BBC Sky at Night Magazine – May 2021
English | 102 pages | PDF | 34.2 MB
English | 102 pages | PDF | 34.2 MB
Wide-field wonders: Track down the treasures of Cygnus with binoculars |
A forecast for the Sun: The challenge of predicting when solar activity will peak | Picture the planets: Capture the worlds of the Solar System with our guide | Refining Hubble: The imagers enhancing space mission photos | Dawn of the Universe: 20 years since WMAP viewed the early cosmos | Mystery Mars cloud: The Red Planet’s 1,800km-long weather feature revealed for the first time | Parliament’s light pollution plan: MPs’ proposals to preserve our dark skies | PLUS Extra online: Listen to an interview with astronomer Heino Falcke as he reveals how an Earth-sized telescope imaged the black hole in galaxy M87 | Watch The Sky at Night: The one where Maggie and Chris investigate the discovery of the Winchcombe meteorite | Watch the virtual planetarium, a video guide to the month’s top night sky sights.