Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD 17.40.000-2019 HF015 | 5.6 Gb
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. , the leader in global electronic design innovation, has unveiled a new of improvements in hotfix 015 to the Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD 17.40 families of products aimed at boosting performance and productivity through improvements features and big fixed issues.
CCRID Product ProductLevel2 Title
2351257 ADW DBEDITOR Search tab for footprints does not appear in DBEditor
2417585 ADW DBEDITOR Model search tab missing from DBEditor
2424154 ADW DBEDITOR DBEditor stops responding on attempting to change 'Restrict PreDefined Value' for Passives-Transformers
2424785 ADW DBEDITOR Cannot change PART_NUMBER from 'key property' to 'key & injected property' in schematic model classification in EDM
2301111 ADW FLOW_MGR Allegro EDM Flow Manager crashes without error message
2429890 ADW PART_MANAGER Footprint carousel view not shown in Part Detail window of System Capture
2422196 ALLEGRO_EDITOR CREATE_SYM RF Symbol Issues: Circle shape on all layers adds via from top and inconsistent error message
20359 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Need ability to view clines and rats while editing or moving a symbol.
1207111 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Dynamically display the true closest endpoint to endpoint for ratsnests
1298857 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV When moving components ratsnest should be visible with the slide etch option selected.
1342109 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest points behavior similar to release 16.5: Ratsnest visible when symbol is moved and slide etch on
1349427 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest should not disappear during move when "slide etch" or "stretch etch" option is enabled.
1409869 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Keep rats on when moving parts with stretch etch
1497347 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest should be visible when moving components with "slide etch" selected
1609181 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Display ratsnest while moving component with Slide etch and Stretch etch
1765385 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Slide etch option during component move to display ratsnest
1780191 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest visible while moving symbol with Stretch Etch option checked
1802967 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Rats visibility during Move Symbol command changes based on the command options
1892637 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Rats disappear when moving components
1950927 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest needs to be able to dynamically display the true closest endpoint to endpoint
2072894 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Option Slide Etch should not blank rats while moving symbols
2119673 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest should NOT disappear while moving components using "slide etch" or "stretch etch" option
2185747 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Display rats while moving a symbol with Stretch Etch/Slide Etch options enabled
2212825 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Dynamic display of ratsnest lines with Stretch Etch or Slide Etch options selected during move command
2318897 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ability to show rats during placement / move commands even when slide / stretch etch is selected in Options tab
2353473 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Missing Rat when moving symbol with Slide Etch selected
331352 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV More intuitive Stretch Etch option: Cannot figure out way to make rats visible while editing or moving symbol
665999 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Allow ratsnest to be visible on components irrespective of whether "Stretch Etch" option is checked in or not.
808043 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Show ratsnests for Edit > Move with Stretch Etch enabled
875769 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV The edit move command does not show the ratsnests
928750 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest should be visible when moving symbol with Stretch Etch option checked
2423557 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IN_DESIGN_ANA Plane current density tab P/F status is not working in the EAP build
2435098 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IPC IPC2581 export is not generating all pastemasks in the design after release 17.4-2019, HotFix 013
2437937 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IPC IPC-2581 is not exporting all the mapped layers.
2428866 ALLEGRO_EDITOR MCAD_COLLAB idxHolePadstackMapping.txt file metric values: Mils to metric when importing MCAD transfers
2332061 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PAD_EDITOR In PAD designer, with dark theme drill symbol outline is not visible clearly
2340877 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PAD_EDITOR Incorrect error message when saving a padstack name with invalid characters.
2421488 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SKILL Crash resulting from SKILL foreach loop
2294376 ALLEGRO_EDITOR STEP STEP file thicknesses are not the same when viewed in third-party tool and cutouts and holes are missing
2419730 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS SKILL form field with popup definition allows more characters then allowed by STRFILLIN definition
2422303 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS SKILL FORM > GRID BUG: Non number characters allowed for types INTEGER and REAL
2422559 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS axlFormListSelect() function does not deselect entries in the list form
2432641 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS Context menu cut off: Right-clicking mid screen displays pop-up that goes out of screen
2434271 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS Need to control size of right-click menus
2366305 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL _axlEnterPoint not following the Persistent snap settings
2422936 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL 'browser_text_size' not working in release 17.2-2016, HotFix 072 and release 17.4-2019, HotFix 013
2424743 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Setting browser_text_size variable not controlling text size
2429398 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Misalignment of text in shape > Circular options in Allegro PCB Editor
2308176 ALTM_TRANSLATOR CAPTURE Unable to import third-party files in Capture in release 17.2-2016
2365333 APD SHAPE 'Shape Degassing' with 'No Void Overlap' crashes APD Plus running PolyBool ANDNOT in release 17.4-2019, HotFix 012
2418124 CONCEPT_HDL COPY_PROJECT Copy project does not rename sub-design state file
2357621 CONCEPT_HDL CORE Floor Planner crashes instantly when launched from Project Manager in release 17.4-2019
2427336 CONCEPT_HDL CORE DE-HDL crashes trying to add custom text CREF_TO_LIST
2352623 CONCEPT_HDL CREFER Bad Cref page numbers with Cref to block page: Logical page reference instead of physical
2427800 CONCEPT_HDL OTHER DE-HDL crashes when using legacy Component Browser in release 17.2-2016
2420780 CONCEPT_HDL SECTION Cannot netlist with hierarchical split symbols
2353766 CONSTRAINT_MGR INTERACTIV The delete command does not work on NetGroup in Allegro PCB Designer in release 17.40-2019, HotFix 011
2430677 CONSTRAINT_MGR INTERACTIV Cannot delete NETGroups in Allegro Constraint Manager in release 17.40, HotFIx 013 without high-speed license
2423782 CONSTRAINT_MGR TECHFILE Working library changes when doing Import Techfile in CM
2432105 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYMBOL_EDITOR Symbol Editor shows a small page size when the symbol is opened
2245167 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYM_CREATOR_U Text justification only available through popup menus on right click
2428157 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYM_CREATOR_U Font justification cannot be updated in the symbol editor.
2305527 PSPICE ENVIRONMENT Capture crashes on double-clicking OK in the Simulation Settings dialog
2305552 PSPICE ENVIRONMENT PSpice crashes on double-clicking OK in the Simulation Settings dialog
2358071 PSPICE ENVIRONMENT Capture crashes on clicking OK multiple times in the Simulation Settings dialog - not design specific
2438629 PULSE CORE Datamart errors on data node after master node restart (unified search header width changes)
2440227 PULSE CORE Unified search filter is too slow to list the library parts list
2436477 PULSE UNIFIED_SEARC Fail to package some parts
2424022 PULSE WORKFLOWS Error (SPDWSRV-000135) and warning (SPDWSRV-00103) after installing release 17.4-2019, HotFix 013 on Pulse Master Node.
2433615 SIP_LAYOUT IC_IO_EDITING Bump/ball attributes resetting to 0.
2428176 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CAPTURE_IMPOR $<User Prop> removed on opening symbol in new Symbol Editor but standard $LOCATION not deleted
2055315 SYSTEM_CAPTURE FORMAT_OBJECT Pin Number of pass through pins should not be displayed in System Capture.
2157924 SYSTEM_CAPTURE FORMAT_OBJECT System Capture cannot connect wire to Corresponding Pass-Through pin.
2362951 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_PCB Import PCB Layout fails with error code CPFEDNM-2 and constraints are not updated.
2299248 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER Part Manager is unable to search/filter for RefDes values displayed as ranges
2425373 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER Part Manager not updating symbols
2425367 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SHORTCUTS Shortcuts stop working randomly
2438446 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SHORTCUTS Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, and Ctrl+X and NetGroup selection stop working
2430716 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Cannot place offpage+wire
2433555 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Issue with Test Point Symbol: Wires can be drawn only on the right
2413789 TOPXP CHANNEL_SIMUL Multiple differential pairs cannot be selected from IBIS model in SystemSI Serial Link
2421072 TOPXP COMPLIANCE_KI Topology Explorer PCIe5 Compliance kit: Does not pass with any parameter variation
2428234 TOPXP TOPXPLORER Topology Explorer is not running on CentOS
CCRID Product ProductLevel2 Title
2351257 ADW DBEDITOR Search tab for footprints does not appear in DBEditor
2417585 ADW DBEDITOR Model search tab missing from DBEditor
2424154 ADW DBEDITOR DBEditor stops responding on attempting to change 'Restrict PreDefined Value' for Passives-Transformers
2424785 ADW DBEDITOR Cannot change PART_NUMBER from 'key property' to 'key & injected property' in schematic model classification in EDM
2301111 ADW FLOW_MGR Allegro EDM Flow Manager crashes without error message
2429890 ADW PART_MANAGER Footprint carousel view not shown in Part Detail window of System Capture
2422196 ALLEGRO_EDITOR CREATE_SYM RF Symbol Issues: Circle shape on all layers adds via from top and inconsistent error message
20359 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Need ability to view clines and rats while editing or moving a symbol.
1207111 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Dynamically display the true closest endpoint to endpoint for ratsnests
1298857 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV When moving components ratsnest should be visible with the slide etch option selected.
1342109 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest points behavior similar to release 16.5: Ratsnest visible when symbol is moved and slide etch on
1349427 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest should not disappear during move when "slide etch" or "stretch etch" option is enabled.
1409869 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Keep rats on when moving parts with stretch etch
1497347 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest should be visible when moving components with "slide etch" selected
1609181 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Display ratsnest while moving component with Slide etch and Stretch etch
1765385 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Slide etch option during component move to display ratsnest
1780191 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest visible while moving symbol with Stretch Etch option checked
1802967 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Rats visibility during Move Symbol command changes based on the command options
1892637 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Rats disappear when moving components
1950927 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest needs to be able to dynamically display the true closest endpoint to endpoint
2072894 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Option Slide Etch should not blank rats while moving symbols
2119673 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest should NOT disappear while moving components using "slide etch" or "stretch etch" option
2185747 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Display rats while moving a symbol with Stretch Etch/Slide Etch options enabled
2212825 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Dynamic display of ratsnest lines with Stretch Etch or Slide Etch options selected during move command
2318897 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ability to show rats during placement / move commands even when slide / stretch etch is selected in Options tab
2353473 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Missing Rat when moving symbol with Slide Etch selected
331352 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV More intuitive Stretch Etch option: Cannot figure out way to make rats visible while editing or moving symbol
665999 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Allow ratsnest to be visible on components irrespective of whether "Stretch Etch" option is checked in or not.
808043 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Show ratsnests for Edit > Move with Stretch Etch enabled
875769 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV The edit move command does not show the ratsnests
928750 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Ratsnest should be visible when moving symbol with Stretch Etch option checked
2423557 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IN_DESIGN_ANA Plane current density tab P/F status is not working in the EAP build
2435098 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IPC IPC2581 export is not generating all pastemasks in the design after release 17.4-2019, HotFix 013
2437937 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IPC IPC-2581 is not exporting all the mapped layers.
2428866 ALLEGRO_EDITOR MCAD_COLLAB idxHolePadstackMapping.txt file metric values: Mils to metric when importing MCAD transfers
2332061 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PAD_EDITOR In PAD designer, with dark theme drill symbol outline is not visible clearly
2340877 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PAD_EDITOR Incorrect error message when saving a padstack name with invalid characters.
2421488 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SKILL Crash resulting from SKILL foreach loop
2294376 ALLEGRO_EDITOR STEP STEP file thicknesses are not the same when viewed in third-party tool and cutouts and holes are missing
2419730 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS SKILL form field with popup definition allows more characters then allowed by STRFILLIN definition
2422303 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS SKILL FORM > GRID BUG: Non number characters allowed for types INTEGER and REAL
2422559 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS axlFormListSelect() function does not deselect entries in the list form
2432641 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS Context menu cut off: Right-clicking mid screen displays pop-up that goes out of screen
2434271 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS Need to control size of right-click menus
2366305 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL _axlEnterPoint not following the Persistent snap settings
2422936 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL 'browser_text_size' not working in release 17.2-2016, HotFix 072 and release 17.4-2019, HotFix 013
2424743 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Setting browser_text_size variable not controlling text size
2429398 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Misalignment of text in shape > Circular options in Allegro PCB Editor
2308176 ALTM_TRANSLATOR CAPTURE Unable to import third-party files in Capture in release 17.2-2016
2365333 APD SHAPE 'Shape Degassing' with 'No Void Overlap' crashes APD Plus running PolyBool ANDNOT in release 17.4-2019, HotFix 012
2418124 CONCEPT_HDL COPY_PROJECT Copy project does not rename sub-design state file
2357621 CONCEPT_HDL CORE Floor Planner crashes instantly when launched from Project Manager in release 17.4-2019
2427336 CONCEPT_HDL CORE DE-HDL crashes trying to add custom text CREF_TO_LIST
2352623 CONCEPT_HDL CREFER Bad Cref page numbers with Cref to block page: Logical page reference instead of physical
2427800 CONCEPT_HDL OTHER DE-HDL crashes when using legacy Component Browser in release 17.2-2016
2420780 CONCEPT_HDL SECTION Cannot netlist with hierarchical split symbols
2353766 CONSTRAINT_MGR INTERACTIV The delete command does not work on NetGroup in Allegro PCB Designer in release 17.40-2019, HotFix 011
2430677 CONSTRAINT_MGR INTERACTIV Cannot delete NETGroups in Allegro Constraint Manager in release 17.40, HotFIx 013 without high-speed license
2423782 CONSTRAINT_MGR TECHFILE Working library changes when doing Import Techfile in CM
2432105 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYMBOL_EDITOR Symbol Editor shows a small page size when the symbol is opened
2245167 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYM_CREATOR_U Text justification only available through popup menus on right click
2428157 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYM_CREATOR_U Font justification cannot be updated in the symbol editor.
2305527 PSPICE ENVIRONMENT Capture crashes on double-clicking OK in the Simulation Settings dialog
2305552 PSPICE ENVIRONMENT PSpice crashes on double-clicking OK in the Simulation Settings dialog
2358071 PSPICE ENVIRONMENT Capture crashes on clicking OK multiple times in the Simulation Settings dialog - not design specific
2438629 PULSE CORE Datamart errors on data node after master node restart (unified search header width changes)
2440227 PULSE CORE Unified search filter is too slow to list the library parts list
2436477 PULSE UNIFIED_SEARC Fail to package some parts
2424022 PULSE WORKFLOWS Error (SPDWSRV-000135) and warning (SPDWSRV-00103) after installing release 17.4-2019, HotFix 013 on Pulse Master Node.
2433615 SIP_LAYOUT IC_IO_EDITING Bump/ball attributes resetting to 0.
2428176 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CAPTURE_IMPOR $<User Prop> removed on opening symbol in new Symbol Editor but standard $LOCATION not deleted
2055315 SYSTEM_CAPTURE FORMAT_OBJECT Pin Number of pass through pins should not be displayed in System Capture.
2157924 SYSTEM_CAPTURE FORMAT_OBJECT System Capture cannot connect wire to Corresponding Pass-Through pin.
2362951 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_PCB Import PCB Layout fails with error code CPFEDNM-2 and constraints are not updated.
2299248 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER Part Manager is unable to search/filter for RefDes values displayed as ranges
2425373 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER Part Manager not updating symbols
2425367 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SHORTCUTS Shortcuts stop working randomly
2438446 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SHORTCUTS Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, and Ctrl+X and NetGroup selection stop working
2430716 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Cannot place offpage+wire
2433555 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Issue with Test Point Symbol: Wires can be drawn only on the right
2413789 TOPXP CHANNEL_SIMUL Multiple differential pairs cannot be selected from IBIS model in SystemSI Serial Link
2421072 TOPXP COMPLIANCE_KI Topology Explorer PCIe5 Compliance kit: Does not pass with any parameter variation
2428234 TOPXP TOPXPLORER Topology Explorer is not running on CentOS
Cadence OrCAD and Allegro 17.4-2019 is a sleeker and more modern version of the OrCAD and Allegro release, with enhanced usability and a slew of new productivity- enhancing features. You get more intuitive and easy- to- use flows that enable optimized schematic- to- board- to- manufacturing transitions. So, whether you design schematics, work with physical layouts, manage or create libraries and parts, or administer ECAD processes, there are features in this release that will benefit you.
Starting with OrCAD and Cadence Allegro PCB - Tutorial for Beginners
Cadence enables global electronic design innovation and plays an essential role in the creation of today’s integrated circuits and electronics. Customers use Cadence software, hardware, IP and services to design and verify advanced semiconductors, consumer electronics, networking and telecommunications equipment, and computer systems. The company is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., with sales offices, design centers and research facilities around the world to serve the global electronics industry.
Product: Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD
Version: 17.40.000-2019 HF015
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Software Prerequisites: Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD 17.40.000-2019 and above
Size: 5.6 Gb
System Requirements:
OS: Windows 10 (64-bit) Professional, Windows Server 2012 (All Service Packs); Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2016.
CPU: Intel Core i7 4.30 GHz or AMD Ryzen 7 4.30 GHz with at least 4 cores
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Space: 50 GB free disk space (SSD drive is recommended)
Display: 1920 x 1200 display resolution with true color (at least 32bit color)
GPU: A dedicated graphics card supporting OpenGL, minimum 2GB (with additional support for DX11 for 3D Canvas)
Monitors: Dual monitors (For physical design)
Supported MATLAB Version: R2019A-64Bit (For the PSpice-MATLAB interface)
OS: Windows 10 (64-bit) Professional, Windows Server 2012 (All Service Packs); Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2016.
CPU: Intel Core i7 4.30 GHz or AMD Ryzen 7 4.30 GHz with at least 4 cores
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Space: 50 GB free disk space (SSD drive is recommended)
Display: 1920 x 1200 display resolution with true color (at least 32bit color)
GPU: A dedicated graphics card supporting OpenGL, minimum 2GB (with additional support for DX11 for 3D Canvas)
Monitors: Dual monitors (For physical design)
Supported MATLAB Version: R2019A-64Bit (For the PSpice-MATLAB interface)
Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD 17.40.000-2019
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