GraphicRiver - Oil Paint Photoshop ActionPhotoshop ATN | CS6+ | 1 MB
Minimum Requirement Photoshop CS6! This action works in Photoshop cs6 or greater versions
Five(5) actions in one(1) set.
-Load "Oil_Paint.atn" in photoshop
-For first two actions, just open any picture and play action.
-For other three actions, Open any picture in photoshop and click on new layer
-Select brush, paint the area that you want to visible then click on action, it's done. (tutorial available link below)
-This action use on any photo/image landscape, portrait, buildings, outdoor, interior, on full body, on the face. best for trees, forest, and hairy pictures Nice effect I am sure you like it.
-Set Name: Oil_Paint -Actions Name: oil-paint, oil-paint-wg(oil paint with noise detail), oil-paint-wb(need to brush), oil-paint-wbg(need to brush noise on selected area), oil-paint-wbng(need to brush no noise on selected area)
Tutorial: PAGE