Autodesk Alias Desing 2020 | 3.0 Gb
The Alias product team is pleased to announce the availability of Autodesk Alias Design 2020. This update introduces several new features, fixes, and improvements, and addresses many customer reported crashes and issues.
General Improvements
General disclaimer
If you are using existing user preferences from an older version of Alias, you may not notice when the default values of options change.
New Created By option for files
When saving or exporting a file, you can now save the author information (Created By) in the Save All Options dialog under Save Information (File > Save As and File > Export > Active As ).
New layer Paste Options for duplicating layer folders and layers
You now have options to duplicate layers contained in folders without duplicating the folder structure.
- Duplicate Layers (Outside) pastes copies of selected layers outside of the source folder. Using this option pastes copies of the layers at the bottom of the Object Lister.
- Duplicate Layers (Inside) pastes copies of selected layers in the source folder.
- Duplicate Folders and Layers pastes copies of the source folder and the selected layers.
These new options replace the Duplicate Layer option. Before using the new Paste options, enable them by turning on Always Ask in the Paste Options window.
Pick improvement
You can now pick a curve by selecting a Hull or CV. Previously, you had to select the curve directly during pick operations for certain tools.
Disable Share View
You can now disable the Share View command (File > Share View) by setting the environment variable ALIAS_DISABLE_SHAREVIEW to 1.
New Draw Style options
To support the new Subdivision features, we added Draw Style options for the subdivision surface geometry and control cage manipulator.
Default Hotkey for Redo
The default hotkey setting for Redo is now CTRL+Y, to reverse your last Undo (CTRL+Z).
Alias 2020 introduces new subdivision surface modeling tools aimed at adding speed and flexibility to your concept modeling and idea creation workflows. The addition of subdivision surfaces to Alias integrates the strengths of adaptive subdivision with native NURBS surface technology. This means that your concept modeling can be done within a hybrid NURBS and subdivision surface modeling environment, which lets you combine NURBS editing tools and workflows with subdivision objects. Subdivision surfaces also support construction history, so your combined workflows remain fast and efficient.
Shotgun for Alias
Introducing Shotgun for Alias
You can now use Shotgun for Alias to manage digital assets, the review process, and teams involved with the creation of assets and more. The Shotgun Engine for Alias creates a bridge between the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit apps and Alias.
New Box Mode diagnostic shader
The Box Mode diagnostic shader displays the Subdivision and NURBS geometry in a simplified poly form. Click Shading Off to turn off Box Mode shading. This shader is useful for detecting surface quality problems such as odd-sized faces, edge loops that zig-zag, or other surface irregularities.
Data Transfer
Improved load times for files with Variants
We improved loading times for files containing many variants with the Variant Lister window open.
Importing/Exporting improvements
We added a Normalize UV Coordinates option to Export OBJ to support working with Rendering software.
When importing a CATIA file:
- Alias keeps the shader names and maps to the appropriate geometry.
- Alias maps the CATIA Object Property Color to the Alias Multi-color Diagnostic Shader Color.
When importing a subdivision model (File > Import > Subdiv), the model is not translated to NURBS surfaces as it was in previous versions of Alias. Instead, the model keeps its original file state so you can continue modeling in Alias with the new Subdivision modeling toolset.
New File > Export > Active As Subdiv command.
Alias VR
Alias canvases
You can now display Alias canvases in Alias VR.
What's Where
New tools
The tools listed in this section are new in this release of Alias.
- Subdivision > Primitives > Subdiv Box/Plane/Cylinder
- Subdivision > Extrude
- Subdivision > Bridge
- Subdivision > Insert Edge
- Subdivision > Cut
- Subdivision > Fill Hole
- Subdivision > Creases > Crease Subdiv Edge
- Subdivision > Creases > Uncrease Subdiv Edge
- Subdivision > Weld > Subdiv Weld
- Subdivision > Weld > Subdiv Unweld Edges
- Subdivision > Align to Curve
- Pick > Subdiv Hull Elements > Subdiv
- Pick > Subdiv Hull Elements > Subdiv Edge Loop
- Pick > Subdiv Hull Elements > Subdiv Edge Loop From Edge
- Pick > Grow/Shrink Selection > Grow Current Selection
- Pick > Grow/Shrink Selection > Shrink Current Selection
- Surfaces > Corner Blend
- Surfaces > Subdivision to Nurbs
- File > Export > Active as Subdiv
General disclaimer
If you are using existing user preferences from an older version of Alias, you may not notice when the default values of options change.
New Created By option for files
When saving or exporting a file, you can now save the author information (Created By) in the Save All Options dialog under Save Information (File > Save As and File > Export > Active As ).
New layer Paste Options for duplicating layer folders and layers
You now have options to duplicate layers contained in folders without duplicating the folder structure.
- Duplicate Layers (Outside) pastes copies of selected layers outside of the source folder. Using this option pastes copies of the layers at the bottom of the Object Lister.
- Duplicate Layers (Inside) pastes copies of selected layers in the source folder.
- Duplicate Folders and Layers pastes copies of the source folder and the selected layers.
These new options replace the Duplicate Layer option. Before using the new Paste options, enable them by turning on Always Ask in the Paste Options window.
Pick improvement
You can now pick a curve by selecting a Hull or CV. Previously, you had to select the curve directly during pick operations for certain tools.
Disable Share View
You can now disable the Share View command (File > Share View) by setting the environment variable ALIAS_DISABLE_SHAREVIEW to 1.
New Draw Style options
To support the new Subdivision features, we added Draw Style options for the subdivision surface geometry and control cage manipulator.
Default Hotkey for Redo
The default hotkey setting for Redo is now CTRL+Y, to reverse your last Undo (CTRL+Z).
Alias 2020 introduces new subdivision surface modeling tools aimed at adding speed and flexibility to your concept modeling and idea creation workflows. The addition of subdivision surfaces to Alias integrates the strengths of adaptive subdivision with native NURBS surface technology. This means that your concept modeling can be done within a hybrid NURBS and subdivision surface modeling environment, which lets you combine NURBS editing tools and workflows with subdivision objects. Subdivision surfaces also support construction history, so your combined workflows remain fast and efficient.
Shotgun for Alias
Introducing Shotgun for Alias
You can now use Shotgun for Alias to manage digital assets, the review process, and teams involved with the creation of assets and more. The Shotgun Engine for Alias creates a bridge between the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit apps and Alias.
New Box Mode diagnostic shader
The Box Mode diagnostic shader displays the Subdivision and NURBS geometry in a simplified poly form. Click Shading Off to turn off Box Mode shading. This shader is useful for detecting surface quality problems such as odd-sized faces, edge loops that zig-zag, or other surface irregularities.
Data Transfer
Improved load times for files with Variants
We improved loading times for files containing many variants with the Variant Lister window open.
Importing/Exporting improvements
We added a Normalize UV Coordinates option to Export OBJ to support working with Rendering software.
When importing a CATIA file:
- Alias keeps the shader names and maps to the appropriate geometry.
- Alias maps the CATIA Object Property Color to the Alias Multi-color Diagnostic Shader Color.
When importing a subdivision model (File > Import > Subdiv), the model is not translated to NURBS surfaces as it was in previous versions of Alias. Instead, the model keeps its original file state so you can continue modeling in Alias with the new Subdivision modeling toolset.
New File > Export > Active As Subdiv command.
Alias VR
Alias canvases
You can now display Alias canvases in Alias VR.
What's Where
New tools
The tools listed in this section are new in this release of Alias.
- Subdivision > Primitives > Subdiv Box/Plane/Cylinder
- Subdivision > Extrude
- Subdivision > Bridge
- Subdivision > Insert Edge
- Subdivision > Cut
- Subdivision > Fill Hole
- Subdivision > Creases > Crease Subdiv Edge
- Subdivision > Creases > Uncrease Subdiv Edge
- Subdivision > Weld > Subdiv Weld
- Subdivision > Weld > Subdiv Unweld Edges
- Subdivision > Align to Curve
- Pick > Subdiv Hull Elements > Subdiv
- Pick > Subdiv Hull Elements > Subdiv Edge Loop
- Pick > Subdiv Hull Elements > Subdiv Edge Loop From Edge
- Pick > Grow/Shrink Selection > Grow Current Selection
- Pick > Grow/Shrink Selection > Shrink Current Selection
- Surfaces > Corner Blend
- Surfaces > Subdivision to Nurbs
- File > Export > Active as Subdiv
- Lines no longer flicker when hardware anti-alias is set to 4x (WindowDisplay > Anti-Alias > Hardware Anti-Alias ). ALS-4642, ALS-5715
- Problems with Autodesk Desktop Analytics (ADP) have been fixed. The Autodesk Analytics Client Service no longer starts every few minutes. ADP no longer uses increasing amounts of memory. ALS-4663, ALS-5539
- When you paste to a new layer with the Always Ask option selected and by mistake enter an existing layer name, the copied objects are not pasted to that layer. Instead, a new layer is automatically created based on the name you entered. ALS-6059
- The pick chooser now displays properly on high resolution (4K) displays. ALS-3458
- The Curve & COS Offset and Surface Offset tools now maintain continuity, even for trimmed surfaces. A Keep Continuity option was added to the Curve & COS Offset tool. ALS-1517, ALS-4294, ALS-5125, ALS-6187, ALS-6217
- The performance of the Offset tools has been significantly improved. ALS-6216
- You can now consistently turn off Control Panel > Curvature U and V display. ALS-1704
- We fixed a problem where snapping a CV to a hull snaps to the former selected hull when the right mouse button is set to unpick. ALS-2891
- We improved the performance of capturing pictures in the Variant Lister. Self Shadow can be used without affecting the speed. ALS-3874
- Surface Orientation (Visual and Geometric) now displays correctly when highlights are set to Accurate in Diagnostic Shade. ALS-4603, ALS-6772
- You can now skin symmetric curves with the Skin tool when Chain Select is not selected. ALS-5335, ALS-5409
- Alias no longer fails to trim when the curve tolerance is loose. ALS-5464
- Using Transform CV in NUV mode in the U direction on the endpoint CVs of a curve now works properly. ALS-5683
- Alias no longer crashes with Create History selected when you trim a selection created with the Array tool. ALS-6079
- We fixed a problem that cause Alias to crash when using the Mesh Offset tool. ALS-6207
- We fixed a problem that caused Alias to crash when using the Mesh Project Curve and Mesh Project Normal curves. ALS-6339
- We fixed a memory leak that caused an Out of memory error when working with surfaces created from mesh. ALS-6562
- Merge Shaders now works with hidden objects. ALS-6188
- Environment mapping now has the same orientation in Alias as it does in VRED. ALS-6372
Data Transfer
- NX shelled geometry can now be shaded in Alias without first unstitching. ALS-1793
- Surfaces stitched in Alias now translate to NX cleanly. ALS-1805
- CATIA data now imports correctly. ALS-3878
- DXF files now import at the correct size and files exported to DXF can now be opened by other CAD systems without errors. ALS-4349
- The model tree structure no longer breaks when exporting to CATIA. ALS-4622
- Unexpected curves no longer appear in imported CATIA files. ALS-6038
- Layers with the same name are no longer merged automatically when importing multiple CATIA 5 files. If you want them merged, use the new Merge Layers option. ALS-6690
- We enhanced the built-in CATIA V5 exporter. ALS-6844
Benefits include:
- tighter tolerances for stitching
- ability to export Annotations, Construction Planes, and (nested groups) to Catia (nested) Geometric sets
- mapping of Alias Shaders to CATIA V5 materials
To use the built-in CATIA V5 exporter rather than the default AlToC5.exe translator, set the environment variable ALIAS_CATIA5_EXPORT_ATF to any value.
Note that with the enhanced functionality, performance may not be as good as with the default translator.
- Lines no longer flicker when hardware anti-alias is set to 4x (WindowDisplay > Anti-Alias > Hardware Anti-Alias ). ALS-4642, ALS-5715
- Problems with Autodesk Desktop Analytics (ADP) have been fixed. The Autodesk Analytics Client Service no longer starts every few minutes. ADP no longer uses increasing amounts of memory. ALS-4663, ALS-5539
- When you paste to a new layer with the Always Ask option selected and by mistake enter an existing layer name, the copied objects are not pasted to that layer. Instead, a new layer is automatically created based on the name you entered. ALS-6059
- The pick chooser now displays properly on high resolution (4K) displays. ALS-3458
- The Curve & COS Offset and Surface Offset tools now maintain continuity, even for trimmed surfaces. A Keep Continuity option was added to the Curve & COS Offset tool. ALS-1517, ALS-4294, ALS-5125, ALS-6187, ALS-6217
- The performance of the Offset tools has been significantly improved. ALS-6216
- You can now consistently turn off Control Panel > Curvature U and V display. ALS-1704
- We fixed a problem where snapping a CV to a hull snaps to the former selected hull when the right mouse button is set to unpick. ALS-2891
- We improved the performance of capturing pictures in the Variant Lister. Self Shadow can be used without affecting the speed. ALS-3874
- Surface Orientation (Visual and Geometric) now displays correctly when highlights are set to Accurate in Diagnostic Shade. ALS-4603, ALS-6772
- You can now skin symmetric curves with the Skin tool when Chain Select is not selected. ALS-5335, ALS-5409
- Alias no longer fails to trim when the curve tolerance is loose. ALS-5464
- Using Transform CV in NUV mode in the U direction on the endpoint CVs of a curve now works properly. ALS-5683
- Alias no longer crashes with Create History selected when you trim a selection created with the Array tool. ALS-6079
- We fixed a problem that cause Alias to crash when using the Mesh Offset tool. ALS-6207
- We fixed a problem that caused Alias to crash when using the Mesh Project Curve and Mesh Project Normal curves. ALS-6339
- We fixed a memory leak that caused an Out of memory error when working with surfaces created from mesh. ALS-6562
- Merge Shaders now works with hidden objects. ALS-6188
- Environment mapping now has the same orientation in Alias as it does in VRED. ALS-6372
Data Transfer
- NX shelled geometry can now be shaded in Alias without first unstitching. ALS-1793
- Surfaces stitched in Alias now translate to NX cleanly. ALS-1805
- CATIA data now imports correctly. ALS-3878
- DXF files now import at the correct size and files exported to DXF can now be opened by other CAD systems without errors. ALS-4349
- The model tree structure no longer breaks when exporting to CATIA. ALS-4622
- Unexpected curves no longer appear in imported CATIA files. ALS-6038
- Layers with the same name are no longer merged automatically when importing multiple CATIA 5 files. If you want them merged, use the new Merge Layers option. ALS-6690
- We enhanced the built-in CATIA V5 exporter. ALS-6844
Benefits include:
- tighter tolerances for stitching
- ability to export Annotations, Construction Planes, and (nested groups) to Catia (nested) Geometric sets
- mapping of Alias Shaders to CATIA V5 materials
To use the built-in CATIA V5 exporter rather than the default AlToC5.exe translator, set the environment variable ALIAS_CATIA5_EXPORT_ATF to any value.
Note that with the enhanced functionality, performance may not be as good as with the default translator.
About Autodesk Alias product family. Autodesk Alias Design, Autodesk Alias Surface, Autodesk Alias AutoStudio, Autodesk Alias SpeedForm and Autodesk Alias Concept software—support concept visual communication, design modeling, technical surfacing, reverse engineering, real-time design visualization, and engineering development collaboration.
Autodesk Alias products, part of the Autodesk solution for Digital Prototyping, power your creative design process with advanced sketching, modeling, and visualization tools.
Autodesk Alias Design, is the base level Alias 3D design software for industrial designers who control the creative product design process: from the initial concept sketch to the final surface models. Industrial designers can quickly go from compelling visual communications to concept modeling to production-quality models all within a hybrid 2D-to-3D workflow. Alias Design software enables industrial designers and creative professionals to collaborate across the variety of teams within product development, from engineering to marketing with its industry-leading sketching, modeling, and visualization tools that help create, communicate and drive innovative designs faster than the competition.
This is a demo on aligning imported models to match alignment in your assembly. Constructions Planes are typically used for aligning the world coordinate system to various positions while building a model but in this demo I show how it can be used to perfectly align models which share the same geometry but not necessarily the same position in space.
About Autodesk. Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.
Product: Autodesk Alias
Version: Desing 2020 build 312
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Software Prerequisites: *
Size: 3.0 Gb
Operating system
- Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)
- Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional (64-bit)
- Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 with Update KB3140245 ( 64-bit)
Autodesk recommends the latest version of the following Web browsers for access to online supplemental content:
- Apple Safari Web browser
- Google Chrome Web browser
- Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser
- Mozilla Firefox Web browser
CPU: 2 GHz 64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor
Graphics hardware:
- Alias General: Supported NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with a minimum of 256 MB dedicated texture memory and DirectX 11 compatible.
- Alias VR: Any NVIDIA or AMD graphics card that is VR Ready certified.
RAM: 8 GB (16 GB recommended)
Disk space:
Free hard disk space required for installation:
- Autodesk Alias AutoStudio: 10 GB
- Autodesk Alias Surface: 5 GB
- Autodesk Alias Design: 5 GB
Pointing device:
- Three-button mouse
- Wacom graphics tablet for sketching (optional)
Optional Hardware: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Windows Mixed Reality devices
.NET Framework: .NET Framework Version 4.6 for Windows
- Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)
- Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional (64-bit)
- Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 with Update KB3140245 ( 64-bit)
Autodesk recommends the latest version of the following Web browsers for access to online supplemental content:
- Apple Safari Web browser
- Google Chrome Web browser
- Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser
- Mozilla Firefox Web browser
CPU: 2 GHz 64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor
Graphics hardware:
- Alias General: Supported NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with a minimum of 256 MB dedicated texture memory and DirectX 11 compatible.
- Alias VR: Any NVIDIA or AMD graphics card that is VR Ready certified.
RAM: 8 GB (16 GB recommended)
Disk space:
Free hard disk space required for installation:
- Autodesk Alias AutoStudio: 10 GB
- Autodesk Alias Surface: 5 GB
- Autodesk Alias Design: 5 GB
Pointing device:
- Three-button mouse
- Wacom graphics tablet for sketching (optional)
Optional Hardware: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Windows Mixed Reality devices
.NET Framework: .NET Framework Version 4.6 for Windows
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