Good Woodworking - May 2017
English | 92 pages | True PDF | 19.0 MB
English | 92 pages | True PDF | 19.0 MB
After many months, we finally announce the winners of our Felder competition, and front cover star is first place winner, Nathan Millar, whose cabinet on stand stunned the judges. We also have some great outdoor projects for you to make, just in time for summer, including Michael McCrory’s cedar glider bench and Peter Harrison’s Adirondack-style deck chair, which can be completely disassembled. We also have part 1 of Shaun Newman’s Appalachian dulcimer build, Les Thorne turns two lovely bowls for charity and Phil Davy undertakes some spring DIY jobs. As far as technical articles go, John Bullar extolls the virtues of the router and how it can be used for all manner of furniture making tasks, and Peter Bishop’s final article in his beginners’ guide to power tools series sees him looking at the subject of buying and using small bandsaws. In ‘People and Places’, we take a closer look at Jan Waterston’s award-winning ‘Velo’ chair, which is this month’s ‘Centrefold’, and in ‘End-Grain’, our new back-page series penned by Edward Hopkins, we ask the question: metric or imperial, which is best for woodworking? Andy King also reviews some brand-new kit, and some old favourites, including the Trend CRT/MK3 router table, which scoops the full five stars. He also takes a look at the DeWalt DCP580P2 brushless planer and the Asahi Free-Way coping saw, which is capable of multi-direction cutting. As well as all this we also
have your usual favourite pages, including news and courses, letters and makers, next month, as well as a great competition from IRWIN Tools. There’s lots to enjoy and get your teeth into, so pick up your copy today or why not subscribe? Enjoy!