"Quantum Mechanics" ed. by Paul Bracken

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"Quantum Mechanics" ed. by Paul Bracken
ITExLi | 2020 | ISBN: 839680458 9781839680458 183968044X 9781839680441 1839680466 9781839680465 | 252 pages | PDF | 11 MB

This book covers such topics as complex space forms of quantum mechanics, entropy in quantum mechanics, and equations of relativistic quantum mechanics as well as applications of quantum mechanics to more complicated situations.

Quantum mechanics touches all areas of physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering. It has emerged as a tool for researching and developing new technology that has had a deep impact on modern life. An essential ingredient of quantum mechanics is the role of the observer and the duality between particle and wave properties of matter at very small scales. Written by international experts, the book illustrates the wide scope, influence, and applicability of quantum mechanics.

1. Dipolar Interactions: Hyperfine Structure Interaction and Fine Structure Interactions
2. Exactly Solvable Problems in Quantum Mechanics
3. Transitions between Stationary States and the Measurement Problem
4. Uncertainty Relations
5. Complex Space Nature of the Quantum World: Return Causality to Quantum Mechanics
6. Entropy in Quantum Mechanics and Applications to Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
7. Equations of Relativistic and Quantum Mechanics (without Spin)
8. Nature of Temporal (t > 0) Quantum Theory: Part I
9. Nature of Temporal (t > 0) Quantum Theory: Part II
10. Analysis of Quantum Confinement and Carrier Transport of Nano-Transistor in Quantum Mechanics
11. Development of Supersymmetric Background/Local Gauge Field Theory of Nucleon Based on Coupling of Electromagnetism with the Nucleon’s Background Space-Time Frame: The Physics beyond the Standard Model
12. Realization of the Quantum Confinement

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