Acoustic Enlightenment [Repost]

Posted By: IrGens

Acoustic Enlightenment
.MP4, MPEG4, 1000 kbps, 720x480 | English, AAC, 152 kbps, 2 Ch | 3 hours | + Tabs | 759 MB
Instructor: Jimmy Dillon

In 3 Hours, Double Your Acoustic Skills Without Practicing For Years By Using These Enlightened Guitar Secrets. Learn one of the most important secrets of great acoustic guitar playing: It’s how to change from chord to chord by using sweet sounding transitions. Jimmy doesn’t focus on scales and chops when he teaches. The fact is, if you’ve been playing for longer than a few months, you already have some chops.

Jimmy Dillon is one of the most in-demand guitar pros in San Francisco because his rock-solid bag of tricks works every time he steps on stage and walks in the studio. Jimmy’s the perfect teacher: Not too fast but not too slow. He really tears every riff apart and shows you every little nuance in an easy to understand language. You gotta love that.

Jimmy shows you how to play some lively, rootsy acoustic jams sprinkled with some really cool “chime sounds”. It’s a hot hybrid that you should definitely have in your repertoire. Create some soulful, masterful Celtic sounds that will warm your heart and conjure ancient spirits. Instantly transport your sound into the Emerald Island by using Jimmy’s patented Celtic tricks with sexy sliding chords. Watch the epic jam that Jimmy does to show you all of the secrets in action that he teaches with a full band including: a 2nd guitar, piano, mandolin, and harmonica.

You’re not just getting 3 jam-packed DVDs. You’re also getting tabs showing you all the examples, licks, and songs…