CST Studio Suite 2020 SP1 | 6.9 Gb
Computer Simulation Technology (CST), part of SIMULIA, a Dassault Systèmes brand, announces the release of its flagship EM simulation software, CST Studio Suite 2020
This list provides an overview of the important new features and improvements in the latest release of CST Studio Suite- In addition, a lot of smaller changes and enhancements went into this release-
General Features
- LINUX support for all interactive workflows
- New project preview mode, which includes archiving of projects
- Added filtering option to the navigation tree
- New search option to find commands, information and examples
- New Python module for general project management
- Enhanced general and cylindrical bend feature
- System Simulator: Import of Functional Mockup Units for Model Exchange according to FMI standard
- HPC: MPI job scheduler native shell support
- HPC: Improved GPU support: Added selected AMD GPUs (T), NVIDIA RTX series and NVIDIA NVLink
System Assembly and Modeling (SAM)
- Extended modification options of existing simulation projects
- Improved support of lumped elements for 3D simulation projects
- One-click conversion of 3D projects to assembly projects
- Mesh Import: Recovery tool for intersecting triangles
- NVH Mesh Import with connections for surface mesh (I)
- Improved robustness of mesh moving for optimizations and sweeps
- New Python module ‘cst-results’ to access 0D/1D results from file
- New easy to use ‘Result2D’ VBA object
- Improved ray histogram post-processing
- Interactive plot measurement mode for Cartesian 1D plot
- Interactive farfield plots in orthographic projection
- Faster farfield combination that avoids nearfield data processing (T, F)
- New Report tool to collect screenshots and create report documents
- Enhanced 2D colormap plot supports contour lines, banding and auto tick
- Customizable plot units in 2D/3D plots
3D EM Technology
High Frequency Simulation
- Added circularly distributed discrete face ports (F)
- Encryption of CST models for securely sharing data (IP protection): FD and TLM solver added
- New Partial RLC solver for calculation of circuit parameters (partial resistances, inductances, and capacitances) with optional SPICE export
- Allow surface impedance material at waveguide ports (T)
- Performance improvements for open boundary simulations (T)
- Added multi-pin lumped element SPICE and Touchstone circuits (T, TLM)
- Added connectivity tree and mesh feedback for discretization and intersection problems (TLM)
- Improved handling of composite skins on aircraft frames (TLM)
- Combine results for fast reduced order model frequency domain solver with tetrahedral mesh (F)
- Modal weighting coefficients available after Characteristic Mode Analysis (I, M)
- Performance enhancement for monostatic RCS sweep (I)
- General performance improvements and support for larger simulation setups for MLFMM (I)
- Field of view analysis (A)
- Improved accuracy for near- and farfield source excitations (A)
- Hybrid solver task (SAM task)
. Support simultaneous excitations defined in local domains
. Reference impedance for S-parameters and Touchstone export added
. Support all ports excitation selection
Antenna Magus
- Multiple elements per array
- Element pattern from collection
- Calculate NFS for default designs and for previously estimated designs while NFS setting was disabled
- Value comparison in compare window
- Exclude selected variables from macro export
Low Frequency Simulation
- Performance improvement for time domain solvers (LT)
- Authoring of CAD coil segments from CAD geometries (LT, JS, LF FD (broadband only))
- 3D translational motion (LT)
- Introduction of Machine Simulation Sequence for multiple drive scenario simulation in SAM
- Authoring of Reduced Order Models as Functional Mockup Units according to FMI standard (LF FD and SAM Machine Simulation Sequence)
- Induction Machine drive scenario (SAM Machine Simulation Sequence)
- Performance improvements for evaluating machine drive scenarios (SAM Machine Simulation Sequence)
- Using iron loss data sheets for calculating iron losses (Frontend)
- Temperature dependent permanent magnet recoil model (LT)
Particle Simulation
- Particle volume source for modeling initial plasma distributions
- Ion-induced secondary electron emission
- Added support for periodic boundaries in the E-Static PIC solver
- Time dependent field excitation for E-Static PIC solver
- In Corona configuration, pressure sweep points may be distributed in a linear or logarithmic scale
- Added new Corona simulation type: at a fixed power, a pressure sweep may be analyzed in order to know if there is breakdown or not
- Expose independent parameters to CST Design Studio
- Added coaxial/dielectric-loaded cavity libraries based on CST Frequency Domain Solver- Rectangular and cylindrical cavities are allowed
- Visualize the mesh used by 3D subcomponents based on BI-RME3D and CST Frequency Domain Solver
- Use FEST3D projects as blocks in CST Design Studio
Cable | Circuit | Macromodels | PCB | Chip
Cable Simulation
- Support for CST Cable Studio projects in simulation projects
- Improvements of connection to 3D manager
- Improvements of automatic bundling and twisted cable simulation
- Increase of simulation accuracy concerning loss and screen modeling, incl- Spice export
- Improvements of the user interface: e-g- interactive cross-section editing
Circuit Simulation
- All task properties are available through task parameter list and many other schematic editor improvements
- New parameterized array block to define multiple, identical sub circuits
- New FEST3D project block
- IBIS-AMI task: Support of transient AMI simulation
- Encryption/decryption for SPICE circuit files
- Interface to LTSPICE simulator
- Full support for macromodeling of Mixed-Mode parameters
- New functionality for performing sensitivity analyses on a dataset
- Enhancement of the passivity solver through a more efficient characterization of the passivity violations
- Major improvement in the convergence of the passivity enforcement solver through a more robust optimizer
- Performance improvements for terminate ports functionality
Filter Design
- Automatic 3D filter design and model creation
EDA Import and PCB Simulation
- Support for bending and multiple-stackup information in Cadence-Allegro import
- Automatic import of heat sources from PCBS IR-drop results into CST MPhysics Studio
- Improved performance of opening PCB designs in 3D
- New package component model (EBD)
- New impedance calculator for pre-layout analysis
- Improvements in IR-Drop simulation: Consider filled vias
- Increase of simulation accuracy for SI/2DTL, e-g- Ohmic loss modeling and legacy via model, incl- SPICE export
- Improvements of the user interface: e-g- view attributes manager and color mode for 2D/3D results
- Classify rules by analysis types (EMC, SI, PI)
- New rule ‘Power Net Overlapping’
- Improved rules that are checking cross-talk
Chip Interface
- Automatic port creation at pin locations
- Project history display and editing
- Retain pin/net information when exporting through Cadence Virtuoso plugin
- Single-file setup for GDS-based workflow triggered from Cadence Virtuoso plugin
Multi-Physics Simulations
Thermal Simulation
- CHT Solver
. New CFD mesh type enabling the use of non-uniform background meshes and the optimal positioning of meshing gridlines at solid interfaces
. Improved reporting of setup errors including self-intersecting surfaces
. Faster and more accurate import of surface losses from EM simulations
. Support for surface emissivity and contact properties in the two-resistor thermal compact model
- Two-resistor thermal compact model creation macro for classic thermal solvers (THt, THs)
- Updated heat transfer coefficient calculation macro to compute surface temperature for given power dissipation (THt, THs)
General Features
- LINUX support for all interactive workflows
- New project preview mode, which includes archiving of projects
- Added filtering option to the navigation tree
- New search option to find commands, information and examples
- New Python module for general project management
- Enhanced general and cylindrical bend feature
- System Simulator: Import of Functional Mockup Units for Model Exchange according to FMI standard
- HPC: MPI job scheduler native shell support
- HPC: Improved GPU support: Added selected AMD GPUs (T), NVIDIA RTX series and NVIDIA NVLink
System Assembly and Modeling (SAM)
- Extended modification options of existing simulation projects
- Improved support of lumped elements for 3D simulation projects
- One-click conversion of 3D projects to assembly projects
- Mesh Import: Recovery tool for intersecting triangles
- NVH Mesh Import with connections for surface mesh (I)
- Improved robustness of mesh moving for optimizations and sweeps
- New Python module ‘cst-results’ to access 0D/1D results from file
- New easy to use ‘Result2D’ VBA object
- Improved ray histogram post-processing
- Interactive plot measurement mode for Cartesian 1D plot
- Interactive farfield plots in orthographic projection
- Faster farfield combination that avoids nearfield data processing (T, F)
- New Report tool to collect screenshots and create report documents
- Enhanced 2D colormap plot supports contour lines, banding and auto tick
- Customizable plot units in 2D/3D plots
3D EM Technology
High Frequency Simulation
- Added circularly distributed discrete face ports (F)
- Encryption of CST models for securely sharing data (IP protection): FD and TLM solver added
- New Partial RLC solver for calculation of circuit parameters (partial resistances, inductances, and capacitances) with optional SPICE export
- Allow surface impedance material at waveguide ports (T)
- Performance improvements for open boundary simulations (T)
- Added multi-pin lumped element SPICE and Touchstone circuits (T, TLM)
- Added connectivity tree and mesh feedback for discretization and intersection problems (TLM)
- Improved handling of composite skins on aircraft frames (TLM)
- Combine results for fast reduced order model frequency domain solver with tetrahedral mesh (F)
- Modal weighting coefficients available after Characteristic Mode Analysis (I, M)
- Performance enhancement for monostatic RCS sweep (I)
- General performance improvements and support for larger simulation setups for MLFMM (I)
- Field of view analysis (A)
- Improved accuracy for near- and farfield source excitations (A)
- Hybrid solver task (SAM task)
. Support simultaneous excitations defined in local domains
. Reference impedance for S-parameters and Touchstone export added
. Support all ports excitation selection
Antenna Magus
- Multiple elements per array
- Element pattern from collection
- Calculate NFS for default designs and for previously estimated designs while NFS setting was disabled
- Value comparison in compare window
- Exclude selected variables from macro export
Low Frequency Simulation
- Performance improvement for time domain solvers (LT)
- Authoring of CAD coil segments from CAD geometries (LT, JS, LF FD (broadband only))
- 3D translational motion (LT)
- Introduction of Machine Simulation Sequence for multiple drive scenario simulation in SAM
- Authoring of Reduced Order Models as Functional Mockup Units according to FMI standard (LF FD and SAM Machine Simulation Sequence)
- Induction Machine drive scenario (SAM Machine Simulation Sequence)
- Performance improvements for evaluating machine drive scenarios (SAM Machine Simulation Sequence)
- Using iron loss data sheets for calculating iron losses (Frontend)
- Temperature dependent permanent magnet recoil model (LT)
Particle Simulation
- Particle volume source for modeling initial plasma distributions
- Ion-induced secondary electron emission
- Added support for periodic boundaries in the E-Static PIC solver
- Time dependent field excitation for E-Static PIC solver
- In Corona configuration, pressure sweep points may be distributed in a linear or logarithmic scale
- Added new Corona simulation type: at a fixed power, a pressure sweep may be analyzed in order to know if there is breakdown or not
- Expose independent parameters to CST Design Studio
- Added coaxial/dielectric-loaded cavity libraries based on CST Frequency Domain Solver- Rectangular and cylindrical cavities are allowed
- Visualize the mesh used by 3D subcomponents based on BI-RME3D and CST Frequency Domain Solver
- Use FEST3D projects as blocks in CST Design Studio
Cable | Circuit | Macromodels | PCB | Chip
Cable Simulation
- Support for CST Cable Studio projects in simulation projects
- Improvements of connection to 3D manager
- Improvements of automatic bundling and twisted cable simulation
- Increase of simulation accuracy concerning loss and screen modeling, incl- Spice export
- Improvements of the user interface: e-g- interactive cross-section editing
Circuit Simulation
- All task properties are available through task parameter list and many other schematic editor improvements
- New parameterized array block to define multiple, identical sub circuits
- New FEST3D project block
- IBIS-AMI task: Support of transient AMI simulation
- Encryption/decryption for SPICE circuit files
- Interface to LTSPICE simulator
- Full support for macromodeling of Mixed-Mode parameters
- New functionality for performing sensitivity analyses on a dataset
- Enhancement of the passivity solver through a more efficient characterization of the passivity violations
- Major improvement in the convergence of the passivity enforcement solver through a more robust optimizer
- Performance improvements for terminate ports functionality
Filter Design
- Automatic 3D filter design and model creation
EDA Import and PCB Simulation
- Support for bending and multiple-stackup information in Cadence-Allegro import
- Automatic import of heat sources from PCBS IR-drop results into CST MPhysics Studio
- Improved performance of opening PCB designs in 3D
- New package component model (EBD)
- New impedance calculator for pre-layout analysis
- Improvements in IR-Drop simulation: Consider filled vias
- Increase of simulation accuracy for SI/2DTL, e-g- Ohmic loss modeling and legacy via model, incl- SPICE export
- Improvements of the user interface: e-g- view attributes manager and color mode for 2D/3D results
- Classify rules by analysis types (EMC, SI, PI)
- New rule ‘Power Net Overlapping’
- Improved rules that are checking cross-talk
Chip Interface
- Automatic port creation at pin locations
- Project history display and editing
- Retain pin/net information when exporting through Cadence Virtuoso plugin
- Single-file setup for GDS-based workflow triggered from Cadence Virtuoso plugin
Multi-Physics Simulations
Thermal Simulation
- CHT Solver
. New CFD mesh type enabling the use of non-uniform background meshes and the optimal positioning of meshing gridlines at solid interfaces
. Improved reporting of setup errors including self-intersecting surfaces
. Faster and more accurate import of surface losses from EM simulations
. Support for surface emissivity and contact properties in the two-resistor thermal compact model
- Two-resistor thermal compact model creation macro for classic thermal solvers (THt, THs)
- Updated heat transfer coefficient calculation macro to compute surface temperature for given power dissipation (THt, THs)
- Close netlist extraction dialog box on start, to prevent potential reentrancy in post-processing-
- Fixed issue when waveguide monitors are used with multiple modes under simultaneous excitation-
- Improved stability for MPI Simulations-
- Improved stability when calculating broadband decomposition for homogeneous ports-
- Fixed that some task parameters were not editable/visible under certain circumstances-
- Fixed issue where Spice reference blocks could not be created if the file was on another drive-
- Fixed issue that for blocks with automatic pin layout the visible connectors and the connection data could become uncoordinated-
- Improved stability when copying and pasting a machine task-
System Simulator
- Fixed a race condition on startup of system simulator-
- Close netlist extraction dialog box on start, to prevent potential reentrancy in post-processing-
- Fixed issue when waveguide monitors are used with multiple modes under simultaneous excitation-
- Improved stability for MPI Simulations-
- Improved stability when calculating broadband decomposition for homogeneous ports-
- Fixed that some task parameters were not editable/visible under certain circumstances-
- Fixed issue where Spice reference blocks could not be created if the file was on another drive-
- Fixed issue that for blocks with automatic pin layout the visible connectors and the connection data could become uncoordinated-
- Improved stability when copying and pasting a machine task-
System Simulator
- Fixed a race condition on startup of system simulator-
CST STUDIO SUITE is a package of tools for designing, simulating and optimizing electromagnetic systems, and is used in leading technology and engineering companies around the world- The three pillars of CST products are accuracy, speed and usability-
CST Studio Suite 2020 builds on industry-leading simulation technology with a range of new features for the design, simulation and optimization of components and systems- New features include encrypted data sharing, the next generation of Perfect Boundary Approximation (PBA), full integration of the voxel body model poser, and the hybrid solver for bidirectional hybrid coupling between all the general purpose high-frequency solvers-
The 2020 release is also available on the Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE platform, allowing direct links to other design and simulation tools- These tools increase the agility of CST Studio Suite for modeling and simulating complex systems, and allow electromagnetic simulation to be applied in large projects spanning multiple departments and suppliers-
CST Studio Suite - Electromagnetic Simulations
CST is a market leader in providing 3D electromagnetic (EM) field simulation tools through a global network of sales and support staff and representatives- CST develops CST STUDIO SUITE, a package of high-performance soft-ware for the simulation of EM fields in all frequency bands- Its growing success is based on a combination of leading edge technology, a user-friendly interface and knowledge-able support staff- CST solutions are used by market leaders in a diverse range of industries, including aerospace, auto-motive, defense, electronics, healthcare and telecommuni-cations- CST is part of SIMULIA, a Dassault Systèmes brand-
Product: CST Studio Suite
Version: 2020 SP1
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www-3ds-com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 6.9 Gb
CST Studio Suite Recommended Hardware
EM simulations can be classified as high performance computing tasks. This means that computers used for CST applications must meet high requirements in terms of CPU, RAM, and graphical specifications in order to achieve optimal performance. Sufficient power supply and cooling must also be ensured for the workstation or server. We strongly recommend buying a complete package from a brand-name manufacturer, e.g. DELL, HP, or IBM, and that the chosen hardware meets the following requirement
Minimum requirement: Intel x86-64 processor
High end server/workstation recommendation: Dual 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (also known as „Cascade Lake“)
Notes for recommended hardware: We recommend high processor base clock frequency (>3 GHz) and 8-10 cores per CPU are recommended for general-purpose simulation workstation
Memory (RAM)
Minimum requirement: 16 GB
High end server/workstation recommendation: 32–64 GB per CPU
Notes for recommended hardware: We recommend fastest RAM memory modules available, currently DDR4-2933.
Graphics card
Minimum requirement: 100% OpenGL compatible graphics card
High end server/workstation recommendation: NVIDIA Quadro series card dedicated to CAD/CAE applications
Notes for recommended hardware:
Minimum requirement: 30 GB of free disk space
High end server/workstation recommendation: At least 500 GB hard disk drive
Notes for recommended hardware: SSDs may be used, but are not necessary for good simulation performance
GPU computing (optional)
Minimum requirement: Supported GPU card
High end server/workstation recommendation: High-end NVIDIA Quadro or Tesla card
Notes for recommended hardware: Please refer to the GPU computing guide
MPI computing (optional)
Minimum requirement: Dedicated compute cluster hardware
High end server/workstation recommendation:
Notes for recommended hardware: Fast network interconnects with low latency, e.g. Infiniband or Intel OmniPath, are strongly recommended. Please refer to the MPI computing guide
Distributed computing (optional)
For optimal simulation performance, the solver servers should run on separate computers from the frontend and the main controller. A fast network connection between the solvers servers, the main controller, and the frontend is recommended as simulations may generate a lot of data that needs to be transferred.
CST Studio Suite - Operating System Support
Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 SP1
Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 *
Windows 10
Windows Server 2016 **
Windows Server 2019 **
* Support can’t be guaranteed. (only for FEST3D)
** Operating system is not yet or no longer supported. Our software is not tested on this platform. (only for SPARK3D and FEST3D)
EM simulations can be classified as high performance computing tasks. This means that computers used for CST applications must meet high requirements in terms of CPU, RAM, and graphical specifications in order to achieve optimal performance. Sufficient power supply and cooling must also be ensured for the workstation or server. We strongly recommend buying a complete package from a brand-name manufacturer, e.g. DELL, HP, or IBM, and that the chosen hardware meets the following requirement
Minimum requirement: Intel x86-64 processor
High end server/workstation recommendation: Dual 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (also known as „Cascade Lake“)
Notes for recommended hardware: We recommend high processor base clock frequency (>3 GHz) and 8-10 cores per CPU are recommended for general-purpose simulation workstation
Memory (RAM)
Minimum requirement: 16 GB
High end server/workstation recommendation: 32–64 GB per CPU
Notes for recommended hardware: We recommend fastest RAM memory modules available, currently DDR4-2933.
Graphics card
Minimum requirement: 100% OpenGL compatible graphics card
High end server/workstation recommendation: NVIDIA Quadro series card dedicated to CAD/CAE applications
Notes for recommended hardware:
Minimum requirement: 30 GB of free disk space
High end server/workstation recommendation: At least 500 GB hard disk drive
Notes for recommended hardware: SSDs may be used, but are not necessary for good simulation performance
GPU computing (optional)
Minimum requirement: Supported GPU card
High end server/workstation recommendation: High-end NVIDIA Quadro or Tesla card
Notes for recommended hardware: Please refer to the GPU computing guide
MPI computing (optional)
Minimum requirement: Dedicated compute cluster hardware
High end server/workstation recommendation:
Notes for recommended hardware: Fast network interconnects with low latency, e.g. Infiniband or Intel OmniPath, are strongly recommended. Please refer to the MPI computing guide
Distributed computing (optional)
For optimal simulation performance, the solver servers should run on separate computers from the frontend and the main controller. A fast network connection between the solvers servers, the main controller, and the frontend is recommended as simulations may generate a lot of data that needs to be transferred.
CST Studio Suite - Operating System Support
Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 SP1
Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 *
Windows 10
Windows Server 2016 **
Windows Server 2019 **
* Support can’t be guaranteed. (only for FEST3D)
** Operating system is not yet or no longer supported. Our software is not tested on this platform. (only for SPARK3D and FEST3D)
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