more
Graphics Card: 2GB VRAM or more, macOS: Metal GPUFamily1 or later,

Some integrated graphics cards such as Intel Iris Plus/Pro graphics and AMD Radeon RX Vega series are acceptable for very simple models/drawings, but a dedicated graphics card is preferable.

Vision requires a dedicated OpenGL 4.1 compatible graphics card with 2GB of VRAM or more, preferably released in the past three years (e.g. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 series, AMD Radeon RX 500 series).

Using multiple view panes with different visibilities in all panes requires a graphics card with at least 2GB of VRAM.

Display Resolution: 1440 x 900 or higher
Hard Disk: 10GB free disk space is required for the installation. 30GB or more is required for a full installation with all libraries.

Case sensitive file system volumes are not supported.

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