FRIENDSHIP Systems CAESES 4.4.2 | 315.3 mb
The FRIENDSHIP Systems team is pleased to announce the availability of CAESES 4.4.2. Even though this is formally a maintenance release, we have added a few new capabilities based on user requests from the last couple of months.
CAESES 4.4.2 Release notes - Daye: 10. May 2019
- Blade Sections from STL Data
CAESES offers new capabilities to create 3D sections from given STL blade data, e.g. from propellers and turbomachines. The new routine intersects the triangle data with a cylinder surface or, alternatively, with an arbitrary stream surface.
- New Curve Features for 2D Sketches
For faster sketching of parametric contour curves, there are new features available in the image curve menu, as well as in the circle/ellipse and line menu. They help you to quickly create and trim curves by means of various inputs such as other curves, points, curve parameters and principal axes.
- More Controls for Interpolation Curve
A new method attribute allows you to select between different algorithms when interpolating a set of points. Since the different interpolation strategies result in different curve shapes, it gives you more flexibility for the different modeling situations.
As another extension, you should check out the new option to provide 3D tangent vectors as additional input at the start and end locations of the curve. So far, only 2D angle values have been supported. Since tangent vectors are easily obtained from any curve and surface, this new capability is useful for creating smooth transitions from adjacent geometry.
- New Surface Type: Gordon Surface
In order to create a surface based on a network of given curves, you can now use the first version of the Gordon surface. This new surface type expects two ordered sets of curves from which the patch is created.
- Faster Sweep Surface Modeling
Creating and optimizing ducts, manifolds and channels in a fast and parametric way is one of the tasks that users recently wanted to accelerate. Here, we added a small but effective functionality to quickly transform a 2D section into the 3D space using a path and a location. You’ll find the new feature in the image curve more menu.
- Color ID and Name
Colors and IDs play a critical role in CAESES. In recent versions, there was an automatically generated color ID for each color. This ID is unique, but also pretty long and not very user-friendly in terms of keeping it in mind or taking care of it in scripts. The new CAESES version supports custom IDs for colors, as well as a custom name to optionally replace the unique name of the color object. These two attributes are used for some export formats, in particular, for STL formats and the CONVERGE export.
- CONVERGE Import and STL Processing
There is a new CONVERGE import available for *.dat files. It reads the data and creates colors based on the indices that exist in the file. These colors are assigned to the imported surface patches and no manual color creation etc. is needed, so that the automation of CONVERGE is done much faster.
The trimesh capabilities also received a new processor to translate the triangle nodes of a colored patch. That makes it simple to transform STL data with a few clicks, e.g. changing the length of some patches, or the location of certain nodes without changing the triangulation topology (i.e., no remeshing of the initial triangulated surface).
- New Optimization Method
For highly-constrained design spaces, CAESES 4.4.2 offers a new and efficient optimization method called “Simplexer”. It uses repetitive linearization of a non-linear objective function and constraints to be able to solve them with the linear simplex method. Check out the documentation in the CAESES help for more details and recommended use cases.
- GUI Improvements
We introduced a couple of minor GUI changes, to avoid confusion and to better support especially new CAESES users in their design workflows. For instance, the local application is now the first item to configure when setting up a computation (in earlier versions it was at the bottom of the editor), followed by arguments and the constraint check. We have gone through the CAESES GUI and tuned several similar items.
- And So Much More.
CAESES 4.4.2 gives you a robust geometry engine and automation platform, thanks to the steady inflow of reports from active users. What else is included? There you go:
. Improved constraint handling for Dakota optimization engine
. Result table fixes
. Improved pausing of design engines
. Units support for the ANSYS ACT apps
. Improvements to the ANSYS ACT TurboGrid app
. Better performance of the GUI widgets
. Updated models for the demo section of the documentation browser
. Many new tutorials in the included HTML help
New Features
- BRep Edge: Added new feature in the menu brep > more, to access the brep edges or the tangent edges.
- Blade Intersection: Added feature to create sectional data from trimesh (e.g. STL) data. For intersecting the given propeller or impeller geometry, either a cylinder is taken or a custom hub and shroud contour. Allows to generate 3D sections from discrete data which then can be used e.g. for fitting procedures.
- Brep Operations: Added edit option for colors.
- Circles and Ellipses: Added new features in the circle > more menu, to more easily solve typical 2D sketching tasks such as circular arcs etc. There is also a new sample available.
- Colors for export: Added optional custom name and custom ID attribute. These are used by specific exports.
- Converge CFD: Added new import for Converge CFD dat files.
- Coons Patch: Added new feature in the surface menu to create a coons patch while optionally interpolating the corner tangents. Helpful for creating coons patches based on curve networks.
- Dakota: Show a message in the console if the engine cannot start due to missing evaluations.
- FFunction: Added command getValue() with a list of variable values to FFunction.
- FSC Script: Added project units to the script file which is used e.g. for ANSYS Workbench apps.
- Generic Curve: Added check for NaN or Inf function values.
- Gordon Surface: Added feature to create a Gordon Surface from a set of 4 boundary curves or an input surface.
- Gordon Surface: Added new surface type to create a gordon surface from an input curve mesh.
- Image Curve: Added a feature in the curve menu to obtain only a part of e.g. a polycurve using indices, where the split is done by using natural curve discontinuities.
- Image Curve Trimming: Added new features in the image curve menu (more) to trim input curves by means of other curves, point data and axes. There is also a new sample now available that illustrates these methods.
- Image Offset Group: Render the start position of the sections for the image if this is also activated for the input section group
- Interpolation Curve: Added new interpolation methods to create better results for a broader range of point data.
- Interpolation Curve: Added possibility to provide tangent vectors for start and end position.
- Line: Added line by start location, angle and length to the curves line menu.
- Lofted Surface: Added feature with more control for the start and end derivatives. Can be found in the surfaces “more” menu.
- Points: Added new point features to the point more menu to obtain the center of area and the circle center of a given curve.
- Points: Added a new point feature to the menu points > more, to calculate the shortest distance from a point to a surface. Returns the point on the surface as well as the uv-parameters and the calculated distance.
- Result Parser: Increased robustness of csv-result parsing for table creation.
- Simplexer: Added a new design engine based on repeated linearization of the objective function and constraints. This fast strategy is ideal for quickly finding feasible solutions to highly-constrained problems, or as an effective pre-processor to more advanced design engines.
- Sobol: Extended sobol algorithm to be used with more than 40 design variables. Available within the advanced optimization add-on.
- Sweep Contour: Added a feature which transforms a 2D contour that is given in the (X,Y) plane to a path. The transformed curve is then normal to the path direction. This can be used for various sweep tasks such as duct modeling. Added to the “more” menu of image curves.
- Trimesh: Added translation processor for colored patches which is a common use case e.g. for CONVERGE users (piston bowl movement).
- Trimesh: Fixed arrangement of attributes in editor for mesh process (translate colored patches) and tsearch optimization algorithm.
- ANSYS TurboGrid ACT App: Updated ACT app and the corresponding blade export feature, to take care of the section orientations and start locations, as well as the project units.
- ANSYS ACT App: Updated general CAESES ACT app.
- Brep Solid from Intersection: Changed splitting behaviour from C1 to G1 continuity.
- Circle: Improved circle between 2 lines functionality for non-intersecting lines.
- Circular Fillet: Added the case of tangentially intersecting curves where a small linear curve is introduced to keep the parameterization.
- Computation: Fixed order of computation attributes (SHIPFLOW, Custom, Generic) and moved the application to the top of the editor.
- Domain Box BRep: Added labels to the box so that assigning colors is easier.
- Export: If nothing is selected, all objects are now exported instead of only the visible ones.
- Features: Features with type providers have the same icons as the provider.
- Generic Curve: Extended the feature Curve3DFrom2PlanarCurves so that arbitrary planes can be used for the input curves. Can be found in the curve menu > generic curve > more.
- Interpolation Curve Sample: Added the 3 different possibilities for interpolation curves using scalar angle values, and 3D vectors for start and end derivative settings.
- Lofted Surface Feature: Added the option to control the section interpolation via equidistant and smooth parameterization.
- Pow: Improved handling of problems with numerical accuracy.
- Rendering: Adjusted the default colors for surface, brep and trimesh, and tuned the triangle rendering mode. Switched off the point light to avoid heavy reflection.
- Samples: Updated the axial fan and propeller demo models.
- Section Group: Reverted dynamic resolution for sections from trimeshes due to geometrical problems.
- Stream Section: Added user information (warning) if hub or shroud contours have zero radii values.
- Thickness Distribution: Set default values for the simple thickness distribution feature that is located in the blade menu.
- Trimesh Processors: Added more readable labels to the processors when they show up in the object editor.
- Tutorials: Added new HTML tutorials for the help in the documentation browser.
- CAESES Startup: Fixed issue where CAESES refused to start up.
- Chart View: Fixed design variables not shown in tables with designs from different runs.
- Coons Patch: Fixed a bug where in certain cases the points on the edge of the parametric space would be snapped to the origin (0,0,0).
- Curve Rendering: Fixed stipple pattern occasionally not being reset.
- Dakota: Fixed constraint handling in dakota output files.
- Design Engine Editor: Fixed a problem where upon first loading of a project, the table with design variables was too small to show all design variables.
- Design Engines: Fixed misleading dialog when pausing a design engine in order to close CAESES and resume the run at a later time.
- Design Display Result: Fixed a bug where switching between designs through the Display Result symbol (next to the design name) would reset the 3D view. This would occur once per design, when switching to it for the first time.
- Export CONVERGE: Fixed numerical problems with normal orientation.
- Export Converge CFD: Fixed possible endless recursion.
- Export Converge CFD: Fixed potential crash when zero triangles are exported.
- Export STEP: Fixed a crash in export of STEP, SAT and IGES files containing BREP surfaces for specific cases.
- FCurve: Fixed pseudo unitspeed parametrization.
- GL Image: Fixed potential crash when using a (invisible) brep in a glimage.
- Generic Curve: Fixed generic curves not propagating the user defined nurbs representation downstream.
- Image Surface: Fixed bug were reversed orientation was not propagated to derived image surfaces. This might introduce changes to existing projects.
- Interpolation Curve: Fixed tangent angle in y-plane
- List Editor: Fixed a bug where in some cases, a list of items in the object editor got stuck at the bottom of the list (also when scrolling up).
- List Editor: Fixed a bug where the “show more” button for lists with more than 10 items would not correctly expand the list. Also prevented the list editor from scrolling to the bottom when an item was edited.
- Lofted Surface: Fixed a bug where in some cases, the derivative surfaces for the lofted surface were not applied properly. These derivative surfaces define the derivatives at the edges between which the lofted surface is spanned.
- Mesh Processor: Fixed postprocessor operations not being copied when duplicating a mesh.
- Object Editor: Fixed editor not being updated when dragging points in 3dview.
- Object Editor: Fixed “ghost editors” popping up from time to time.
- Object List: Fixed implicit casts.
- Object List: Fixed indexOf(object, from) to use the “from” argument.
- Offset Curve: Fixed a bug for active swap option that showed up for impeller blades on camber surfaces.
- Projection Point: Fixed problems with finding the obvious intersection for some specific cases.
- Results: Fixed results reading the last row/column in a table if row/column header does not exist.
- Save Design As: Fixed run id not being set correctly.
- Trimesh: Fixed a bug causing negative postprocessing scaling values to not be taken into account.
- run.csv: Fixed additional colon.
- BRep Edge: Added new feature in the menu brep > more, to access the brep edges or the tangent edges.
- Blade Intersection: Added feature to create sectional data from trimesh (e.g. STL) data. For intersecting the given propeller or impeller geometry, either a cylinder is taken or a custom hub and shroud contour. Allows to generate 3D sections from discrete data which then can be used e.g. for fitting procedures.
- Brep Operations: Added edit option for colors.
- Circles and Ellipses: Added new features in the circle > more menu, to more easily solve typical 2D sketching tasks such as circular arcs etc. There is also a new sample available.
- Colors for export: Added optional custom name and custom ID attribute. These are used by specific exports.
- Converge CFD: Added new import for Converge CFD dat files.
- Coons Patch: Added new feature in the surface menu to create a coons patch while optionally interpolating the corner tangents. Helpful for creating coons patches based on curve networks.
- Dakota: Show a message in the console if the engine cannot start due to missing evaluations.
- FFunction: Added command getValue() with a list of variable values to FFunction.
- FSC Script: Added project units to the script file which is used e.g. for ANSYS Workbench apps.
- Generic Curve: Added check for NaN or Inf function values.
- Gordon Surface: Added feature to create a Gordon Surface from a set of 4 boundary curves or an input surface.
- Gordon Surface: Added new surface type to create a gordon surface from an input curve mesh.
- Image Curve: Added a feature in the curve menu to obtain only a part of e.g. a polycurve using indices, where the split is done by using natural curve discontinuities.
- Image Curve Trimming: Added new features in the image curve menu (more) to trim input curves by means of other curves, point data and axes. There is also a new sample now available that illustrates these methods.
- Image Offset Group: Render the start position of the sections for the image if this is also activated for the input section group
- Interpolation Curve: Added new interpolation methods to create better results for a broader range of point data.
- Interpolation Curve: Added possibility to provide tangent vectors for start and end position.
- Line: Added line by start location, angle and length to the curves line menu.
- Lofted Surface: Added feature with more control for the start and end derivatives. Can be found in the surfaces “more” menu.
- Points: Added new point features to the point more menu to obtain the center of area and the circle center of a given curve.
- Points: Added a new point feature to the menu points > more, to calculate the shortest distance from a point to a surface. Returns the point on the surface as well as the uv-parameters and the calculated distance.
- Result Parser: Increased robustness of csv-result parsing for table creation.
- Simplexer: Added a new design engine based on repeated linearization of the objective function and constraints. This fast strategy is ideal for quickly finding feasible solutions to highly-constrained problems, or as an effective pre-processor to more advanced design engines.
- Sobol: Extended sobol algorithm to be used with more than 40 design variables. Available within the advanced optimization add-on.
- Sweep Contour: Added a feature which transforms a 2D contour that is given in the (X,Y) plane to a path. The transformed curve is then normal to the path direction. This can be used for various sweep tasks such as duct modeling. Added to the “more” menu of image curves.
- Trimesh: Added translation processor for colored patches which is a common use case e.g. for CONVERGE users (piston bowl movement).
- Trimesh: Fixed arrangement of attributes in editor for mesh process (translate colored patches) and tsearch optimization algorithm.
- ANSYS TurboGrid ACT App: Updated ACT app and the corresponding blade export feature, to take care of the section orientations and start locations, as well as the project units.
- ANSYS ACT App: Updated general CAESES ACT app.
- Brep Solid from Intersection: Changed splitting behaviour from C1 to G1 continuity.
- Circle: Improved circle between 2 lines functionality for non-intersecting lines.
- Circular Fillet: Added the case of tangentially intersecting curves where a small linear curve is introduced to keep the parameterization.
- Computation: Fixed order of computation attributes (SHIPFLOW, Custom, Generic) and moved the application to the top of the editor.
- Domain Box BRep: Added labels to the box so that assigning colors is easier.
- Export: If nothing is selected, all objects are now exported instead of only the visible ones.
- Features: Features with type providers have the same icons as the provider.
- Generic Curve: Extended the feature Curve3DFrom2PlanarCurves so that arbitrary planes can be used for the input curves. Can be found in the curve menu > generic curve > more.
- Interpolation Curve Sample: Added the 3 different possibilities for interpolation curves using scalar angle values, and 3D vectors for start and end derivative settings.
- Lofted Surface Feature: Added the option to control the section interpolation via equidistant and smooth parameterization.
- Pow: Improved handling of problems with numerical accuracy.
- Rendering: Adjusted the default colors for surface, brep and trimesh, and tuned the triangle rendering mode. Switched off the point light to avoid heavy reflection.
- Samples: Updated the axial fan and propeller demo models.
- Section Group: Reverted dynamic resolution for sections from trimeshes due to geometrical problems.
- Stream Section: Added user information (warning) if hub or shroud contours have zero radii values.
- Thickness Distribution: Set default values for the simple thickness distribution feature that is located in the blade menu.
- Trimesh Processors: Added more readable labels to the processors when they show up in the object editor.
- Tutorials: Added new HTML tutorials for the help in the documentation browser.
- CAESES Startup: Fixed issue where CAESES refused to start up.
- Chart View: Fixed design variables not shown in tables with designs from different runs.
- Coons Patch: Fixed a bug where in certain cases the points on the edge of the parametric space would be snapped to the origin (0,0,0).
- Curve Rendering: Fixed stipple pattern occasionally not being reset.
- Dakota: Fixed constraint handling in dakota output files.
- Design Engine Editor: Fixed a problem where upon first loading of a project, the table with design variables was too small to show all design variables.
- Design Engines: Fixed misleading dialog when pausing a design engine in order to close CAESES and resume the run at a later time.
- Design Display Result: Fixed a bug where switching between designs through the Display Result symbol (next to the design name) would reset the 3D view. This would occur once per design, when switching to it for the first time.
- Export CONVERGE: Fixed numerical problems with normal orientation.
- Export Converge CFD: Fixed possible endless recursion.
- Export Converge CFD: Fixed potential crash when zero triangles are exported.
- Export STEP: Fixed a crash in export of STEP, SAT and IGES files containing BREP surfaces for specific cases.
- FCurve: Fixed pseudo unitspeed parametrization.
- GL Image: Fixed potential crash when using a (invisible) brep in a glimage.
- Generic Curve: Fixed generic curves not propagating the user defined nurbs representation downstream.
- Image Surface: Fixed bug were reversed orientation was not propagated to derived image surfaces. This might introduce changes to existing projects.
- Interpolation Curve: Fixed tangent angle in y-plane
- List Editor: Fixed a bug where in some cases, a list of items in the object editor got stuck at the bottom of the list (also when scrolling up).
- List Editor: Fixed a bug where the “show more” button for lists with more than 10 items would not correctly expand the list. Also prevented the list editor from scrolling to the bottom when an item was edited.
- Lofted Surface: Fixed a bug where in some cases, the derivative surfaces for the lofted surface were not applied properly. These derivative surfaces define the derivatives at the edges between which the lofted surface is spanned.
- Mesh Processor: Fixed postprocessor operations not being copied when duplicating a mesh.
- Object Editor: Fixed editor not being updated when dragging points in 3dview.
- Object Editor: Fixed “ghost editors” popping up from time to time.
- Object List: Fixed implicit casts.
- Object List: Fixed indexOf(object, from) to use the “from” argument.
- Offset Curve: Fixed a bug for active swap option that showed up for impeller blades on camber surfaces.
- Projection Point: Fixed problems with finding the obvious intersection for some specific cases.
- Results: Fixed results reading the last row/column in a table if row/column header does not exist.
- Save Design As: Fixed run id not being set correctly.
- Trimesh: Fixed a bug causing negative postprocessing scaling values to not be taken into account.
- run.csv: Fixed additional colon.
About CAESES. Optimized products make you stand out from the mass in the engineering market. CAESES helps you to achieve this goal by letting you create powerful robust geometry models that can be integrated into any simulation-driven optimization loop. This makes CAESES an efficient and automated CAD engine for faster design studies with your meshing and simulation tools.
CAESES gives you flexible parametric modeling, but also integrated capabilities for process automation and shape optimization. This combination in a single user interface makes it an all-in-one design system for simulation engineers from any industry.
About FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS. FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS is a German software company that started as a spin-off from the Technical University Berlin in 2001. The core team is based in Potsdam, close to Berlin, Germany. Our passionate computer scientists, mathematicians and engineers develop the software system CAESES and advise and support our customers in creating high-performance products. CAESES is made for simulation engineers, designers and anyone who is interested in intelligent surface modeling for automated design explorations and shape optimization. FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS AG is a stock corporation managed by the company’s founders, Claus Abt and Dr. Stefan Harries.
Version: 4.4.2
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 315.3 mb
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