Nemetschek SCIA Engineer 2019 version 19.1.2030 | 3.0 Gb
SCIA part of the Nemetschek Group has launched SCIA Engineer 2019 version 19.1.2030. This release brings multiple workflow improvements as well as many new functionalities that will help you handle the analysis of multi-storey buildings and other civil engineering structures with minimum effort while simultaneously increasing the overall efficiency of standard day-to-day tasks.
- Aluminium: Fixed issue - in case of CSH-sections in combination with a transverse weld the unreduced area Ae was used in the shear check
- Analysis: Fixed a special use case that resulted in a mistake in the export of hinges to the solver.
- Analysis: hidden direction factors of disabled seismic direction(s) correctly ignored in calculation of seismic accidental eccentricity
- Analysis: Issue with line contacts that was causing crash is fixed and warning is updated.
- Combinations: correct handling of envelope combinations with multiple unsigned seismic load cases in "together" load group
- Combinations: the usage of active coefficient was re-enabled
- Concrete: Adaptation of calculation of deflection for member without reinf and cracked section by 10% of stifness only
- Concrete: Copying of NA was disabled in NA manager
- Concrete: Correction of calculation wmax for NEN NA
- Concrete: Correction of selection for CDD calculation
- Concrete: crash solved when asking for Aswm,prov (in case 'type of zone for corrected shear reinforcement' is set as 'spacing')
- Concrete: Explanation text for general design defaults parameters was improved.
- Concrete: Few strings in Dutch in 2D reinforcement design on plate were shortened to fit on pageor into table cells.
- Concrete: fixed error in calculation of 2D design reinf. in case the minimum concrete cover (cmin,dur) cannot be calculated for the intended service life (newly warning oc-curs instead with setting cmin,dur = 0).
- Concrete: fixed incorrect recalculation of user reinforcement in 2D design for member with rotated LCS which was originaly neglected.
- Concrete: Fixed issue for NBR code where shear reinforcement was designed on 2D members with tensile normal forces (high negative sigma_cp ->VRd was negative). For tensile normal forces is sigma_cp set to 0 MPa.
- Concrete: Fixed issue with CDD calculation in case of the same height of the rib and slab
- Concrete: Fixed issue with crack width calculation.
- Concrete: Fixed issue with no effect of Special geometric control setting on concrete cover (delta_c_dev calculation)
- Concrete: fixed limitation to not calculate the punching design in case of applied point force load on the punching node just for the load cases where this load is present.
- Concrete: In internal forces check the three new values (N_com, delta_M_y_shift, delta_M_z_shoft) are now properly hidden.
- Concrete: make available already calculated results - like Reinforcement design - in Viewer mode.
- Concrete: The issue with shear checks when shear reinforcement zone is not on whole length of member is fixed.
- Concrete: The problem with reinforcement outside of zone Aceff was solved.
- Concrete: To change picture in setting "Neglect normal forces in rib". Value eb is distance between centre of gravity rib cross-section and centre-line of the slab
- Cross-section: fixed inactive progress bar after update all action for timber CSS. Added information about successful update.
- EC national annex: Issue with unwanted automatic loading of previously used national annex in project data dialogue is fixed.
- General: fixed remembering national annex settings
- GUI: fixed issue blocking customization of toolbars
- Modelling: Crash during mesh generation is fixed. Now a message explaining the issue appears.
- Modelling: fixed the Activity by storey is available always when at least one storey exists.
- Modelling: Issue with a crash during mesh generation for a very particular case is fixed
- Results: fixed displaying of internal forces on integration member for specific seismic case
- Results: fixed displaying of resultant on 2D member edges/sections to follow-up the selected coordination system (global / LCS-member2D).
- Results: fixed displaying of results on 2D section / edges for the option 'Resultant' respecting the selected coordination system.
- Results: fixed displaying of results on integration member for a class containing only non-linear combinations.
- Results: fixed issue when asking for results in specific sections which belongs to "structural model only".
- Results: fixed settings for displaying the 2D principal plastic strains (duplicate option was removed).
- Solver: Fixed issue - a crash was happening in some rare cases during the calculation.
- Steel connections: welds dialog was hidden in the properties since the ipnut for fu was not used anymore.
- Steel: Fixed dimension lines for bolts and end-plate for steel connections
- Steel: Fixed issue - a very high unity check was displayed for an absent member (expected result UC=0,00).
- Steel: Fixed Issue - a very high unity check was displayed for an absent member (expected result UC=0,00).
- Steel: Wrong classification limits were used in the American AISC360-10 steel code check when using rectangular hollow sections, this has been corrected.
- Analysis: Fixed a special use case that resulted in a mistake in the export of hinges to the solver.
- Analysis: hidden direction factors of disabled seismic direction(s) correctly ignored in calculation of seismic accidental eccentricity
- Analysis: Issue with line contacts that was causing crash is fixed and warning is updated.
- Combinations: correct handling of envelope combinations with multiple unsigned seismic load cases in "together" load group
- Combinations: the usage of active coefficient was re-enabled
- Concrete: Adaptation of calculation of deflection for member without reinf and cracked section by 10% of stifness only
- Concrete: Copying of NA was disabled in NA manager
- Concrete: Correction of calculation wmax for NEN NA
- Concrete: Correction of selection for CDD calculation
- Concrete: crash solved when asking for Aswm,prov (in case 'type of zone for corrected shear reinforcement' is set as 'spacing')
- Concrete: Explanation text for general design defaults parameters was improved.
- Concrete: Few strings in Dutch in 2D reinforcement design on plate were shortened to fit on pageor into table cells.
- Concrete: fixed error in calculation of 2D design reinf. in case the minimum concrete cover (cmin,dur) cannot be calculated for the intended service life (newly warning oc-curs instead with setting cmin,dur = 0).
- Concrete: fixed incorrect recalculation of user reinforcement in 2D design for member with rotated LCS which was originaly neglected.
- Concrete: Fixed issue for NBR code where shear reinforcement was designed on 2D members with tensile normal forces (high negative sigma_cp ->VRd was negative). For tensile normal forces is sigma_cp set to 0 MPa.
- Concrete: Fixed issue with CDD calculation in case of the same height of the rib and slab
- Concrete: Fixed issue with crack width calculation.
- Concrete: Fixed issue with no effect of Special geometric control setting on concrete cover (delta_c_dev calculation)
- Concrete: fixed limitation to not calculate the punching design in case of applied point force load on the punching node just for the load cases where this load is present.
- Concrete: In internal forces check the three new values (N_com, delta_M_y_shift, delta_M_z_shoft) are now properly hidden.
- Concrete: make available already calculated results - like Reinforcement design - in Viewer mode.
- Concrete: The issue with shear checks when shear reinforcement zone is not on whole length of member is fixed.
- Concrete: The problem with reinforcement outside of zone Aceff was solved.
- Concrete: To change picture in setting "Neglect normal forces in rib". Value eb is distance between centre of gravity rib cross-section and centre-line of the slab
- Cross-section: fixed inactive progress bar after update all action for timber CSS. Added information about successful update.
- EC national annex: Issue with unwanted automatic loading of previously used national annex in project data dialogue is fixed.
- General: fixed remembering national annex settings
- GUI: fixed issue blocking customization of toolbars
- Modelling: Crash during mesh generation is fixed. Now a message explaining the issue appears.
- Modelling: fixed the Activity by storey is available always when at least one storey exists.
- Modelling: Issue with a crash during mesh generation for a very particular case is fixed
- Results: fixed displaying of internal forces on integration member for specific seismic case
- Results: fixed displaying of resultant on 2D member edges/sections to follow-up the selected coordination system (global / LCS-member2D).
- Results: fixed displaying of results on 2D section / edges for the option 'Resultant' respecting the selected coordination system.
- Results: fixed displaying of results on integration member for a class containing only non-linear combinations.
- Results: fixed issue when asking for results in specific sections which belongs to "structural model only".
- Results: fixed settings for displaying the 2D principal plastic strains (duplicate option was removed).
- Solver: Fixed issue - a crash was happening in some rare cases during the calculation.
- Steel connections: welds dialog was hidden in the properties since the ipnut for fu was not used anymore.
- Steel: Fixed dimension lines for bolts and end-plate for steel connections
- Steel: Fixed issue - a very high unity check was displayed for an absent member (expected result UC=0,00).
- Steel: Fixed Issue - a very high unity check was displayed for an absent member (expected result UC=0,00).
- Steel: Wrong classification limits were used in the American AISC360-10 steel code check when using rectangular hollow sections, this has been corrected.
Reduce the time spent on your project with SCIA Engineer 19 that expands the array of possibilities for multi-storey buildings, streamlines workflows for various analysis types and increases the speed of basic operations.
SCIA Engineer 19 brings multiple workflow improvements as well as many new functionalities that will help you handle the analysis of multi-storey buildings and other civil engineering structures with minimum effort while simultaneously increasing the overall efficiency of standard day-to-day tasks.
With SCIA Engineer 19 you will deliver your projects faster thanks to the design accelerated by automation in all the design modules, improved understanding of the response to applied loads and optimisation through parametric design and integration of SCIA Engineer into any tailored solution.
- Accelerated design
Deliver accurate, economical and clearly documented design with minimum effort thanks to new functions like automated design of practical reinforcement in concrete beams, enhanced optimisation for studs in composite floors, camber in design of steel members, etc.
- Improved understanding of the structure
Have full control over your structure and understand its response using analysis of masonry walls with contact elements, integration members for shear walls or bridges, absence for simulation of constructions stages, stiffness modifiers, extended display options for results, etc.
- Optimisation with parametric design
Move your work to a next level with the parametric design capabilities of SCIA Engineer. Take the advantage of the updated XML interface or a brand-new Open API to build your own solution to deliver the most economical, eye-pleasing variant of the project fast and with minimum of manual work.
Since 1974, SCIA has been developing, distributing and supporting software products for structural engineering and the construction market. Our software is now localized in 13 languages, supports 20 national standards and is distributed in more than 50 countries, giving us a truly global reach. This allows us to efficiently serve local, regional and multi-national engineering companies and organizations on all types of projects, all over the world. SCIA is part of the Nemetschek Group.
Product: Nemetschek SCIA Engineer
Version: 2019 version 19.1.2030
Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bit
Website Home Page :
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 3.0 Gb
To install SCIA Engineer it is recommended that your system meets the following requirements:
Minimum: Intel Core-i3 or AMD Ryzen 3
Advised: Intel Core-i7 or AMD Ryzen 7
Minimum: 2 GB
Advised: 16 GB, or more
Graphics Controller:
Minimum: 256 MB, supporting OpenGL
Advised: 4 GB, or more
Free disk space: 5GB
Resolution: 1280 x 800 (4K Not supported)
Supported Windows OS
- Windows 2008 server 64bit
- Windows 2012 server 64bit
- Windows 7 32/64bit
- Windows 8.1 32/64bit
- Windows 10 32/64bit
SCIA Engineer 19 is compatible with: Revit 2018, Revit 2019
SCIA Engineer 19 is compatible with: Tekla Structures 2017
SCIA Engineer 19 is compatible with: Etabs 9.2
SCIA Engineer 19 is compatible with: IFC version 2x3
SCIA Engineer 19 is compatible with: SDNF version 2.0 / SDNF version 3.0
Minimum: Intel Core-i3 or AMD Ryzen 3
Advised: Intel Core-i7 or AMD Ryzen 7
Minimum: 2 GB
Advised: 16 GB, or more
Graphics Controller:
Minimum: 256 MB, supporting OpenGL
Advised: 4 GB, or more
Free disk space: 5GB
Resolution: 1280 x 800 (4K Not supported)
Supported Windows OS
- Windows 2008 server 64bit
- Windows 2012 server 64bit
- Windows 7 32/64bit
- Windows 8.1 32/64bit
- Windows 10 32/64bit
SCIA Engineer 19 is compatible with: Revit 2018, Revit 2019
SCIA Engineer 19 is compatible with: Tekla Structures 2017
SCIA Engineer 19 is compatible with: Etabs 9.2
SCIA Engineer 19 is compatible with: IFC version 2x3
SCIA Engineer 19 is compatible with: SDNF version 2.0 / SDNF version 3.0
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