Hi-Fi News – January 2019

Posted By: Inshuf

Hi-Fi News – January 2019
English | 148 pages | True PDF | 26.6 MB

"In news and opinion this month, Premium pre/powers from Chord, Wilson re-works Sasha speaker, EX-8 ‘hub’ amp from Ayre, plus a hybrid integrated from Unison Research. In opinion we have comment and analysis as Barry Fox, Barry Willis, Jim Lesurf, Steve Harris and Andrew Everard consider the hot audio topics of the day. We review TechDAS Air Force V, Company ups the ante for high-end turntables with a mega-deck that’s more affordable than you’ll think. McIntosh MA252,
Compact hybrid stereo integrated hits the sweet spot with its mix of lifelike, liquid and rhythmic sound…and much more! "