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NUMECA/FINE Turbo 13.2

Posted By: scutter
NUMECA/FINE Turbo 13.2

NUMECA/FINE Turbo 13.2 | 2.1 Gb

The NUMECA International team is pleased to announce the availability of FINE/Turbo 13.2. Apart from fixes in the detected issues, this version hosts a couple of noteworthy enhancements as well.

FINE/Turbo 13.2 Release notes:

FINE/Turbo 13.2 - What's new:
- Non-reactive mixtures
Starting from FINE/Turbo v13.2, a new fluid type will be available to the user: "Non-Reactive Mixtures". A mixture will consist of a number of predefined perfect or real gases and will allow the user to simulate the mixing of inert fluids.
- Correction of the production term in the Spalart-Allmaras & SARC models
When the rotating domain extends to a long inlet or outlet pipe, the Spalart-Allmaras or SARC turbulence models can overpredict the eddy viscosity. In this configuration, we recommend solving the velocity components in the absolute frame of reference (IVELSY=0). In case the relative frame of reference (IVELSY=1) is used, the expert parameter FULLPR activates the production term for the Spalart-Allmaras or SARC models to avoid the over-prediction of the eddy viscosity.
- Inlet distortion harmonic modeling
Starting from FINE/Turbo 13.2, the inlet distortion modeling with the NLH method is compatible with static and total quantities inputs. The input profiles format requirements were also made more flexible with the compatibility with angular sectors and the automatic calculation of the azimuthal periodicity.
- Passive Tracers with Cooling Module
Starting from FINE/Turbo 13.2, it is possible to set passive tracers coming from cooling holes.
- Improved GPU acceleration reporting
Starting from FINE/Turbo 13.2, the overall performance metrics of GPU-accelerated computations are written to the .std file. In addition, the .log files now contain the timings for each block, grid level, and for each accelerated routine.
AutoGrid5 - What's new:
- Bladeless mesh
The row can be meshed without a blade. The mesh in the channel will be a 5 H-blocks topology controlled by the flow paths & the blade-to-blade parameters
- Define ZR effect in the ".geomTurbo" file
A ZR technological effect entity can be created in the ".geomTurbo" file. The ZR technological effect is defined by its domain and by a rotor/stator if the effect has a double connection with the channel.
FINE/Design3D - What's new:
- Coupling of AxCent and Rhino – Grasshopper in FINE/Design3D Graphical User Interface
Starting from FINE/Design3D 13.2, AxCent and Rhino - Grasshopper are interfaced as parametric geometry modeler with FINE/Design3D Graphical User Interface (GUI). Dedicated options have been created in the GUI allowing an efficient and user-friendly coupling. The NUMECA Rhino export plugin is mandatory to couple your Grasshopper parametric model with FINE/Design3D.
- Ability of MINAMO to efficiently deal with simulation failures
Starting from FINE/Design3D 13.2, MINAMO can efficiently handle failed samples depending on the origin of the failure. Depending on the type of failure (either related to FINE/Design3D (convergence issue, mesh failure,…) or not (network problems, lack of disk space,…), different error status are returned, enabling ultimately to preserve an efficient exploration of the design space.
- Additional post-processing and data-mining tools for MINAMO
Several new functionalities have been integrated in the post-processing module of FINE/Design3D:
. Addition of a database visualization table
. Addition of Parallel Coordinates Plot
. Improvement of the Monitoring plots:
Add the evolution of the EA convergence (only for the last current) iteration.
Add in the history plot the possibility to plot the global objective and the total penalty
Add the LOO evolution in order to dynamically follow the evolution of the LOO analysis over the iterations
. Several improvements in the Self Organizing Maps (SOM)
Add the possibility to plot the reference, user selected points and the optimum/best ID on the SOM
Add the possibility to train the SOM on the success/failure flags
Add a dynamic user-defined view for SOM
- Integration of FINE/Marine C-Wizard matrix mode
The user is now able to perform a ship hull or a hydrofoil optimization using the C-Wizard matrix mode for a multi-point or a multi-objective optimization.

NUMECA/FINE Turbo 13.2

About Numeca FINE/Turbo. The resolution of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) problems involves three main steps: spatial discretization of the flow domain, flow computation and visualization of the results.

To perform these steps NUMECA has developed three software systems. The first one, IGG, is an Interactive Geometry modeller and Grid generation system for multiblock structured grids. The second software system, the FINE/turbo solver, is a state of the art 3D multiblock flow solver able to simulate Euler or Navier-Stokes (laminar or turbulent) flows. The third one, CFView, is a highly interactive Computational Field Visualization system.

These three software systems have been integrated in a unique and user friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI), called FINE/Turbo, allowing the achievement of complete simulations of 3D internal and external flows from the grid generation to the visualization, without any file manipulation, through the concept of project. Moreover, multi-tasking capabilities are incorporated, allowing the simultaneous treatment of multiple projects.

FINE/Turbo has the particularity of integrating the concept of multi-tasking. This means that the user can manage a complete project in the FINE/Turbo interface; making the grid using IGG, running the computation with the FINE/Turbo solver and visualizing the results with CFView. Furthermore, the user has the possibility to start, stop and control multiple computations. Please note that the flow simulation can be time consuming, therefore the possibility of running computations in background has been implemented.

To manage complete flow analyses, FINE/Turbo integrates the concept of project. A project involves grid generation, flow computation and visualization tasks. The results of each of these tasks are stored in different files that are automatically created, managed and modified within FINE/Turbo.

About Numeca International Inc. NUMECA International SA develops computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software for the simulation, design, and optimization of fluid flow and heat transfer worldwide. It offers automated and customized flow integrated environments (FINE), including FINE/Turbo for the simulation of rotating and turbomachinery flows; FINE/Open for the simulation of complex internal and external applications; and FINE/Marine for marine applications.

Product: NUMECA FINE/Turbo
Version: 13.2
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.numeca.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 2.1 Gb
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NUMECA/FINE Turbo 13.2