Overtone DSP PTC-2A v3.0.0 WiN / OSX / LiNUX | 3.3 Mb / 6.7 Mb / 3.5 Mb
The PTC-2A is an emulation inspired by one of the most sought-after vintage EQs. Separate boost and attenuate controls allow simultaneous low frequency boost and cut, sculpting the signature sound, while a transformer-coupled valve / tube amplifier emulation further enhances the vintage qualities.
V3.0.0 includes feature additions such as circular, relative and linear control modes, together with more flexible and consistent user interface resizing across different formats and extensive internal framework improvements:
Circular control mode - locates to the angular mouse position and responds to circular movement in a smooth and predictable way.
Relative control mode - responds to circular mouse movement relative to the current position.
Linear control mode - responds to vertical mouse movement.
Double click the control's centre to return it to its default setting.
Windows 64-bit VST, VST3 and AAX.
Mac 64-bit VST, VST3, AAX and Audio Unit.
Linux 64-bit VST.