Jaguar Enthusiast – September 2013
English | 132 pages | TruePDF | 50.8 MB
English | 132 pages | TruePDF | 50.8 MB
Although before my time I think it was Bing Crosby who sang that song ‘Gone Fishing’ relating to a man’s obsessive hobby to take him away from the chores of everyday life. Maybe some of us ‘do’ fi shing as well, we, of course, have our Jaguars to enjoy and this year has been no exception. I therefore make no apologies for the amount of space devoted in
this issue to tours, runs and events. It’s been an amazing year despite the
disappointing economic climate, peoples’ worries about jobs and expenses. The weather came good for most of us and with such a wealth of events taking place, it has been good to see so many Jaguar enthusiasts out there enjoying their cars. As most of you know I do cover a high mileage each year and I have found it disappointing not to see many classics, Jaguar or otherwise, out there in regular use. Perhaps this is a sign of the times. This, however, hasn’t aff ected the turnout at our events thank goodness and with an ever expanding range of events to go to, they off er something for everyone. For those who still want to sit in a field, look at the cars, enjoy a picnic and chat with other members/enthusiasts, that’s ok, but read some of the reports in this issue, and you can identify so many diff erent types of to enjoy with your Jaguar, classic or modern. That is one of the strong points of our Club, in that it doesn’t matter if you own a fi ve fi gure E-type or a few hundred pounds worth of XJ40 or even a brand new model, we cater for everyone,
and the Club is all the better for it. The summer seems to be passing so
quickly and by the time most of you read this magazine, we will have enjoyed the Club’s southern day at Littlecote, a full report on which will appear in the October issue.