TMG solvers for NXSeries (build date 2022.10) Update | 2.1 Gb
The Siemens Digital Industries Software development team has released an updated versions to module TMG Thermal/Flow Simulation (NXCAE_EXTRAS) is used to advanced modeling of heat transfer and flow of liquid and gas flows in NXSeries software.
TMG Version 2019.1.17
** Bug
* [TF-4632] - Parallel flow solver fatal errors: At least one NaN has been detected in the solution vector of DEL_ENTHALPY / TKE_DELTA
* [TF-5152] - Validation case VVF4 (Power-Law) - degradation in results
* [TF-6027] - Coupled thermal-flow model that requires a large size of memory to allocate fails at initialization
* [TF-7226] - Investigate QUICK advection scheme for the turbulence equations
* [TF-7859] - Fan Curve Operating Point Summary is not printed to the log file when the parallel flow solver is used
* [TF-7971] - Wrong increments and misplaced thermal results when the coupling time option is structural time step, solution step end time, or user-specified time step, and the step's output flag is all coupling times for MP Thermal-Flow-Structural
* [TF-7992] - Wrong mass flow rates in htm report at an intermediate location along a pipe when the cross section plane coincides with element faces
TMG Version 2019.2.16
** Bug
* [TF-6367] - Fluid plugin QA's fail due to compiler version mismatch
* [TF-8353] - Femap: Boundary condition mapping fails for long file paths
* [TF-8477] - FSI simulation with thin boundary layer mesh produces no displacement and no transfer force
* [TF-8577] - Large MP thermal-structural model crashes analyz.exe while performing results postprocessing
* [TF-8593] - Parallel flow solver errors out for a pressure rise inlet with specified external absolute pressure
* [TF-8637] - Incorrect FACE_SET_AREA values in flow.ibd file for IBM models with multiple octree meshes
* [TF-8643] - Thermal/flow solver crashes when the parallel configuration file contains an invalid computer name
* [TF-8672] - Parallel flow solver crashes for a multi-enclosure model containing an immiscible fluid mixture and a pure substance fluid
* [TF-8698] - Weighted-average values are incorrectly computed for 3D flow data report
* [TF-8721] - Coupled thermal/flow solution hangs in the first iteration if no convection couplings from solid to fluid are present
* [TF-8761] - A screen that overlaps both the primary and secondary regions of a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO should produce a fatal error instead of a crash
* [TF-8762] - An internal fan that overlaps both the primary and secondary regions of a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO should produce a more descriptive fatal error
* [TF-8780] - Implement a fatal error when a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO is defined at the interface of a Moving Frame of Reference SSSO
* [TF-8836] - The Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO is not properly supported in the Simcenter 3D Multiphysics solver environment
** New Feature
* [TF-8657] - Migrate changes in xana2action and xana2printout down to NX12
TMG Version 2020.1.12
** Bug
* [TF-6367] - Fluid plugin QA's fail due to compiler version mismatch
* [TF-8327] - Coupled multiphysics simulation does not converge when first solution step is defined as steady state
* [TF-8353] - Femap: Boundary condition mapping fails for long file paths
* [TF-8477] - FSI simulation with thin boundary layer mesh produces no displacement and no transfer force
* [TF-8577] - Large MP thermal-structural model crashes analyz.exe while performing results postprocessing
* [TF-8593] - Parallel flow solver errors out for a pressure rise inlet with specified external absolute pressure
* [TF-8637] - Incorrect FACE_SET_AREA values in flow.ibd file for IBM models with multiple octree meshes
* [TF-8643] - Thermal/flow solver crashes when the parallel configuration file contains an invalid computer name
* [TF-8647] - Laplacian mesh mover results in bad elements when a thin boundary layer mesh is used
* [TF-8651] - Investigate VUFAC performance degradation with the latest tmgver2020.2
* [TF-8665] - MayaMonitor.exe does not terminate if nx2tmg.exe crashes
* [TF-8672] - Parallel flow solver crashes for a multi-enclosure model containing an immiscible fluid mixture and a pure substance fluid
* [TF-8698] - Weighted-average values are incorrectly computed for 3D flow data report
* [TF-8702] - Fluid pressure forces on 2D shells are not transferred to the structure for FSI simulation
* [TF-8710] - Incorrect HTC at the duct entrance for HTCFORCE() correlation
* [TF-8721] - Coupled thermal/flow solution hangs in the first iteration if no convection couplings from solid to fluid are present
* [TF-8761] - A screen that overlaps both the primary and secondary regions of a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO should produce a fatal error instead of a crash
* [TF-8762] - An internal fan that overlaps both the primary and secondary regions of a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO should produce a more descriptive fatal error
* [TF-8766] - FSI simulation run in parallel crashes at the end when all time steps are done
* [TF-8780] - Implement a fatal error when a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO is defined at the interface of a Moving Frame of Reference SSSO
* [TF-8836] - The Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO is not properly supported in the Simcenter 3D Multiphysics solver environment
** New Feature
* [TF-8231] - Support hybrid wall function in a 2-way FSI simulation
* [TF-8705] - Create two separate parameters for BC data summary in the advanced parameters catalog
** Improvement
* [TF-8714] - As a developer I would like to write solver and solution info into SolverData.h5 as attributes
* [TF-8734] - As a developer I would like to re-write the GCL source term for the pressure equation for ideal gases using an implicit discretization
TMG Version 2020.2.13
** Bug
* [TF-9016] - Parallel flow solver fails for a model containing a Joint Mixing Plane and a Rotating Frame of Reference
* [TF-9037] - Incorrect number of RFR screen element faces in flow.bfi when a Rotating Frame of Reference interface and a Joint Mixing Plane overlap each other
* [TF-9828] - Label inversion in RFR screen node-to-node mapping for a model containing a Joint Mixing Plane and a Rotating Frame of Reference
* [TF-10108] - Incorrect area is reported in the log file for the thermal coupling summary when the selection contains 1D duct elements
* [TF-10115] - Turbulent variables exhibit slow convergence for a restarted flow solution
* [TF-10134] - Null mass flow at the first iteration of a transient solution initialized or restarted from a steady state solution
* [TF-10161] - Incorrect metal temperatures for a model containing vertical thermal streams
* [TF-10174] - Divergence at the first iteration of a transient solution initialized from a steady state solution containing Mixing Plane and Rotating Frame of Reference BC's
* [TF-10185] - Time spent for run initialization is too high compared to total time spent in the ANALYZER module for a thermal model
* [TF-10218] - Nodal fluid surface results can not be contour displayed in Simcenter 3D post for parabolic fluid elements
* [TF-10239] - WARNING 5965 should not be issued for a thermal model having different output requests for each solution step
* [TF-10301] - Incorrect optical property ID is referenced by the layers for the Analyzing orbital radiation activity
* [TF-10331] - NX2TMG module produces a crash for a MP thermal model containing concentrated mass elements with no physical property defined
* [TF-10336] - Mass flux is no longer output on RFR screens
* [TF-10385] - XMLTEST QA's with nodal displacement results enabled fail when the FE solver is used
* [TF-10398] - NXTMG881 QA produces different mass flux results
* [TF-10490] - DATACH module produces a fatal error due to very large solution step end times
* [TF-10493] - Differences in half cone angle calculations between FE and FV solvers
* [TF-10502] - Plugin functions can not access solid material conductivities with the FE solver
* [TF-10504] - Adding, removing, and reordering directories dynamically in the TMG Executive Menu does not work for the Execute All command
** Improvement
* [TF-10277] - Return error for plugin functions that require mass flow rate if quantity is not available from the context
* [TF-10348] - Implement advanced parameter that excludes orbit times from integration times
TMG Version 2021.1.12
** Bug
* [TF-11198] - FE: Incorrect HTC results are produced when thermal coupling primary region is a 2D axisymmetric edge
* [TF-11291] - VTIME8 QA does not run properly on Linux
* [TF-11347] - ANALYZ module produces a crash when verboseness level is set to 4 or 5 and model contains Convection to Environment
* [TF-11389] - Power and Total Energy Used are incorrectly reported in ThermostatsReport.csv file
* [TF-11403] - HTCs for nodal convection couplings are zero in post while assigned HTCs are non-zero
* [TF-11437] - Model with orbital heating and rotation rate defined as a time-varying table fails
* [TF-11454] - FE: Model with orthotropic materials produces incorrect temperature results
* [TF-11633] - Correct the range of integration for pressure when creating T2H conversion table for materials with pressure and temperature dependent properties
** New Feature
* [TF-11066] - Support interdependencies for mass flow rate update for ducts with mass flow
* [TF-11219] - Produce a fatal error if a table contains no data and add more verbose messaging in the DATACH module
TMG Version 2021.2.12
** Bug
* [TF-11934] - Significant differences in thermal results between tmgver2021.1 and tmgver2022.1 for coupled thermal-structural solution
* [TF-12408] - Thermal FE solver writes incorrect element IDs to the files generated in debug mode
* [TF-12414] - Thermal solver does not write BC names to the files generated in debug mode for convection couplings
* [TF-12451] - Thermal mapping solution produces a jagged temperature profile when a mapping constraint is present in the model
* [TF-12473] - Unexpected duct fluid pressures on walls when duct pressure is defined using a condition sequence parameter
* [TF-12477] - Thermal mapping solution produces missing midside node temperatures for connected pyramid elements
* [TF-12512] - Thermal mapping solution produces non-mapped target nodes for an axisymmetric zone
* [TF-12523] - Non-gray optical properties do not work with PARAM AUTOCOAT
* [TF-12537] - Radiative thermal coupling order impacts solution convergence
** New Feature
* [TF-11896] - Implement user plugin modifications
* [TF-12400] - Total fluid temperature (absolute and relative) results are not being displayed when using one-sided total temperature effects with duct node convection couplings tied to single mesh point
* [TF-12496] - Output the number of mapped nodes and a list of elements missing a node to the log file for a thermal mapping solution
TMG Version 2022.1.11
** Bug
* [TF-12593] - Mapping: Incorrect mapped temperature results for a mixed 2D-3D model
* [TF-12857] - Temperature constraint on duct fluid nodes is not respected when combined with immersed ducts
* [TF-12921] - BUN files for mapped temperature gradients should not be written if no temperature gradient zones exist
* [TF-12924] - Mulitphysics model with protective layers applied to 2D thin shell elements produces a crash in the DATACH module with FE method
* [TF-12936] - WTEST9 QA randomly crashes in ANALYZER module
* [TF-12968] - Time or temperature dependent total resistance is not handled properly for Interface Resistance simulation object
* [TF-13006] - Missing explicit type in a function that returns the size of an integer in Fortran
* [TF-13038] - CGNS link file uses full path rather than relative path
* [TF-13068] - Axisymmetric Target Set produces "speckled' temperatures on the surface of a 3D region
* [TF-13097] - Cosimulation: Values are not properly applied from external solver when a thermal constraint is named "Co-simulation Interface(1)"
TMG Version 2206.5
** Bug
* [TF-12593] - Mapping: Incorrect mapped temperature results for a mixed 2D-3D model
* [TF-12836] - Unrelated references to hdf5 are written to the mapping log file
* [TF-12857] - Temperature constraint on duct fluid nodes is not respected when combined with immersed ducts
* [TF-12921] - BUN files for mapped temperature gradients should not be written if no temperature gradient zones exist
* [TF-12924] - Mulitphysics model with protective layers applied to 2D thin shell elements produces a crash in the DATACH module with FE method
* [TF-12936] - WTEST9 QA randomly crashes in ANALYZER module
* [TF-12968] - Time or temperature dependent total resistance is not handled properly for Interface Resistance simulation object
* [TF-13006] - Missing explicit type in a function that returns the size of an integer in Fortran
* [TF-13038] - CGNS link file uses full path rather than relative path
* [TF-13040] - Thermal correlation model with design variables having large initial values does not converge
* [TF-13068] - Axisymmetric Target Set produces "speckled' temperatures on the surface of a 3D region
* [TF-13097] - Cosimulation: Values are not properly applied from external solver when a thermal constraint is named "Co-simulation Interface(1)"
* [TF-13103] - HPC19 QA crashes in ANALYZER module if ParaView output files for domain decomposition are requested
** New Feature
* [TF-12709] - Mixing with thermal streams produces different results compared to mixing with 1D ducts with mass flow
** Improvement
* [TF-12133] - Cosimulation: Update error messages for mismatch between Simcenter 3D Thermal Multiphysics & Simcenter Amesim final times and detection of steady state solution
TMG Version 2019.1.17
** Bug
* [TF-4632] - Parallel flow solver fatal errors: At least one NaN has been detected in the solution vector of DEL_ENTHALPY / TKE_DELTA
* [TF-5152] - Validation case VVF4 (Power-Law) - degradation in results
* [TF-6027] - Coupled thermal-flow model that requires a large size of memory to allocate fails at initialization
* [TF-7226] - Investigate QUICK advection scheme for the turbulence equations
* [TF-7859] - Fan Curve Operating Point Summary is not printed to the log file when the parallel flow solver is used
* [TF-7971] - Wrong increments and misplaced thermal results when the coupling time option is structural time step, solution step end time, or user-specified time step, and the step's output flag is all coupling times for MP Thermal-Flow-Structural
* [TF-7992] - Wrong mass flow rates in htm report at an intermediate location along a pipe when the cross section plane coincides with element faces
TMG Version 2019.2.16
** Bug
* [TF-6367] - Fluid plugin QA's fail due to compiler version mismatch
* [TF-8353] - Femap: Boundary condition mapping fails for long file paths
* [TF-8477] - FSI simulation with thin boundary layer mesh produces no displacement and no transfer force
* [TF-8577] - Large MP thermal-structural model crashes analyz.exe while performing results postprocessing
* [TF-8593] - Parallel flow solver errors out for a pressure rise inlet with specified external absolute pressure
* [TF-8637] - Incorrect FACE_SET_AREA values in flow.ibd file for IBM models with multiple octree meshes
* [TF-8643] - Thermal/flow solver crashes when the parallel configuration file contains an invalid computer name
* [TF-8672] - Parallel flow solver crashes for a multi-enclosure model containing an immiscible fluid mixture and a pure substance fluid
* [TF-8698] - Weighted-average values are incorrectly computed for 3D flow data report
* [TF-8721] - Coupled thermal/flow solution hangs in the first iteration if no convection couplings from solid to fluid are present
* [TF-8761] - A screen that overlaps both the primary and secondary regions of a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO should produce a fatal error instead of a crash
* [TF-8762] - An internal fan that overlaps both the primary and secondary regions of a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO should produce a more descriptive fatal error
* [TF-8780] - Implement a fatal error when a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO is defined at the interface of a Moving Frame of Reference SSSO
* [TF-8836] - The Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO is not properly supported in the Simcenter 3D Multiphysics solver environment
** New Feature
* [TF-8657] - Migrate changes in xana2action and xana2printout down to NX12
TMG Version 2020.1.12
** Bug
* [TF-6367] - Fluid plugin QA's fail due to compiler version mismatch
* [TF-8327] - Coupled multiphysics simulation does not converge when first solution step is defined as steady state
* [TF-8353] - Femap: Boundary condition mapping fails for long file paths
* [TF-8477] - FSI simulation with thin boundary layer mesh produces no displacement and no transfer force
* [TF-8577] - Large MP thermal-structural model crashes analyz.exe while performing results postprocessing
* [TF-8593] - Parallel flow solver errors out for a pressure rise inlet with specified external absolute pressure
* [TF-8637] - Incorrect FACE_SET_AREA values in flow.ibd file for IBM models with multiple octree meshes
* [TF-8643] - Thermal/flow solver crashes when the parallel configuration file contains an invalid computer name
* [TF-8647] - Laplacian mesh mover results in bad elements when a thin boundary layer mesh is used
* [TF-8651] - Investigate VUFAC performance degradation with the latest tmgver2020.2
* [TF-8665] - MayaMonitor.exe does not terminate if nx2tmg.exe crashes
* [TF-8672] - Parallel flow solver crashes for a multi-enclosure model containing an immiscible fluid mixture and a pure substance fluid
* [TF-8698] - Weighted-average values are incorrectly computed for 3D flow data report
* [TF-8702] - Fluid pressure forces on 2D shells are not transferred to the structure for FSI simulation
* [TF-8710] - Incorrect HTC at the duct entrance for HTCFORCE() correlation
* [TF-8721] - Coupled thermal/flow solution hangs in the first iteration if no convection couplings from solid to fluid are present
* [TF-8761] - A screen that overlaps both the primary and secondary regions of a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO should produce a fatal error instead of a crash
* [TF-8762] - An internal fan that overlaps both the primary and secondary regions of a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO should produce a more descriptive fatal error
* [TF-8766] - FSI simulation run in parallel crashes at the end when all time steps are done
* [TF-8780] - Implement a fatal error when a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO is defined at the interface of a Moving Frame of Reference SSSO
* [TF-8836] - The Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO is not properly supported in the Simcenter 3D Multiphysics solver environment
** New Feature
* [TF-8231] - Support hybrid wall function in a 2-way FSI simulation
* [TF-8705] - Create two separate parameters for BC data summary in the advanced parameters catalog
** Improvement
* [TF-8714] - As a developer I would like to write solver and solution info into SolverData.h5 as attributes
* [TF-8734] - As a developer I would like to re-write the GCL source term for the pressure equation for ideal gases using an implicit discretization
TMG Version 2020.2.13
** Bug
* [TF-9016] - Parallel flow solver fails for a model containing a Joint Mixing Plane and a Rotating Frame of Reference
* [TF-9037] - Incorrect number of RFR screen element faces in flow.bfi when a Rotating Frame of Reference interface and a Joint Mixing Plane overlap each other
* [TF-9828] - Label inversion in RFR screen node-to-node mapping for a model containing a Joint Mixing Plane and a Rotating Frame of Reference
* [TF-10108] - Incorrect area is reported in the log file for the thermal coupling summary when the selection contains 1D duct elements
* [TF-10115] - Turbulent variables exhibit slow convergence for a restarted flow solution
* [TF-10134] - Null mass flow at the first iteration of a transient solution initialized or restarted from a steady state solution
* [TF-10161] - Incorrect metal temperatures for a model containing vertical thermal streams
* [TF-10174] - Divergence at the first iteration of a transient solution initialized from a steady state solution containing Mixing Plane and Rotating Frame of Reference BC's
* [TF-10185] - Time spent for run initialization is too high compared to total time spent in the ANALYZER module for a thermal model
* [TF-10218] - Nodal fluid surface results can not be contour displayed in Simcenter 3D post for parabolic fluid elements
* [TF-10239] - WARNING 5965 should not be issued for a thermal model having different output requests for each solution step
* [TF-10301] - Incorrect optical property ID is referenced by the layers for the Analyzing orbital radiation activity
* [TF-10331] - NX2TMG module produces a crash for a MP thermal model containing concentrated mass elements with no physical property defined
* [TF-10336] - Mass flux is no longer output on RFR screens
* [TF-10385] - XMLTEST QA's with nodal displacement results enabled fail when the FE solver is used
* [TF-10398] - NXTMG881 QA produces different mass flux results
* [TF-10490] - DATACH module produces a fatal error due to very large solution step end times
* [TF-10493] - Differences in half cone angle calculations between FE and FV solvers
* [TF-10502] - Plugin functions can not access solid material conductivities with the FE solver
* [TF-10504] - Adding, removing, and reordering directories dynamically in the TMG Executive Menu does not work for the Execute All command
** Improvement
* [TF-10277] - Return error for plugin functions that require mass flow rate if quantity is not available from the context
* [TF-10348] - Implement advanced parameter that excludes orbit times from integration times
TMG Version 2021.1.12
** Bug
* [TF-11198] - FE: Incorrect HTC results are produced when thermal coupling primary region is a 2D axisymmetric edge
* [TF-11291] - VTIME8 QA does not run properly on Linux
* [TF-11347] - ANALYZ module produces a crash when verboseness level is set to 4 or 5 and model contains Convection to Environment
* [TF-11389] - Power and Total Energy Used are incorrectly reported in ThermostatsReport.csv file
* [TF-11403] - HTCs for nodal convection couplings are zero in post while assigned HTCs are non-zero
* [TF-11437] - Model with orbital heating and rotation rate defined as a time-varying table fails
* [TF-11454] - FE: Model with orthotropic materials produces incorrect temperature results
* [TF-11633] - Correct the range of integration for pressure when creating T2H conversion table for materials with pressure and temperature dependent properties
** New Feature
* [TF-11066] - Support interdependencies for mass flow rate update for ducts with mass flow
* [TF-11219] - Produce a fatal error if a table contains no data and add more verbose messaging in the DATACH module
TMG Version 2021.2.12
** Bug
* [TF-11934] - Significant differences in thermal results between tmgver2021.1 and tmgver2022.1 for coupled thermal-structural solution
* [TF-12408] - Thermal FE solver writes incorrect element IDs to the files generated in debug mode
* [TF-12414] - Thermal solver does not write BC names to the files generated in debug mode for convection couplings
* [TF-12451] - Thermal mapping solution produces a jagged temperature profile when a mapping constraint is present in the model
* [TF-12473] - Unexpected duct fluid pressures on walls when duct pressure is defined using a condition sequence parameter
* [TF-12477] - Thermal mapping solution produces missing midside node temperatures for connected pyramid elements
* [TF-12512] - Thermal mapping solution produces non-mapped target nodes for an axisymmetric zone
* [TF-12523] - Non-gray optical properties do not work with PARAM AUTOCOAT
* [TF-12537] - Radiative thermal coupling order impacts solution convergence
** New Feature
* [TF-11896] - Implement user plugin modifications
* [TF-12400] - Total fluid temperature (absolute and relative) results are not being displayed when using one-sided total temperature effects with duct node convection couplings tied to single mesh point
* [TF-12496] - Output the number of mapped nodes and a list of elements missing a node to the log file for a thermal mapping solution
TMG Version 2022.1.11
** Bug
* [TF-12593] - Mapping: Incorrect mapped temperature results for a mixed 2D-3D model
* [TF-12857] - Temperature constraint on duct fluid nodes is not respected when combined with immersed ducts
* [TF-12921] - BUN files for mapped temperature gradients should not be written if no temperature gradient zones exist
* [TF-12924] - Mulitphysics model with protective layers applied to 2D thin shell elements produces a crash in the DATACH module with FE method
* [TF-12936] - WTEST9 QA randomly crashes in ANALYZER module
* [TF-12968] - Time or temperature dependent total resistance is not handled properly for Interface Resistance simulation object
* [TF-13006] - Missing explicit type in a function that returns the size of an integer in Fortran
* [TF-13038] - CGNS link file uses full path rather than relative path
* [TF-13068] - Axisymmetric Target Set produces "speckled' temperatures on the surface of a 3D region
* [TF-13097] - Cosimulation: Values are not properly applied from external solver when a thermal constraint is named "Co-simulation Interface(1)"
TMG Version 2206.5
** Bug
* [TF-12593] - Mapping: Incorrect mapped temperature results for a mixed 2D-3D model
* [TF-12836] - Unrelated references to hdf5 are written to the mapping log file
* [TF-12857] - Temperature constraint on duct fluid nodes is not respected when combined with immersed ducts
* [TF-12921] - BUN files for mapped temperature gradients should not be written if no temperature gradient zones exist
* [TF-12924] - Mulitphysics model with protective layers applied to 2D thin shell elements produces a crash in the DATACH module with FE method
* [TF-12936] - WTEST9 QA randomly crashes in ANALYZER module
* [TF-12968] - Time or temperature dependent total resistance is not handled properly for Interface Resistance simulation object
* [TF-13006] - Missing explicit type in a function that returns the size of an integer in Fortran
* [TF-13038] - CGNS link file uses full path rather than relative path
* [TF-13040] - Thermal correlation model with design variables having large initial values does not converge
* [TF-13068] - Axisymmetric Target Set produces "speckled' temperatures on the surface of a 3D region
* [TF-13097] - Cosimulation: Values are not properly applied from external solver when a thermal constraint is named "Co-simulation Interface(1)"
* [TF-13103] - HPC19 QA crashes in ANALYZER module if ParaView output files for domain decomposition are requested
** New Feature
* [TF-12709] - Mixing with thermal streams produces different results compared to mixing with 1D ducts with mass flow
** Improvement
* [TF-12133] - Cosimulation: Update error messages for mismatch between Simcenter 3D Thermal Multiphysics & Simcenter Amesim final times and detection of steady state solution
NX TMG Thermal Analysis (TMG) within NX Series provides rapid and accurate thermal modeling and simulation. Augmenting the capabilities of NX Series, TMG makes it easy to model nonlinear and transient heat transfer processes including conduction, radiation, free and forced convection, fluid flow, and phase change. Leading edge solver technology provides solid reliability and superior solution speed for even the most challenging problems. With TMG, accurate thermal analysis can be performed quickly and effectively, delivering the engineering insight and turnaround speed needed to ensure success within today’s rapid development cycles.
NX Thermal Simulation
Siemens Digital Industries is an innovation and technology leader in industrial automation and digitalization. In close cooperation with our partners and customers, we are the driving force for the digital transformation in the discrete and process industries.
Product: TMG Solvers
Version: for NXSeries (build date: 2022.10) Update *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows **
Software Prerequisites: pre-install Siemens NX 1847-2206 Series with NXCAE_EXTRAS module
Size: 2.1 Gb
tmg v2019.1.17 for NX-1847 Series (NX-1847-1867.xxxx) Win64 (2020-07)
tmg v2019.2.16 for NX-1872 Series (NX-1872-1892.xxxx) Win64 (2020-11)
tmg v2020.1.12 for NX-1899 Series (NX-1899-1919.xxxx) Win64 (2020-11)
tmg v2020.2.13 for NX-1926 Series (NX-1926-1946.xxxx) Win64 (2021-06)
tmg v2021.1.12 for NX-1953 Series (NX-1953-1973.xxxx) Win64 (2022-04)
tmg v2021.2.12 for NX-1980 Series (NX-1980-2000.xxxx) Win64 (2022-07)
tmg v2022.1.11 for NX-2007 Series (NX-2007-2027.xxxx) Win64 (2022-10)
tmg v2206.5 for NX-2206 Series (NX-2206.xxxx) Win64 (2022-10)
tmg v2019.2.16 for NX-1872 Series (NX-1872-1892.xxxx) Win64 (2020-11)
tmg v2020.1.12 for NX-1899 Series (NX-1899-1919.xxxx) Win64 (2020-11)
tmg v2020.2.13 for NX-1926 Series (NX-1926-1946.xxxx) Win64 (2021-06)
tmg v2021.1.12 for NX-1953 Series (NX-1953-1973.xxxx) Win64 (2022-04)
tmg v2021.2.12 for NX-1980 Series (NX-1980-2000.xxxx) Win64 (2022-07)
tmg v2022.1.11 for NX-2007 Series (NX-2007-2027.xxxx) Win64 (2022-10)
tmg v2206.5 for NX-2206 Series (NX-2206.xxxx) Win64 (2022-10)
NX TMG Thermal/Flow Simulation (NXCAE_EXTRAS) shares the NXSeries system requirements.
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