Face2Face 2nd Edition Collection
2013 | PDF (ebook) + MP3 (Audio CD) + ISO (DVD) + MP4 (DVD Video)
Elementary to Upper-Intermediate | English | 9 Gb
Genre: English Language Course
2013 | PDF (ebook) + MP3 (Audio CD) + ISO (DVD) + MP4 (DVD Video)
Elementary to Upper-Intermediate | English | 9 Gb
Genre: English Language Course
Face2Face is a general English course for adults and young adults. face2face Classware offers you an exciting way to use the Student's Book material in class. Whether you've got a computer and projector or an interactive whiteboard, this classroom software facilitates 'heads-up' teaching, encouraging your students to interact even more with each other - and with their learning material. As well as containing all of the lessons from the Student's Book, the video from the Student's Book CD-ROM and the class listenings plus audio scripts, the face2face Classware also includes a phoneme chart and pop-up dictionary. Comprehensive teacher's tips make sure you get the most out of this new classroom software.
Face2face Second edition is a fully updated and redesigned edition of this, best-selling general English course for adults and young adults .who want to learn quickly and effectively in today's world. Based on the communicative approach, it combines the best current methodology with innovative new features designed to make learning and teaching easier. Vocabulary and grammar are given equal importance and there is a strong focus on listening and speaking in social situations.
What is included in this pack:
Student’s book
Class Audio
Workbook with key
Written PT Questions
Student’s book
Class Audio
DVD Video
Teaching Notes & Photocopiable Materials
Student’s book
Audio CD
DVD Video
Workbook with Key
Teaching Notes & Photocopiable Materials
Student’s Book
Audio CD
DVD Video
Workbook with Key
Teaching Notes & Photocopiable Materials
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