Stacks 3.2.6 (RapidWeaver plugin) Mac OS X

Posted By: Messer2

Stacks 3.2.6 (RapidWeaver plugin) | MacOSX | 4.5 MB

Stacks is a new way to create pages in RapidWeaver. It's a plugin designed to combine drag-and-drop simplicity with the power of fluid layout.

- Fluid Layout: Stacks lets you build pages that flow text to the dimensions of a theme even if the theme has a variable width. You can build flowing columns, flexible rows, and tiles of images.
- Nesting Objects: Build columns within columns within rows within columns. Or group a stack of objects inside a box. Almost anything is possible with Stacks.
- Download More Stacks:There are hundreds of professionally designed free and low cost stacks ready for download. Easily add amazing content to your site.
- Live Image Editing: Resize, rotate, and style your images with an easy to use HUD and see the changes happen right in the layout.
- Pros Welcome: Because Stacks builds layout with relative positioning from a simple two-div structure, the HTML is clean and valid. Pros can use Stacks to prototype difficult layout and add their own HTML to the mix.
- Stacks API: You can build your own components for Stacks or even publish them for others to use. The Stacks API reference covers how to build and configure a stack and even build a custom UI for the Stacks HUD.

Version 3.2.6
Users with separate Users and System hard drives no longer have broken images in Preview.
Dragging a new image into an existing image stack will cause the stack to clear its filename/format/alt-tag settings. This should help with accidental image overlaps.
Stacks ignores extra RW7.1 migrations when RW accidentally runs them on 7.1 files.
Stacks more efficently migrates files from RW7.0 to RW7.1
jQuery is no exported correctly after migrating a document to RapidWeaver 7.1

Compatibility: OS X 10.9 or later. RapidWeaver 6 or later
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