HiTek Software Pack 11.16 (Win/Mac/Lnx) | 256 MB (Total)
Automize is a task scheduler and automation program. Easy to use, No programming is required.This task scheduler and automation software can automate a variety of tasks, including FTP transfers, FTP monitoring, Web downloads, Web site monitoring, e-mail checking and sending, Telnet, ping, database SQL, advanced zip, unzip, copy, synchronize folders, and directory and file monitoring. In addition, the chaining feature can run tasks in sequence or conditionally depending on exit codes.
Automate Zip encryption using AES 256. Automatically zip and encrypt files into one archive or into individual archives. Automatically unzip and decrypt multiple zip files within a directory structure.
Data encryption software designed for automation. Automatically encrypt or decrypt, files and folders on a schedule. Encryption methods include password based, secret key, public key and private key, OpenPGP password, Open PGP public and private key.
JaSFtp - Automated Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Secure FTP (SFTP), designed with automation in mind, so you do not have to spend time interactively transferring files. For Windows, Mac OSX, Linux and other Unix platforms.
Not just another FTP client! AbleFtp is designed with automation in mind, so you do not have to spend time interactively transferring files. For Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Home Page - http://www.hiteksoftware.com/
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