Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.30308.1 (x32) | 60 Gb
Enterprise, Community, Proffesional | Multilingual
Enterprise, Community, Proffesional | Multilingual
Microsoft Visual Studio is a line of Microsoft products that includes an integrated software development environment and several other tools. These products allow you to develop both console applications and GUI applications, including those that support Windows Forms technology, as well as Web sites, web applications, web services in both native and managed codes for all platforms, Supported Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE,. NET Framework, Xbox, Windows Phone. NET Compact Framework and Silverlight.
Visual Studio includes a source code editor that supports IntelliSense technology and the ability for simple code refactoring. The built-in debugger can work both as a source code debugger and as a machine-level debugger. Other embedded tools include a form editor to simplify the creation of a graphical user interface, a web editor, a class designer, and a database schema designer. Visual Studio allows you to create and connect third-party add-ons (plug-ins) to extend functionality at almost every level, including adding support for source control systems (such as Subversion and Visual SourceSafe), adding new toolkits (for example, for editing and visual design Code in case-oriented programming languages) or tools for other aspects of the software development process (for example, the Team Explorer client for working with Team Foundation Server).
Year / Release Date: 2017
Release: 1530308.1
Developer: Microsoft Corporation
Developer's site:
Digit: 32bit,
Language: Multilingual (Russian is present)
System requirements:
Windows 7 SP1, 8, 8.1, 10
2 GB of RAM (4 GB recommended)
1.8 GHz (2 cores recommended)
From 1 to 100 GB of free space on the hard disk
Video adapter with a minimum resolution of 720p (1280 by 720 pixels) is recommended resolution WXGA (1366 by 768 pixels) or higher.
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